One of the hidden benefits of this thread is that I get to mute all the idiots telling us to move on, or otherwise throwing out all the regurgitated arguments we see everywhere for why reducing the weapon diversity in Destiny is somehow a good thing. It should help make my experiences here much more pleasant. lol
I can never bring myself to mute anybody, haha. I get paranoid that, eventually, I'll only see people who completely agree with me, and then completely lose touch of whether or not I'm actually in the majority. XD But that's not a bad tactic, not gonna lie. ;P
It helps keep me sane. To be fair, I'm only muting the ones that are repeating the same tired taglines. The ones that actually try to debate the point, I let be.
The only idiots that say move on are the ones that don't even have the raid gear and if they do didn't ascend it. No wonder they want new gear, there lazy
Now that's a possibility I hadn't considered, lol.