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Edited by iSociopath: 8/15/2015 5:49:04 PM
Bungie appears to be considering the problem on the surface level and therefore, missing the point at a deeper level which has touched a nerve for the year one player community. This issue isn't just about weapons and gear. For example, let's assume for the sake of argument that we will all be pleasently surprised with the new weapons and gear and happy our Guardians are more powerful. You appear to be forgetting a fundamental aspect of human behavior and thus, how it relates to game play (for every game) -- choice. For the past year we have been exploring, growing, and adjusting our own playing styles using the items we've had to grind for. We have CHOSEN to use specific weapons and gear because those individual items highlight specific style and preference. By taking our year one weapons and gear away you appear to be taking away our **choices** and forcing us to use items which may or may not affect our style of game play. Some have explicit weapons they've spent hundreds of hours and Modes of Light to get exactly perfect to their game play style (i.e. Galleons Demise with Explosive Rounds and Grenadier on a Warlock). But making that weapon and related gear obsolete you are taking away the choice from those players whom **want** to play with those items as they highlight their style and specific game play. Therefore, you are forcing a player to abandon their preferences and their **choice** of playing style and thus, you are leaving them without a reason to continue playing **your** game. These players will go somewhere else. This is especially problematic with TTK since it was/is marketed as, and **supposed** to be, a DLC...not a "new" game, You want to change the entire game, fine, do it in Destiny 2 where the player base can **choose** whether or not to play the new game. So, not about weapons and gear Bungie, its about **choice** and you appear to be taking that away from year one players and perception is reality until proven otherwise. Will you change our perception in five (5) days? Let's hope so, but the **choice** issue remains and people I know are already **choosing** to explore playing new or different games simply based on the perception you are ruining all year one items we had to grind for.

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