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Edited by beanmasterVI727: 8/9/2015 1:23:02 AM

Dual wielding

Hi it's Bean I just wanted to say I think they should implement dual wielding into the game. The reason I think this is because it would be pretty cool if you did slap it in there maybe it could be a perk on some new armor. But of course it would either have to have something that stops it from being to op. Like if you did decide to dual wield it would have some major effects on your accuracy and maybe all the ammo you collect gets split 50-50 instead of collecting the full amount with h each gun. And maybe the punch would be replaced with a quick elbow or something. Also this probably wouldn't be able to be used with special or heavy weapons because well there just flat out to big to be held in one hand. They would probably only be able to be used with hand cannons sidearms and any weapon that wouldn't require much force to keep on target. Well I'll just let us guys figure out if u wanna use this.

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