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8/9/2015 2:56:08 PM
I have mine done. Seems like the majority of people are missing chests and Skolas. I know he's a bastard, but, it can be done. Without Gjallerhorn, even. I beat him pre-nerf and post-nerf. I will say that it was easier having a burn for him (arc, solar, void), but, there are things that everyone should keep in mind: communication, communication, communication. This thing becomes 100 times easier when you talk to each other, don't panic, and be calm. Make sure you let the next person know how long until you're going to die from the taint (he said taint, lol!). Otherwise, "Guardian down!" and then it's a race around the track to revive. Also, ADDS (additional enemies to kill)! The majority of the time will be spent shooting the other Fallen. Be sure to mentally note what the modifiers are, and watch out. Too many times have I seen myself and everyone else die because of lightswitch. If it's small arms (which it is the majority of the time), and you don't have the all mighty Gjallerhorn, I highly recommend MIDA. It gives you a speed boost, let's you see where enemies are when ADS, and makes enemies' heads bounce around. If you don't have either, take your strongest weapons, make sure you're with a good team, and stick together. It's a long grind, but worth the rewards. I got a Six Dreg Pride with arc damage, and an elder cipher that is already completed (got the Lord of Wolves, for those interested. I already had gotten the Queenbreaker's Bow). As far as the chests go...I had 4 to go; one on the Moon, one on Venus, and two on Mars. A quick internet search (didn't even know about until after I was done), and, 20 minutes later, they're done. It's really not that hard to accomplish. At least the chest part of it. Good luck, guardians! Hope to see more and more become triumphant!

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