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8/5/2015 11:15:53 PM
Yawn, I'd say you have put hundreds of hours into this game and if you didn't have fun along the way you weren't playing it right. Get keen for the new guns WOW makes all armour and weapons pretty much obsolete when a new expansions drops. It's about making the game fresh Anyway this thread is invalid you can't stop what's happening Bring on the new content and the new guns! Or you could always find a new game there's plenty coming out.

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  • Edited by Matu Flp Krawfe: 8/5/2015 11:55:23 PM
    In wow the battle axe you replace your old one with is almost functionally identical to your old one. One click feels just like any other click as you build your character up with bigger numbers and more abilities. In a SHOOTER (which is what destiny's gameplay is based on) weapon stats directly inform how that weapon handles. Rate of fire, accuracy, clip size, stability, they all modify gameplay. If you replace one pistol with another type of pistol you remove the playstyle that first pistol favored. The second pistol may have bigger numbers but it doesn't translate to identical gameplay. Therefore, making guns obsolete in Destiny has wildly different consequences than[i] a mouse based RPG[/i]. It just replaces one sandbox with a completely analogous one with [i]no [/i]clear benefit to balance or gameplay structure (completely wasting the opportunity to build something [i]bigger [/i]out of the parts bungie has available to it.) Its a stupid decision for Bungie to make. They'll still make it (unless they're willing to pull yet another U-turn on their "artistic vision") but as you say there's more coming out. The industry will not implode as Bungie rises up to face plant [i]again[/i]. It's just not good for this game or its developer (so[i] on its forums [/i]there's much to say about it).

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  • When Bungie adds in palette-changed versions of already existing guns with basically the same stat possibilities, people complain because there's no new weapons and "no content". I'm sure they'll add in weapons that can potentially function quite similarly to weapons that exist nowadays. As long as they don't remove rerolls or do a [u]massive[/u] overhaul on the perk system, you should be able to pick up a weapon that falls into the specific archetype you're looking for and roll it into your playstyle just as you can now.

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  • Edited by Matu Flp Krawfe: 8/6/2015 1:14:26 AM
    But that still doesn't justify replacing all old equipment when its just a matter of tweaking the numbers so old matches up with new. Think of it in terms of a Halo game. Say you start with the SMG, Battle Rifle, and Shotgun. Ok, now here comes a DLC pack which adds the plasma rifle, carbine, and mauler though because they're "new" they get a +1 damage bonus. You could still use the old gear, but the new is going to be preferable for all challenging content (forcing weapon selection along the lines that result in the most grinding, ie. having to earn new equipment to replace the obsolete.) But wait, here comes the AR, DMR, and scatter shot. They get +2. Now they're [i]the sandbox[/i]. At the end of this you still have weapons that allow you to play the major roles, but you don't have the full depth of possible weapon selection that would have easily allowed you to find tune your choices to match your preferences [i]within [/i]archetypes. There's the game's potential (as very easily described as all "top tier" weapons with their numbers comparably set) and there's what we get out of it (the subset with the highest stats.) Its one of the more stark images for how much is being squandered with Destiny. And just think of the developer effort that's going down the drain to build a [i]transient [/i]sandbox. They'll have to continuously replace completed work instead of building on it. If there's to be any definite sense of growth its going to have to come with continuously producing more with each doomed iteration than by simply allowing the content to build over time in a natural way. Its a complete waste for them, its a waste for us, there's absolutely no sense behind it (apart from continuously white-washing the old sections of the game to provide a fresh façade.).

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  • Very interesting reply! And actually I can't argue some of what you have said. The only thing I will say is that jumping from dlc to dlc bungie have almost always replicated past weapon counterparts. For example there has always been a lowrf pulse rifle with same mag and pretty similar perks. Only a random packaged one might change it up I won't even get into re rolling here. I'll look at it like this, all the existing weapon types fire the way they do now but you think the new guns are going to be be drastically different in the expansion ? I don't think so, perks yes, but raw gun play no. That being said your comment has made me look at the situation differently. Still I'm bored with using the same guns over and over but that's just me I'll still be using year one guns in the crucible especially with the weapon patch.

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  • Edited by Matu Flp Krawfe: 8/6/2015 1:16:29 AM
    Drastic? No but two weapons don't need to be drastically differentiated from each other in order for there to be meaningful decisions between choosing one over the other. Just a slight difference in accuracy or range might make weapon A more favorable to weapon B but only in circumstance X as opposed to Y. There's [i]a lot [/i]of depth to be had when the player is allowed to fine-tune their loadout (and it gets away from having a single staple that you grind to death and never want to touch again, you're always tweaking, always shifting, which helps keep the game fresh without having to continuously develop a new game to replace the existing one.) Try counterstrike or rainbow six some time. They both demonstrate this principle very, very well.

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  • You sir, are made of pure win.

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  • I guess I did something wrong because this game was ZERO fun after vanilla Destiny. I think you have to be a lobotomy candidate to get any enjoyment out of this game.

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  • Know what you mean, could have stopped playing when tdb came out, saved $40 and had good memories of auto's and vog, instead had to watch a shitload of stupid decisions and condescending pr work. So disappointing :(

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  • No, just stop. There was so much wrong about that comment. Why people keep trying to compare Destiny to other games, I'll never understand.

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  • No you just stop. So because you think destiny should be one way it has to be. You sound like sullen sulky kid who has had his toys taken. But they're being replaced by newer and probably better ones. There is plenty of bullshit and stuff wrong with this game but leaving year one guns behind to an extent (still very much usuable in PvP) is not one of them at all.

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  • Edited by Matu Flp Krawfe: 8/6/2015 12:25:44 AM
    Actually its a game-killer. Destiny's "end-game" is built on arbitrary grinding objectives for higher level gear. Strange coins, vanguard marks, random probabilities in multiplayer rewards, its all time in to get a limited selection of "epic" weapons. If those are just as transient as your leveling gear then what that time stands as is a MASSIVE waste compared to someone (such as myself) who didn't really bother with a lot that stuff in the first place and now has the opportunity to put in an identical amount of time to earn an arbitrarily better set of gear. Think of it this way, its devaluing all gametime spent prior to a certain arbitrary mark in the release cycle. So, I could buy TTK and thanks to this scheme (and that scheme alone) show up anyone who chose to load their grinding time earlier in Destiny's life (and therefore got smaller numbers for their comparable effort). But then again we're going to run into this problem with Destiny 2. So should I wait to grind for Destiny 2? What about Destiny 2 DLC? Year 1 of D2 or year 2 of D2? But then what about Destiny 3? And that's going to have DLC as well. At some point [i]at the end of the game's life [/i]its going to be "safe" to invest time into it. It wasn't clear a few months ago, but its definitely clear now. Bungie's shown their hand and there's really no going back from that. Now we know that time in doesn't equal time out, and the best approach to Destiny will be to simply get an acceptable set of gear to get through the major story missions (because any major time spent grinding will NOT result in a material benefit.) So, no more grinding, it will never be worth it until the end. That might be a good thing though if Bungie decided to change the entire principle of Destiny's end game (shove the grind, get back to the cathartic fun of fighting space wizards from the moon). However it still seems to be based around those arbitrary grinding objectives (with space wizards serving only as a grinding medium), which are now explicitly meaningless. The game is dead (unless you [i]really [/i]want to hear the legends.)

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  • So I take it you won't be buying or playing the expansion then ? While agree and can see you have some valid points I guess its personal opinion on what you get out of a game. I'm no bungie fan boy and I believed the game is incredibly flawed especially with level progression. But the best parts about this game have been shared with mates on the grind or in a raid. Yea there's been a lot of frustration along the way. Still don't have a ghorn, but to me the game isn't dead yet. When I log on and can't get a PvP match that's when I'll know it's dead. Anyway I digress, we will see what happens but I for one am keen for the new gear yea maybe it should be optional to carry on with ascension but thats stagnant game using the exact same load out day in day out.

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  • Edited by Matu Flp Krawfe: 8/6/2015 1:38:03 AM
    Probably not, beyond these issues the price means I would have to sacrifice a whole other game just to give this one a little more life. Destiny had potential (perhaps prior to its actual development) but what they're doing isn't capitalizing on it (at least sufficiently enough to make $40-$60 spent in the name of Bungie's Q4 2015 mean more to me than $60 thrown in Fallout 4's or Star Wars Battlefront's direction.) I think the point to stress is that fun with friends could have been had with a different focus. What we got out of destiny could have been provided for without [as forceful] arbitrary grinding mechanics and leveling schemes (which are at the heart of the problem of weapon obsolescence). There could have just been fun guns and big space monsters to point them at but instead we have to concern ourselves with being at level X to earn weapon Y because its level is Z higher than the alternative (ie. the most cynical implementation of the "MMO"). And there could have still been just as many things (ie. guns and gear) to play for but presented in a less demanding way (which eventually forces us to drop it all in favor of the next proscribed set of rewards.) Bungie should have learned from their own history, people still put a HUGE amount of work into recon armor in Halo 3 [even after the vidmasters were introduced] despite the obvious fact that it had no practical benefits what-so-ever. It was "special" and therefore desirable, and it still made special moments happen [especially when presented to us in the right way]. Now of course translating what special means to Destiny (sans arbitrary obsolescence) would have required practical benefits (Thorn would still need to be better than my Nifty_Biscuit. Real gun BTW.) but benefits equivalent to future special items. Not less with each new DLC pack. Easy way: color rarity only. Ditch the weapon level system (its also less work!).

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  • That is a matter of opinion.

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  • Haha, yes it is good luck on your conquest

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