[b][u]This is b8 m8, so stop the h8[/u][/b](you see what I did there :D)
This is how I really feel:
You all should be a ashamed of yourself. You are buying counterfeit Gjallahorns! Now go and be happy and know you never really EARNED IT LIKE THE PERCENTAGE ABOVE.
You guys are so funny lmaoo. So many tears I LOVEEEE IT! muhahahahahaha!
Edit 2:
For all you hater out there.. I've gotten 10 Gjallahorn's till this day. You will never know the feeling of seeing a Gjallahorn being "earned" by you and being upset about it since you already own 3 maxed out Gjallahorns. Btw I've deleted 6 Gjallahorns. (True story bro)
Xür does what The Nine desires Just like Rahool. They are both in cahoots with The Nine to destroy the guardians from the inside. Their plan is going swimmingly on their part now they wait to watch as guardians slaughter each other will Wolf Pack after Wolf Pack. GUARDIANS CLINGING TO THEIR BELOVED WHITE AND GOLD ROCKET LAUNCHER AS SOLAR ROUNDS OF DEATH CHASE ANOTHER!!! STRANGE COINS LITTER THE STREETS OF THE TOWER AND WHEN ALL THE GUARDIANS DROP THEIR LIFELESS BODIES TO THE FLOOR XÜR AND RAHOOL WILL STAND VICTORIOUS!! GUARDIANS FIGHT THE TRUE ENEMIES HERE!!!