I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
1. Can you give any hints to what the future may hold AFTER TTK? 2. What race do you like most after they've been takenized? 3. How strong is Oryx compared to other bosses? (Atheon, Crota, Skolas, etc) 4. Can you give any information on what role the Fallen will play in TTK? 5. Ghost Shells, how do we get new ones and is there a special way to upgrade them? What 'perks' will new Ghost Shells have? 6. What are Artifacts? 7. How will our Year One Exotics be affected in TTK? Will they have new purpose or just increased damage? Will we be seeing different variants for example, Thunderlord in Year Two can be a Solar Thunderlord instead of Arc? 8. New Faction Quests, what will they mean for already ranked players? Will there be new ranks to achieve or will they not affect Rank 3+ players? 9. Besides new Ghost Shells, what new variants of player customization will be added in TTK? 10. Will our ships have any new purpose in TTK? 11. Somewhat on the note of ships, any info on that space battle? 12. We still haven't seen all the new Exotic weapons and very little Exotic armor. Will you be able to show some more?