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Edited by AttilaTheNvn: 6/10/2016 5:50:36 AM

Stop telling me to "move on" from my guns, please. (10 months later, STILL no response from Bungie)

Update- After [b]months[/b] of Bungie decidedly ignoring this issue, and this topic [i]specifically[/i], I completely stopped posting almost 2 months ago. However, I still feel like I can't let this discussion fade, just yet, given it's obvious effects on [i]future[/i] Destiny games. Everything I felt when writing this so many months ago STILL matters to me- despite the fact that I quit the game 6 months ago... So, I'm pretty sure it's still worth discussing. :P [quote]Bungie Weekly Update 12/04/2014: "In the months to come, your quest to become more powerful will have more avenues that lead to satisfaction. [b][u]The last thing we wanted was for you to look at your favorite gun or helmet and decide that it had become obsolete.[/u][/b] Since the reveal, we’ve read a lot of ideas for how this could have been done better. Your feedback is clear: [b][u]The time you have invested in your stuff should be respected[/u][/b]."[/quote] [quote](From Tyson Green via the 8-19 TTK stream, on the topic of Infusion) We're really trying to deliver on people being able to find things that they're excited about and keep them and customize their character[/quote] This isn't just about Bungie making design choices that harm the player; it's about them doing it [i]twice[/i], after explicitly stating they wouldn't do it [i]again[/i]. On top of that, it even goes against their own, outspoken design goals [i]for[/i] TTK, which is absurd. ______________________ (TL;DR at the end) Disclaimer! [spoiler]I'm very excited to acquire [i]new[/i] gear in TTK, and I'm in no way trying to discourage players from "moving on" to new gear. All I'm trying to argue is that players should have the [i][u]option[/u][/i] to do so, on [i]their[/i] terms. With that said...[/spoiler] I keep seeing arguments in [i]favor[/i] of Bungie's decision to phase out Year 1 weapons, generally based on people's experiences in games of the MMO variety. Now, I understand that from a purely MMO background, players don't see any issue with leaving old gear behind in favor of new, better gear, because that's how MMOs operate. However, Destiny is [i]not[/i] an MMO (at least from a combat perspective, which is what I'm basing my arguments on), and shouldn't be treated as such for a number of reasons. Main point-[quote]1. Weapons in Destiny have a [i]much[/i] more direct impact on player experience. Weapons in MMOs are little more than "stat sticks," with virtually no impact on gameplay other than increasing a player's DPS abilities; point, click, repeat. Destiny, on the other hand, is an FPS, and as such, choosing a weapon is infinitely more personal and important to players. Even if you only like [i]one[/i] class of weapon, there's still a ton of options to sort through; impact, fire rate, stability, perk set- even the [i]aesthetics[/i] of a weapon play a part in the overall [i]feel[/i] of a weapon. As such, it's a pretty shallow argument to tell players like me to "get used to it" when weapons become obsolete because "that's how MMOs work." This isn't an MMO, and my gun of choice is way more important to my experience than any DPS "stat stick" could ever be (sentimental value notwithstanding, of course).[/quote] Secondary point-[quote]2. Destiny's expansions have a bad habit of [i]replacing[/i] content, not [i]adding[/i]. And they happen MUCH more frequently than any MMO expansion; each new DLC essentially removes old gear from the game, replacing it with "better" gear [u]across the board[/u]. Why the hell should I pay for new gear that will be outdated in [i]a few months[/i]?! I payed for it, I grinded for it, I upgraded it, and I [i]kept it[/i]. This game is built on grinding for gear, and I've accepted that! But why would any sane gamer continue to grind if their efforts are [i]consistently[/i] invalidated? What's the point? Especially after the 2.0 patch effectively [i]already balanced Y1 gear to exist alongside Y2 gear in PvP.[/i] If the gear is "balanced" enough for PvP, than any claims the "Y1 gear is too powerful" are null and void, and PvE players are getting pissed on for no reason. Everything has been primed and readied to be included into the Y2 ecosystem, yet it's still left behind. The only reason this didn't bother me as much up to this point was because my old gear stayed useful, and became special because of its decreased availability; proof that I was here from the beginning. The idea of playing 'Destiny 3,' and still being able to pull out my Vanilla weapons in future battles is an [i]awesome[/i] prospect. It would give weight to all the adventures I've been on, all the awesome feats I've accomplished, and continually validate and distinguish all my efforts to [i]become legend[/i], as they say. :P[/quote] EDIT- I didn't touch on this in my initial post, and I absolutely should have; [quote]3. Most [i]console[/i] games don't go through major overhauls, because new mechanics and balance choices tend to get implemented in [i]sequels[/i]. An "expansion" in WoW is essentially the MMO equivalent of a [i]sequel[/i], not just an add-on. There is no "WoW 2," because Blizzard's "10 year plan" for the game was intended to exist in a single game economy for its entire lifespan. Because of that, it makes more sense for its expansions to overhaul the game in more impactful ways, because they take the place of proper sequels. "Destiny: The Taken King" is [i]not[/i] "Destiny 2." As big as it might be, it's still an add-on to Destiny "1," as it were, and I think people should view it as such. If Bungie wants to reset the entire game, and start from scratch, [i]so be it[/i], but they should do that [i]in the next game[/i].[/quote] TL;DR: 1. Destiny's weapons are [i]infinitely[/i] more meaningful to players than any MMO weapons could ever hope to be, in that they actually have a direct impact on how they play the game; they're more than just stat-increases. 2. And, seeing as how Bungie choses to remove old gear from the loot table with every DLC, thus shrinking gear options, the [i]only[/i] way to keep any sort of gear diversity in Destiny, as well as validate all the effort player's put into the game, would be to bring old gear forward, [i]period[/i]. ESPECIALLY considering that the 2.0 patch [i]already[/i] re-balanced Y1 gear to better match Y2 effectiveness, so what's the hold up? If it's "balanced" enough for PvP, then it's sure as Hell balanced enough for PvE! 3. "Expansions" in MMORPGs typically take the place of traditional [i]sequels[/i], which makes it more understandable that they would bring major overhauls to the game; TTK is definitely an [i]add-on[/i], not a sequel. Destiny [i]will[/i] have a proper [i]sequel[/i] in the future (confirmed in production), and if Bungie is determined to completely level the playing field for gear, that's fine, but they should do that [i]in the sequel[/i].

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  • One thing is confirmed, TTK weapons look sexier than those crapy looking vault of glass weapons

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    5 Replies
    • I love how people defending Destiny to their death said Destiny wasn't a MMO when the story and content were under question. Now these same people are saying the exact opposite when it comes to leaving weapons behind.

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      • I'm sure you're aware that you can still use the weapons after TTK. They will just be stuck at 365.... Same as when they were stuck at 300 when TDB was released, nothing different there. What's your point??

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        2 Replies
        • Say bye. ....or deal with the 12 damage on a critical with Fatebringer :)

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        • Edited by AceMan52128: 8/6/2015 9:12:19 AM
          What about Shadowmourne? That's a weapon one gets attached to. Having souls spin around you as you provide death to the little peons in PvP and PvE and specifically create a button to /laugh whilst you do it. Wrath love.

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          • Great post!

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          • Yes the choice is so personal now. I mean there's so much diversity now. That guy has fatebringer, Blackhammer, Ghorn. That guy has Fatebringer, Blackhammer, ghorn, that guy has.... Fatebringer, blackhammer, Ghorn. Wait everybody's using the same shit. Guess it are all stat sticks as well.

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            6 Replies
            • Edited by Iji The Killer: 8/6/2015 7:51:59 AM
              You have basically had the same gear for almost a year, with a few replacements here and there. They haven't invalidated any gear to date just made other good alternatives. This post of yours is probably a little early considering we know little about what we can do with our old weapons and all current info is vague at best.

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            • EXACTLY, What was the point of going to the lighthouse and getting the messenger only to have it ripped from me.

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            • Muted

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              • Well said.

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              • Edited by loonigus: 8/6/2015 7:51:02 AM
                I respect your opinion, but I dont agree with it. Old gear still will be relevant in the Crucible. And Destiny is an MMO. Cheers. [quote]Destiny's weapons are infinitely more meaningful to players than any MMO weapons could ever hope to be[/quote] Not true. Tell that to my Valakas Necklace from Lineage 2 that took 2 years for me to get and my end game weapon. :) Getting Destiny weapons is literally nothing compared to other MMOs. Borderlands 2 anyone?

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                5 Replies
                • ayy i looked at this post when it only had 3 replies

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                • Haha the only way to keep weapon diversity is keeping old gear? Even though we're getting 5 or 6 Weapon Foundries that make a huge range of diverse weaponry? 99% of Year One weapons were trash. Plain and simple. Once you hit 20 and started getting Purples, most of the Blue stuff and below would be deleted, unless it was useful in Crucible....the rest just become fodder for weapon parts. So you're talking an insanely small pool of weapons to draw from that were any good. Most Legendaries ended up as Weapon/Mote fodder because of they insane power of Endgame weapons. Keeping these weapons around is just boring. I've spent something like 1200 hours collecting the endgame stuff and I will be sad to see it go....I wish I could keep m,y VoC or Fang, my Black Hammer and Found Verdict. But Im sure there will be awesome stuff that will replace it, and keep Destiny fresh and interesting. Who knows, maybe you'll be able to earn new versions of old guns in the future. Destiny is in the same genre as Diablo and Borderlands, the never-ending search for better loot. Thats what this game boils down too...finding weapons that will put more hurt on the endgame activities and keep you alive. Borderlands is an FPS that invalidates all the stuff you spent time getting in Normal mode when you get to the TVHM. and gives you better stuff. Fact is, to keep these games fresh and interesting, old loot has to fade into obscurity. Accept it and move on, if you cant do that....I suggest you find a new game to play because this game will only piss you off more and more as the years go on.

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                  4 Replies
                  • Move on. Cause guess what, no one is telling you to move on. Didn't know Destiny was taking your fatebringer.

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                    4 Replies
                    • Well said. I was thinking of making a post like this.

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                    • I remembered getting a blue shotgun during the beta of destiny. I wanted my data to carry on to the final game so badly. Now, blues are automatic dismantles. I love my fatebringer as dearly as everyone else, but I am also looking forward to more powerful gear in year two. Also, I think fatebringer might just stick around for a while as a 300 fatebringer was still the most used pve weapon of the dark below.

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                    • Bumpity bump bump

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                    • I can understand the want to hold onto the good weapon from vanilla. But that shouldn't keep you from moving on. There is more than enough space to hold those good weapons. Only hoarders need more vault space. However, paid vault space may be the answer for hoarders. Perhaps have Xur sell it. 35 strange coins for 5 of each category (15 for a single category). It would give a reason to go get those strange coins for the people who have all of the exotics.

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                    • Interesting posting. But, I have to disagree with you somewhat there. if you have played Destiny, you will notice most weapons look the same but with a different paint job. All weapons can now be taken to the gun smith and have their perks changed. This in effect can lead to every Auto Rifle you have be made to the exact perks on the same gun with a different paint job. Granted, there are unique weaponry out there, buy very few. And yes, in a sense I agree with you on the original weapons, bad news though on that, Bungie did not make them to be upgraded. Bad move I would say, let the player decided how he/she wants to keep or dismantle original weapons. World of Warcraft is a completely different type of game, and comparing Destiny to WoW is just plain silly, for anyone thinking that (which I know you were saying the opposite), WoW has changed that much, it is not the same great game it was before. It is another classic case of a perfectly good game ruined by Activision (geniuses). Diablo is another game not in the same league as Destiny or even WoW, in fact I still play Diablo II. Diablo III to me was a joke, I just could not play it. Weapons. New weapons are welcomed in my opinion, as long as I get to keep my most favourite guns from the original Destiny, I still Have Better The Devil, The Supremacy and one of the old Auto Rifles (Vanguard). I just hope the new weaponry is new and not the same model with a new paint job. P.S. Destiny is indeed NOT an MMO.

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                    • And here come all the pissed-off apologists to fanatically defend Bungie's poor decision making...

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                      2 Replies
                      • Why does it bother you so much, play the game or don't, buy the DLC's or don't.

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                        2 Replies
                        • 2
                          Does any of us keep any weapons when we lvled between 1-20? Besides the strangers rifle?

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                          3 Replies
                          • Well done sir. Well said likewise.

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                          • As I was saying, she stumbled upon a solution whereby nearly 99.9% of all test subjects accepted the program, as long as they were given a choice, even if they were only aware of the choice at a near unconscious level. While this answer functioned, it was obviously fundamentally flawed, thus creating the otherwise contradictory systemic anomaly, that if left unchecked might threaten the system itself. Ergo, those that refused the program, while a minority, if unchecked, would constitute an escalating probability of disaster.

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                            • All that writing for nothing. Reality is, you will in fact be moving on, because that's the way it's going to be.

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