I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
1. Are faction ghost shells/sparrows in TK? 2. Faction exotics were data-mined ages ago, what ever happened to them? 3. Will we ever see a new faction, *cough* Seven Seraphs? 4. Does a higher rank determine a better loot drop from faction/cryptarch packages? 5. What does 'Achieve high rank to earn rewards' actually mean in the faction Reputation text when there arent any rewards past rank 3 as its all RNG based? 6. We are getting a new patrol area but whats happening to patrol bounties on the previous planets? Any changes, new ones? 7. What materials can we exchange for faction rep and how much does each one specifically give? and the most important one... 8. Is the tower getting a new ball/graphic change for year 2? ;)