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originally posted in: Does anyone dislike Halo?
8/18/2015 5:04:52 PM
Better question: If you LIKED HALO; WHY do you hate destiny? Best guns in halo: Magnum Snipers Shotguns Rockets Sword Best in destiny: Hand cannons Snipers Shotguns Rockets Supers (arc blade?!) Jump physics= same Bullet physics= same Ghost vs pike/ cabal tank (similar no?!) Shields + HP= same Overshields= same Invisibility= same (Same not as in same use but same physics and modeling and effects)

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  • Edited by AngryTank Killa: 8/21/2015 3:59:20 AM
    All you bring up is mechanics, models, and physics, etc. But you are forgetting that halo has. More variety to it than Destiny does like assassinations where's the equal to that oh wait there isn't and btw I haven't seen a single map in halo where they don't put weapons that make the game off balanced they always have guns that can make a certain target with some super strong weapon able to be killed with stickies or some vehicle so really the game isn't off balanced it's the player skill that matters cause everything is fair game cause everyone can pick up that op weapon you just got to have skill to be good, on the other hand you have destiny where you have to spend hours to get some op weapon and you don't even need be so skilled cause theirs so many guns that have tracking explosive rounds and final shot or whatever it's called which makes any target easy to kill and not much skill put into the game as where halo if you aren't good you won't do well so destiny has to many unbalanced weapons that they never saw why cause they couldn't the game is so unbalanced that they can't even tell what would be op to have and you can have that op gear wherever you are in halo you die or run out of ammo with that weapon/vehicle, you have to find it again

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  • Yea mechanics are what make the game so if the mechanics in one game are the same as the next: its the same dam game Yea models and game modes are different; they r still working with the same mechanics Yes each has its unique stuff in it On halo u get rockets you win U get sword or hammer you win Unless your an idiot Yes jus like any game each weapon has its rock paper scissors counter part; Even destiny has it Yea destiny needs massive weapon balancing; hence tuning 2.0 (not all attributes of that update are negative so its not a pure nerf, blink nerf however is a pure nerf) Yea supers are a bit unfair at times; they are destiny's version of kill streaks But guess what, every player has grenades plus special melee plus supers Destiny due to customization through percs has MUCH more variation to load out and play style than halo. Would be nice if destiny had more play modes Yet destiny full story in vanilla+ all DLC pre TTK is still 20-30 hours worth of play time on normal difficulty with player level at same level as the mission. Much longer than ONE halo game story mission load out minus cutscenes. Plus then there are strikes and raids. Not sayin one is necessarily better than the other, just that they ARE made using the same exact mechanics and destiny has MORE content which is MORE customizable. Yes the game play modes are different; they are still cut from the same deck of cards so to say.

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  • You answered your own question. It borrows nearly everything from Halo, but completely tears down its competitive nature.

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  • Lol no; The games use the same mechs, i listed examples of that My question; Why hate destiny if you liked halo? (They are made with same stuff) Your response; Halo more competitive: I think not! You get sniper or rocket or over shield or invis or (titan bubble) or hammer or sword in halo and you own EVERY ONE ELSE period. Not to mention dirty screen lookers + THE SAME RADAR SYSTEM halo is actually LESS competitive.

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  • You are really ignorant

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  • Ok guy look at it this way; How many card games can you play with one deck of poker cards? The games change; Doesnt change the fact that YOU USE THE SAME CARDS Im not jus talkin (they were both made with unreal engine on destiny vs halo; im sayin they use THE SAME EXACT MECHS AND PHYSICS CARRIED OVER CUZ THEY DO)

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  • You posted in your post that they were same in effect, but not use. Now you're saying they are virtually the same? The role and function of the weapons and mechanics you listed differ extremely from game to game. Halo has equal starts that spawn you in only with starter weapons, and force you to fight over the power weapons that spawn on the map. Destiny spawns you in with all the weapons you can use, as well as a slowly recharging one shot/revive/shielding ability. Weapons in Destiny call all be aim down scoped, making them considerably more powerful at longer range. Even in Halo 5, ADS only provides a slightly longer range and, with auto rifles, a slightly reduced bullet spread. That's just some of the differences. I've already written a wall of text and don't want to make a Great Wall of china.

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  • Halo's campaign missions you start with a set of weapons, and have to find weapons throughout. Destiny, you have whatever weapons you want when you want. Halo's story is MUCH better. No grinding to unlock guns in Halo. No sprint/non-scope ADS in Halo Different grenade mechanics No "super-melee" in Halo No classes in Halo No armor abilities in Destiny Etc. The two games have a lot in common, but a lot of differences, as well, that you could like one and not the other is easily understandable. I personally like both, but I think Halo's a bit better. (and understandably so, since it's 6+ games in)

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  • Edited by DarthBrando: 8/21/2015 2:47:47 AM
    Yea there are some differences but; Sword and hammer are in halo Person who picks up the OP weapons or invis/overshields owns every one else Halo sword uses same mechs as arc blade regarding dash melee Halo hammer uses same mechs as fist of havoc Halo personal shield field = ward of dawn Halo 3 story (cortana goes nutz that one idk if 3/4) story is told same way as destiny with a few cutscenes but mostly cortana blabbing while you fight instead of ghost blabbing while you fight Stuff like that Also YOU CAN AIM ANY HALO GUN UNLESS DUAL WIELDING! READ GAME MANUAL

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  • You do not have traditional ADS in Halo. Some weapons have scopes, but other than those shooting disables the ADS. Anyhow, even the smallest differences can make one game likable and the other one despised, that was my point.

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  • Ads is not auto aim or aim acquisition increase! All guns in halo unless dual wielded can be aimed Yea destiny has auto aim plus better auto aim acquisition while aiming and YEA IT BLOWS But ADS= aim down sights Not aim down + auto aim

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  • Hence the "traditional".

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  • Unreal tourney came with aim down sights in the 90s if auto aim was disabled there was 0 aim acquisition increase Ads + aim acquisition increase IS NOT TRADITIONAL its call of duty/medal of honor originated: Unreal tourney came out FIRST

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  • Well, I still don't consider most Halo guns to have ADS, because you aren't aiming the weapon, you're zooming with your helmet. ZDS, maybe.

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  • Pistol and a few others the gun hand moves position to more centered an yea its HUD aim but its still AIM

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  • Really? Aside from the scoped ones I've never noticed that. o.o I always saw it more of an area-scan (like first-person views in platformer games) rather than aiming.

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  • With some of the guns yea it zooms on player hud thru the helm but at least in halo 1-3 when aiming with the:(non dual wield) Magnum Plasma pistol Needler Shotgun Submachine gun pistol The hand with gun moves to center of screen and you look down iron sights

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  • I don't remember that for the Needler or shotgun. :o

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  • Not 100% sure on needler but I AM CERTAIN on shot gun (shot gun has 2 green dot night sights in back and a over the top hoop on front sight)

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  • Huh.. I'll have to look at that when I play Halo next.

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  • I personally don't hate Destiny, but I don't find it to be worth the money it is. I play it very often and even purchased the DLC, just because I enjoy playing it with friends though. Destiny is an MMOFPS or whatever they called it, while Halo is just an FPS. Compared to Halo, Destiny's PvP is trash and even more unbalanced than Halo: Reach and Halo 4. Halo has a story while Destiny has no legitimate story. I wouldn't compare the games because they are totally different.

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  • What difference is there between halo pvp and destiny? I honestly cant find one regarding game mechanics (not counting errors but pure game aspects)

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  • One is Halo, one is Destiny. They play very differently.

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  • Really? Is that why Destiny Vs Halo Handcannon= magnum Sniper=sniper Shotgun=shotgun Rocket=rocket Pike=ghost Jump gravity is same Melee mechanics are the same Invisibility is done the same Shields are the same Overshields are the same Titan bubble is in halo 3 (force field) Bullet mechanics ARE the same Other than maps, skins, item looks, acouple of numbers on the damage tables and item/weapon spreads are different but Game mechanics ARE the same Halo 4 story was done same way as destiny: Cortana talked while you did stuff Ghost talked while you did stuff Thats the same

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  • That's similarity, not a replica. They have much in common, but they do not play the same. At all.

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