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8/14/2015 11:26:16 PM
Think about it, the game is what it is, there is nothing you can do to change that, just because you dont think its a great game it doesnt mean that it isnt, really, the game is doibg fine as it is, its improving with every update. I guess what i dont understand is if you feel so negatively strong about something why are you still wasting your time on it?

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  • You fail to realize that Bungie themselves actually validate what I have said about the game on the whole, and its because of players like myself who give feedback like this and make a point of bringing matters to the attention of the company that TTK is what it is.

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  • Ok so if they have vaildated your opinion on the game as a whole then how is it that your post contains all the same issues some people have had since day one? Destiny is a game in progress, to try to take credit for what ttk is going to be is sort of absurd, the things theyre implementing i never saw any posts on, the only one where people like you have had some say maybe is with the nerf's and that in most instances has worsened the game.

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  • This video also goes along quite well with the point being made here.

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  • Edited by eleven11911: 8/15/2015 2:43:34 AM
    In your post you say plenty of times how these opinions you showed as examples are just that, opinions, so making a game based on such opinions is biased, wouldnt it be biased if it was changed to fit your opinions? Heres what ive come up with, there is no wrong or right here and everything leads to the same question, obviously you and people who feel like you do feel that youre right and those like me also feel we are right so the question it comes down to is why are people like you sticking around if youre so unhappy? Yes u say you expect more out of this game but it is what it is, you can always have an opinion of the things you would like to see changed or hope to have changed, thats constructive for the game, its when people get pissed and act like whiny kids when they dont get what they wanted that turns any discussion into shit. I know your main concern is the legendaries staying behind for year 2, and i can tell you i agreed with that argument back in the dark below when they werent introducing any new weapons or gear, but thats not the case with ttk, theyre bringing a whole new arsenal and that is a good thing for this game, obviously if the gear thats looking to replace our old gear turns out to be nowhere close to what we had then we have a rightful stance to demand our old gear be able to upgrade but we dont know that yet, i see this as a good thing because its making the devs work harder on bringing new items that will make us forget about the old. Anything new to me is exciting, i dont play this game for the ability to play witht he same gun for months and months, wheres the fun in that..

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  • Edited by VitreousSugar: 8/15/2015 6:37:16 PM
    omg you're retarded

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  • Is that the best you got? You come here with a comment like that and im the retarded one? Lmao gtfo

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  • You're not worth anything more than that ,,every word you write makes me physically ill.

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  • You sound exactly like every single other punk that dwells in this forum, you have no originality, even in the way you insult others , your lines are overused, im guessing youre really young and like to insult people on the internet because its the only place you can without getting your teeth kicked in... and you didnt get my last comment, i was telling you that you are the one thats retarded.

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  • Come try and knock these teeth out kid..

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  • Now are you that retarded that you think im going to click on that?? Kid?? Ok. Theres not much to say here.

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  • Edited by VitreousSugar: 8/15/2015 8:52:00 PM
    Scared little bitch, please don't breed

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  • Youre most definitely a teenager. Carry on..

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  • That the best you have? lol what a tool

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  • I clicked on the link, lmao and you call me the tool?! Hahah you have got to be fukcing kidding me, everything about you screams fukcing tool! All your tweets are about Destiny, this game is all you do besides making fukcing tea! Get the fukc out of here with that shit man, youre a fukcing joke of a human being!

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  • Oh is that what this is? Is this to see who can throw out the worst insult? Seriously i hope for your sake that you are a teenager because if you are a grown man i actually would feel bad for you.

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  • cry me a salty river junior

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  • There's a large difference here. While they are my opinion, I'm willing to put them out there and say "alright, lets talk this out." I'm going from having an opinion to wanting a debate. I want to sit down and debate these decisions and determine what is right, what is wrong, what needs to change and what needs to stay the same. Where they can improve, what they can take from said opinions and if we can find a middle ground so that everyone is happy. Because right now? As it stands, its either one way or the other. Its either some are happy and others are just screwed. I don't agree with that notion, I would much rather advocate for everyone being happy, ya know? And its not something that is impossible, it all comes down to finding that middle ground, but that is only possible by having said discussion.

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  • No matter what happens there will always be someone unhappy, that i can guarantee. It is impossible to make everyone happy.

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  • Personal experience says otherwise, at least for me. But we also have to keep in mind who we're talking about too. I mean when someone says "Titan Shoulder Charge is OP, Nerf it", while that is a valid opinion and feedback... If we were to subject it to the same kind of discussion and debate its merit, I doubt we would find much stock to it. But that's what I mean about sitting down and having a talk about such things.

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  • Except for the fact that you aren't taking into account that back in 2013 we had a much different game than what we got. It might be a game in progress, but the developer is well seasoned in the genre. Add to that that they had well over $100 million for a development budget (according to Bungie) and there really isn't any actual excuse. As for the things people were complaining about in the community "everywhere" (not just here)? 1: The Lack of Story. TTK is completely revamping the entire experience along with the base game. 2: More cinematics. TTK is introducing more cinematics to the base game and the rest of the experience altogether. 3: Implementing the Grimoire Cards. TTK now has the game's lore actually IN the game environments for you to explore. 4: New Sub-Class. TTK is finally releasing the third sub-class for characters which is something people were bringing up a year ago and off and on since then. 5: Character Preview. TTK not allows players to rotate their characters while previewing armor and class items. 6: Horrible Mission/Quest System. TTK completely revamps this system. There are plenty of other things too. However, TTK is not perfect and it does repeat past mistakes that had caused problems with people back in Dark Below, such as trying to render older weapons and armor obsolete.

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