Personally I think Quodron 34 is much more difficult than Skolas considering I didnt wipe at Skolas and I died more at Quodron. What do you guys think? If it's other state below
EDIT: Sorry for missing out Templar. Randall and Celebrant of Oryx i didn't think to put in as they are Majors.
EDIT 2: WOW 150+ Comments and more than 50 Favourites and over 1000 votes on the poll!!! Thanks and keep posting and voting on the poll.
EDIT 3: 250+ Favourites Over 500 Comments and Over 3000 Votes on the poll. Thanks everyone for voting, commenting and favouriting :).
Randal is still whooping ass in the shores he's just not as tough anymore. with the right burns on any boss is tough I think probably nexus and void burn is probably the toughest that splash damage is unreal and he just spams for days not to mention the ass loads of minotaurs he spawns