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Edited by Unforgiven: 8/14/2015 5:56:10 AM

I Am Sick of ALL the BUNGIE HATE Lately! Hear Me out!

Honestly getting sick of all the Bungie hate on these forums. And wanted to add my 2 cents. There is no real formula for this type of game. They themselves said that doing a good story is difficult to do. And I kind of agree with them. People complain and ask for things, but are the changes people asking going to really improve the game that much, they might make the game worse. Do you see what I am saying... They cannot take everyone's ideas. A lot of people asked for Horde mode on these forums. Bungie listened and gave us Prison of Elders instead of a raid. And a lot of people ended up hating the Prison of Elders. The weapons are not good, and the gameplay is repetitive. Yes both of those are true. But thats what people asked for. They did ask for it. Trust me. I saw that as top feature request in the forums. Give us horde mode they said, and give us rewards. Now the rewards they are giving out are kind of crap and they wont matter anymore in next expansion. And the gameplay in POE is boring as well. But people asked for it. You want Bungie to listen to you but they did listen and look what we got. They have to pick and choose and make their own decisions. I personally don't mind Bungie messing around and making mistakes, because thats the only way they are going to learn what works. Edit: There are better and more constructive ways to provide feedback. Next time you write something. Try to pretend that your parents are in the room, or if you were speaking to your teacher or an elder, or HECK, pretend you are speaking to a stranger. If you were to speak to me in such a way face to face. I wouldn't even acknowledge you. Try manners. They actually do work. The level of idiocy in the forums lately makes me sad for the human race. [b]+1 if you care enough for the forums, thanks..[/b] Peace

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  • I know right. If someone is laggy because THEIR internet is bad, they blame Bungie, If people die because they can't aim they blame Bungie, if people don't get the weapon or armour they want Bungie gets the blame. It's ridiculous

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  • Heard u out. I could do better, from an idea, story and balance standpoint. Not from a developer standpoint. And I'm just a regular gamer. Poe sucks cause the rewards don't justify the effort. And there's no secrets to unlock or killing this boss this week unlocks a chest, no creativity behind it. Actually almost zero story. All they had to do is make a few arenas and

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    • YEAH! TRUCK BUNGIE!!!... I mean... oh wrong forum. The bungie hate is real though. Personally I'm very excite for the Quality of Life updates coming with TTK. I thought HoW was pretty spiffy with the changes to grind. Now they're taking things farther. It's not about the game getting easier, it's about the life of your guardian becoming less tedious and more legend. Hardcore players can collect gear till they're blue in the face, and the filthy casuals can stay on pay just be playing the little bits and pieces they enjoy! Sounds to me like a win/win even before I'm fully aware of the new content. Long story short: I believe in Bungie. HoW set the stage for me, and I'm pretty sure a lot of other people feel this way.

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      • Great post bro, completely agree with you.

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        2 Replies
        • Bungie has to their credit addressed a few year one issues with year two. I applaud them for that. The light level change, the story change, and a few other bits and bobs. On your PoE/horde mode point. PoE the base idea is fantastic. How it was excited was bad. The repetitive issue is not PoE itself but the individual rotations. Most of them go to the same airlocks over and over. 5 rounds with 3 rounds of the same mob type is excessive. Couple that with 5 different PoE sets(bosses) who deploy that over use of one airlock and you've got some stale game play. The rewards of PoE are not a fault of PoE gameplay but a fault of the devs who handled rewards. Etheric light could perhaps be the cause of such laziness. Would you spend 10 hours developing a great gun just to have it ignored by players because of Fatebringer? Nah, I'd phone it in too. I am less bitchy about the game itself. I am trying to be more open minded to where Bungie ends and Activision begins. But I will say bungies information release style is horrible. Here's some info that's going to create questions, now let's put Deej out there to confuse the subject even more.

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          5 Replies
          • The amount of people upset for them selling ghorn last week was absolutely insane. Some people are just so entitled and can't see the bigger picture. You bet they'll stay just so they can complain though.

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            • I agree, and then there's the people who complain about their fatebringers being obsolete, even though the ascension that people asked for for so long killed the house of wolves' entire loot pool. ascension made the most powerful weapons (vog weapons) even more powerful and there was no reason to use a PoE weapon when you could just upgrade fatebringer. If bungie allowed old year 1 legendaries to be used in the taken king then people are gonna get burned out real quick, because there won't be any excitment for new loot because the vog weapons are just so damn good. people need to slow down, stop crying and look at what's going to happen in the long run of the game before making hateful posts

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            • Yes, I'm sure everyone wanted horde mode to replace the raid. That's such a poor excuse for not putting in a raid into the House of Wolves. Fvck Bungie, Fvck Destiny.

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            • I agree. I just watched Deej defend Destiny's progression in an online interview and it made me sad that instead of celebrating everything they have accomplished, he had to answer questions about Ghallahorn and old raid materials. Don't get me wrong I've become very fond of my VOG weapons and gear, and even went through POE after POE to ascend it all. That said, I still remember my first Vault and Crota and how awesome it was to pull it all off. We should all appreciate the fact that we have a developer willing to listen to the fan base, and in turn, make the changes we all ask for. Ex. Xur just sold Ghorn. I had mine already. Took me nearly a year to get it but, I had friends who had been playing since day one who just bought it last weekend; and I thank Bungie for them. I say keep it coming Bungie and those of us who don't just see a billion things to gripe about will be singing your praise!

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              • First of all no one asked for garbage weapons but they still gave it out anyways, that's like digging their own grave like they wanted people to be pissed about it, and to complete the prison on hard could literally take hours with no check points. That's on bungie for not thinking it through, that's also one of the reason I don't play prison of elders anymore because you can get three players but if something comes up for one of them you can't leave or come back to it later. Secondly, I think prison of elders is great I got no problems with it just wish they have check points that's all. What frustrates me about this game is the over priced DLC and the constant weapon patches, and that seems to be the main complaints I see on the forum. Why is there a need to constantly adjust weapons? Why wasn't it tested? Everything about the PVP aspects of this game is just frustrating. It's especially frustrating now because of trials of Osiris, you can't use the weapons you like because you can't stay competitive to other fire teams using thorn or final round spear, and that is just a broken system.

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                • Hippy butt I agry

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                • *sigh* I sympathize with you. I really do. I have tried to do my part by giving constructive criticism and silencing the a**holes, but sadly these forums will always be mildly toxic. You have a noble cause, but this is not the fight.

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                  6 Replies
                  • The forums have to go they are cancer to this game

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                    11 Replies
                    • Edited by MatrixasISeeFit: 8/15/2015 3:20:06 PM
                      " I personally don't mind Bungie messing around and making mistakes, because that's the only way they are going to learn what works." This is where I 100% disagree. I mind. I mind a whole lot because Bungie charges fans of Destiny a hefty premium as Bungie tries to figure it out. A premium I refuse to continually pay until I'm certain that they have "gotten it right". So I'm going to wait to buy TTK because I don't trust Bungie or their well-oiled marketing hype-machine. Yes, some people take it too far with their approach and the way they communicate their feelings about Bungie. I do agree that isn't the best approach, but I understand why they feel the way they do. Bungie is not some innocent, good-natured development studio with a community unjustly attacking them for no legitimate reason. They are the studio who made "Thow money at the screen" a catch phrase.

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                      4 Replies
                      • Bungie gimped the game just before launch in order to sell it to children and sell half of the originally planned content as DLC. This is well documented if u care to look.

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                      • Edited by gallp13: 8/19/2015 8:36:47 AM
                        Few maintain courtesy when anonymity temps. Be the few. Peace :)

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                      • Edited by AlamoCity: 8/14/2015 3:43:51 PM
                        If creating a story is so difficult, why can others do it and have a complete story at launch? I don't hear other developers making excuses. Perhaps Bungie should have waited to release a more complete game with a story that makes sense. Their decision to create and place grimoire outside the game was poor game design from the beginning. My point, focus on quality not just on hype.

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                        8 Replies
                        • everyone is entitled to their opinion or 2 cents just like you. if you love everything they do then good for you. I am more annoyed with the silly comments more than someone hating how bungie is managing the game. People pay hard earned money for this stuff and if they don't like it they should say so and on the same token if they do like then say so. Or say nothing either way it doesn't effect what the next does.

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                        • Making mistakes is all well and good except when they want to keep charging me for their right to make mistakes. Oh and when they keep making the same mistakes over and over.

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                          1 Reply
                          • I'm all about a company making mistakes too. But OWN them. If your game is a beta you don't charge more. If your game is broken in the players favor AND broken against them you don't fix the benefits FIRST. If your players are clamoring for in game matchmaking tools you don't highlight 3rd party sites who are doing your work for you. If uou value your customers you take care of your loyal fans not disrespect them and offer new ways for them to give you money.

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                            7 Replies
                            • We wanted a hrde mode, AND raid...

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                            • Heh, i don't think we asked for the PoE weapons to suck. The community definitely did not ask for that. The PoE implementation was done in the laziest possible way. Bungie's biggest problem is that they flat out lie to us. I prefer people to be straightforward and to the point. Bungie deserves plenty of ire for their dishonesty, their lack of commitment and interaction with the community, the fact that the community fills MASSIVE holes in the game, particularly providing the only real means for people to form a group just to play the game. It has been confirmed Destiny to this point has pretty much been just one giant Beta. For which the bulk of us paid $100.00 for the opportunity. Deciding to charge people who have 3/4ths of the game the price of a full game on top of what they already paid is a bit much. By their own actions, Bungie deserves the hate they get. And rather than try to improve themselves or at least their image, they constantly do and say such extremely stupid things.

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                            • Edited by Enryu369: 8/15/2015 5:01:47 PM
                              Everything you said is fine and dandy as long as destiny was a free beta. People paying for product while your still trying to learn how to make it makes no sense. You wouldn't buy any other product while the manufacturer is still figuring things out would you? You wouldn't buy a can of coke if it tasted like sac and say "there still learning" You wouldn't buy a computer that continually crashes on you and say "there working out the kinks" So if they sold an unpolished product it is well within there rite to complain.

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                              5 Replies
                              • First off, if you think they made PoE from feedback I'm not sure what to say. Those 2 DLCs were already well into being done before Destiny was even released. This game is simply 6/10 at best and thats just because of the gunplay. Almost all other elements are 3-4/10

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                              • Just because bungie's name is on it doesn't mean we should except mediocrity from destiny. Especially when you've already dropped $100 on the game. And sure they can try new things that may not always work out, but why should we have to literally pay for it? Also, stop giving bungie another excuse. They had plenty of ideas for the game that they showed off in old vidocs that would have massively improved the game that was delivered to us.

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                                • When it comes to the story, I strongly believe it was overhyped due to the fact the bungie just got out the halo series which had a great story. In a way, it was disappointing, but not too surprising. When you look at the game as a whole, excluding crucible, it is a wonderful game. I imagine most of these people haven't taken the time to see all the small details bungie put into this game. From the shadows, to the enemy lore, to the music, this game is a work of art. And not to speculate too much, but I think bungie bit off a little more than they could chew and they are doing everything in their power to make this a fun game for everyone. People tend to forget all the good they have done in the past year (error codes). Plus the taken king is said to have a character driven story that has a chance at being decent. I have faith

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