Perhaps the most important question which can easily stop people from BUYING TTK is the prices for Gamers Abroad.
In the UK, you can buy just TTK for £40 as a digital download.
BUT if you Buy Destiny Legendary Edition which comes with The Dark Below + House of Wolves + The Taken King, it costs you... £40.
Why is this a thing?
AND, $40 equates to around £25.50. I understand you have to charge more for physical copies as you need to pay postage and taxes but £14.50 more!?! AND what about the digital copies!?!
These are the questions you need to get answers for Cozmo! Please pass this onto the Steamers tomorrow and see what they say. TTK looks amazing but I'd love to hear a price reduction for gamers abroad. Even just the Digital Downloads. Having to pay nearly double for the less content (No Red Bull Codes!) is ridiculous!
Please up vote this so Cozmo and Deej can see. This NEEDS answering and shouldn't be ignored!
You realize that exchange rates fluctuate daily right?
I know rates fluctuate but $40 will not make £40 within next month. I'd happily settle for £30. I doesn't NEED to be £25.50 that's just the accurate exchange for today. 19/08/2015.
Edited by MeTalOneOEight: 8/19/2015 1:02:14 PMWell, look at the exchange course for the last year: Now calculate the 20% VAT out of the 40GBP, you get 33.33333. To get the $40 to 33.33 GBP the exchange course must have been 1.2. And you can see the exchange course was not even under 1.4 over the last year, in that interval where they fixed the price. My recommendation for UK users on Xbox One, set your console to Germany, buy TTK in the German Xbox store for 40€. Remember: you are still in the EU…
By about one cent either way.
An answer would be great, thanks in advance
This is an Activision question
Bump, sort the -blam!-ing pricing out or at least stop avoiding the -blam!-ing subject.