The hell are you on about? Have you even seen anything for TTK? I don't belive I've seen a single reskin of any gun that's in the game right now..
Skins are different, sure. But itll be more shadowprice clones, more dr. nopes, more shingens. you really think there wont be? Thats what im on about. As per OPs post regarding the same thing.
I very highly doubt bungie is that stupid. The backlash that would come about that would be tremendous so I have no doubt bungie have put time into creating tons of new weapons and gear that have never been seen in destiny before.
Dude. Have you been paying attention to the way they've handled Destiny to this point? Have you ever heard of shank burn? Dreg burn? Name 1 weapon from HOW thats better than anything from vanilla(HP is the only one that stands out to me.).
Have you even looked at some of the pictures of the new guns? They are nothign like anything we have seen before in Destiny.