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Edited by Phreezer: 8/14/2015 4:47:02 PM
You do realize that this will be completely ignored right? You're about as likely to get a "sit down" with Bungie over this as you are to win the powerball. Honestly, it comes off pretentious too.. "convince me to stay" "does Bungje really care about time invested".. There are still thousands upon thousands of people who like destiny and will continue to play destiny and after the collector's edition hits with a good price there will be thousands upon thousands more who will begin new. It's just a game dude.. a video game.. That's it. 99% of the buyers of this game out there feel the same way. it's just a video game and the general consensus of everyday run of the mill players that don't hang out on the forums is that it's a game to be played until it isn't fun to play anymore.. then you trade it in or sit on a shelf and start playing something else. Personally I am looking forward to quite a few of the upcoming changes and I am not sweating the new weapons because I believe they'll be better than my current raid weapons. Gameinformer has already said that many of the green guns they picked up out powered their maxed raid weapons. I have a hard time understanding why this video game is different than any other video game that's out there.. play until it's not fun anymore then go play something else. I say the more the merrier when it comes to destiny.. and these changes will bring in a ton of new players. And that's good for everybody that loves to play. I don't want it to be some select hardcore only players club. I know that after writing this I will get flamed, insulted and attacked and accused of being bungie's concubine and that's ok.. I expect it because this is the internet and message boards in general are a conveinant medium for angry and argumentative people to express their personalities in all of their glory.. some people take this video game way too serious. It's just a game.. this is just the internet... and Bungie along with 99.99% of your fellow gamers couldn't care less if you take your ball and go home. And maybe we were all just beta player/testers.. Ok.. so what? We all still put in hundreds of hours playing a game that no one forced us to play. We made that choice to fire up our consoles and play as much as we have.. Why does Bungie "owe" us anything? We paid for a game.. We have all had plenty of time to play that game and decide if it's something we wanted to invest our time in. Those that didn't feel like it was worth it moved on.. those that didn't played.. And that's what people pay for when they buy video games. IMO if you have hundreds+ hours playing this game.. you have no right to bitch about not getting your monies worth. Hell I loved dark siders and I have maybe 25-30 hours in that game.. I have hundreds of hours on Destiny for basically the same price. I don't feel cheated or owed anything. And I think the vast majority of changes that are coming next month will be a good thing. And I don't understand the I played for hundreds of hours but I didn't enjoy it.. I was frustrated. Well.. why did you play it then? That's like going into Mcdonald's and complaining because you don't like how they changed the big mac and telling them the big mac tasted like crap and you know because you've eaten a big mac every day for a year! And then complain to them for changing the big mac into something tasty because if you bought a crappy tasting hamburger every day for a year then everyone else should have to eat the same crappy hamburger too.. There is no logic in this.. If you didn't have fun.. if you were frustrated.. you should have sold the game or traded it in on something else. Simple. Don't like the changes coming up.. Play something else. The whole "I've played 600 hundred hours and hated almost all of it" argument is ridiculous. Not just ridiculous but stupid. If you hated it so much why did you keep playing it? I quit Evolve after less than an hour.. why? because I didn't like it. I thought it sucked! Why on earth would I play it for 600 hours and then attack Turtle Rock because I played a game I didn't like for 600 hours? That would be all on me. I suppose if it makes you feel better to make anonymous posts on internet message boards about how unhappy you feel.. knock yourself out. Just don't expect anyone to fall all over themselves making you feel better. because it's not going to happen. They've invested so much time and money into these changes that there is absolutely no way they are going to throw them out the window and abandon their business model to make a small percentage of customers happy. Most people who buy this game don't care about these changes as much as you do.. and the new purchasers won't even know about any of this.. nor will they care because they'll be focused on the way the game is when they purchased it. Play it or don't play it.. It's just a video game. Don't pretend you're arguing about an important social issue. Didn't like the way it was but still played it anyway.. well, that was just dumb and 100% on you. Don't want to play the video game with the upcoming changes.. Don't play it. Simple as that. Use the only way that actually matters to express yourself.. Use your wallet. Don't give them money if you think they're a bunch of lying cheating money grubbing assmuches.

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  • Bumpity bump

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  • Can you say douchebag? You say he is acting like it is some sort of important issue yet you are doing the exact same -blam!-ing thing, writing a novel about why people can't have opinions about video games you like.

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  • Ummm... maybe your reading comprehension is poor but I never told anyone they couldn't have an opinion.. I just said don't act like it's an important social issue. It's a video game. And I also said that Bungie will completely ignore him. And I'll even bet you a copy of the taken king that they won't respond to his request for a sit down.. or even acknowledge his request in any way shape or form.

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  • Dont tell people what to do or how to act about things they are passionate about,, who the hell are you, goddamned nobody

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  • So Cosmo responded, can I claim that ttk copy? Lol

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  • Looks like your reading comprehension is just as bad because I never said anything about Bungie acknowledging OP. I was simply pointed out that you are taking OP just as seriously as any social issue and your novel proves it...

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  • huh.. ummm.. Ok man. Not sure I get your argument. BUT you win. I'm a douche. Have a nice day.

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  • No offense, but to be fair you are acting in a similar fashion to what you are accusing. You claim 99.9% and yet we both know you have no real idea what the actual statistics are. Suffice to say that there have been plenty of polls putting forth this issue and each time they remain rather neck and neck, with the majority being against their decision to render older gear obsolete. The rest of your comment is all your personal opinion, which I'll respect. But that is a two way street. You should acknowledge and respect the fact that there are many on here who feel the same way as myself. Whether if its just a video game or not, that shouldn't matter because it is the principle of the thing. And that is something people should be encouraging in any sense, to any degree. Activision doesn't need nor deserve your sympathy.

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  • "44.7% of players haven't decrypted 25 Engrams 66.8% of players haven't equipped an Exotic item 37.3% of players haven't completed a Strike 79.4% of players haven't fully upgraded a Legendary item 36.4% of players haven't ‘observed' another Guardian 77.3% of players haven't completed a Raid"

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  • Yeah, that shit is -blam!-ing craaaaaaazy, bro.

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  • 79.4% of players haven't fully upgraded a Legendary item and nearly the same amount haven't completed a raid but its all matchmaking and not having a Jellyhorns fault right, it couldn't possibly be that the 80% are to lazy to make a clan join a clan use lfg or have upgraded weapons and be prepared to do a nightfall let alone a raid....

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  • Edited by Phreezer: 8/14/2015 10:35:16 PM
    Sure man.. it's opinion.. The part where I claim 99.99% was referring to the amount of destiny players and Bungie staff that would care if you personally took your ball and went home. What was I accusing? I just don't get someone playing for hundreds of hours and then telling the game developer.. you gave me crap.. you owe me something for free or heavily discounted for playing your crappy game.. My only thought was if it was so awful and so crappy why in the world would you spend hundreds of hours of playing it? Someone used a car analogy earlier.. a poor one.. but I'll counter with one of my own. Say you go buy a shiny new car. Drive the hell out of it for a year, put a hundred thousand miles on it. Then the following year the car manufacturer discontinues your model and makes a newer model with more bells and whistles than the car you bought last year. Fixed almost all of the things you didn't like personally about your make and model with their new upgrade. Should you be able to drive that car you've driven for a year back to the dealership and demand a partial refund.. a free upgrade.. a special members only jacket.. (anything for that matter) because you think that car drove like crap and you feel it wasn't the car you thought it was going to be because of the advertising from the manufacturer? Even though you've driven the hell out of it and put heavy miles on it? I mean come on.. In the end.. this is going to be like Sex with Kobe Bryant. You can kick and scream against it all you want..... but it's still gonna happen.

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  • Lemon laws are American state laws that provide a remedy for purchasers of cars and other consumer goods in order to compensate for products that repeatedly fail to meet standards of quality and performance. Although there may be defective products of all sorts ranging from small electrical appliances to huge pieces of machinery, the term "lemon" is generally thought of as applying to defective vehicles such as automobiles, trucks, SUVs, and motorcycles. These vehicles and other goods are called "lemons". The federal lemon law (the Magnuson–Moss Warranty Act) was enacted in 1975 and protects citizens of all states. State lemon laws vary by state and may not necessarily cover used or leased cars, and other goods. The rights afforded to consumers by lemon laws may exceed the warranties expressed in purchase contracts. Lemon law is the common nickname for these laws, but each state has different names for the laws and acts. There are two types of warranties. Express warranties are usually statements in writing such as those provided by the manufacturers in owner's manuals and other written sales or advertising materials, or by a sample or model. Implied warranties are broader in scope and assure consumers that the retail product would meet certain minimum standards of quality whereby the product is fit for use for the purpose intended. In each type the manufacturer assumes the liability and responsibility to correct the defect or to repurchase or replace the product. Federal lemon laws cover anything mechanical. The federal lemon law also provides that the warranter may be obligated to pay the prevailing party's attorney in a successful lemon law suit, as do most state lemon laws.

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  • Nice Family Guy reference. But no, I mean just because people have hours invested in the game doesn't really mean anything.I mean bare in mind, the majority of time spent was Pre-Dark Below. Yeah, its a huge ass grind. Yes, we all had complaints about the game. But we also, for the most part, had the Expansion Pass for the game and were expected to get 2 additional DLCs that we were all hopeful for. So we did put in those hours. Then Dark Below came and said "fuk yo couch!" At which point many stopped playing, like I said. House of Wolves came and we already had the pass, so we checked it out. And what was one of their big marketing bits? A picture of the Fatebringer going from 300 to 365 DMG. Ascending for Legendary Gear was the central focus for HoW and it worked to bring a lot of us back. Then TTK gets announced not long afterwards and we're all wondering "why do they keep putting emphasis on Year 1 stuff?" We keep suspecting, and they kept being silent. Now? We have confirmation of those suspicions. I'm lucky, I didn't keep playing after Dark Below. But others did, so they have a LOT more time sunk into the game than I do, and they stand to lose more than me because of it.

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  • For me its very simple, let me give you an example, on your 18th bday your dad promised you an awesome sports car, a car that you can take anywhere and do alot of magical things, it will cost alot to buy it and maintain its function but you love it. But turns out you got a car which looks good but hollow on the inside. Lies all those lies idk where im going to be exact... For me well Bungie was lying from the start, and i fell for it. I respect your opinion and i accept it but others have theyre own opinion. Btw sory i didnt read all your post

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  • I see where your coming from. The problem is that with the proper marketing they can always skew the market and screw us. If we after some time really don't believe that good video games can be made anymore, who's going to push themselves to deliver something mindblowing? Do you believe that because One Direction is blowing up the charts it is the best music that can be made? What would happen if you took the same amount of cash that goes into production and marketing of the One Direction-bullshit, gave it to a musical genius with a distinguishable style, flare and passion? That genius would probably produce quality and gain some die hard fans. So don't be condescending to the die hard fans who are dissapointed that Bungie sold out. And if you don't get it.... Maybe you just don't get it. Maybe to you the -blam!-ing Mona Lisa is just a dumb broad in a painting. That doesn't mean that you're suddenly the voice of reason. That pobably just means that you don't get it. Get it?

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  • Didn't read all this but I'm with you at the beginning there. Stoked on the changes. ;)

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  • Totally agree-bump!

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  • Bump

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  • You sir, I respect that you decided to come on here and say this. Don't expect anything of the kind from the OP or his followers. I've never seen such an entitled bunch.

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  • Eh. if entitled means i want a game that is and was boasted to be absolutely mind blowing, but ends up being quite repetitive and only keeps me playing because i want to see what the end game is through the grind, THEN gives us the hope of being able to pick and choose the best guns available to be upgraded and made equal to all others in damage, only to have my dreams dashed by guns that do far more damage only because they made them as such, thus making all my hard work for a year obsolete, then yes. I feel entitled. I feel entitled to what i was promised, i feel entitled to a game that is advertised as a 10 year game im going to want to play, and i feel entitled to doing all that i can that is possible to make that game make me want to come back - not because of its marketing, but because of its honest, known content and developers that listen to the suggestions of the community and its opinions on there business practices. You don't buy a new car to find out its just gotten good paint, the miles have been rolled back, the interior had been slightly refurbished to look good but was kinda infested, had temporary air freshener and suddenly its smells terrible in the heat when you use it the next day - without going back to the normally reputable dealer who sold you this car and trying to get them to fix the problem. Or to find out that they wont do anything else to help fix that car - but they will easily try to sell you this OTHER brand new one, promising that they fixed (most) of the problems that plagued your old one. Anyone and everyone would want that first car fixed or the second one they want to sell you at one deep, deep discount. Now apply all of the above to Destiny, and be enlightened.

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  • You don't buy a new car without putting research into it and determining if the value of the car is worth your money. The same can be said with any usage of money. If you don't take the time and effort to research and determine if a product is what you desire before you buy it, the blame is on yourself.

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  • Cars have Lemon Laws.. many of the people here played the Alpha and Beta and were sold on this product by the Developers commentary in the E3 2013 GAME PLAY reveal,,, that's enough homework ,, so you pretty much dont know shit

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  • I know cars have lemons laws, and if you believe the E3 gameplay was enough research to buy a game then it's still your fault you didn't decide to put more research into the product. If you didn't read my later conversation with Tarnus you'd know I think the whole pre-ordering thing needs to be scraped and I believe that because it's a terrible business model and many players invest themselves into games without proper reviews.

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  • There was no more research to be done,, this was a reveal by the developers themselves you are not going to get a better source than that...

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