So in battlefield or cod they don't make you participate in activities for small amounts of, oh, I don't know experience, to unlock kits and weapons over a protracted amount of time? Interesting.
Except that they don't retract weapons that you have already earned and force you to grind for new weapons with the same perks as the ones that they had made obsolete with a dlc
True, but in a game like destiny it is needed, imo.
Nope, all they have to do is make better weapons and better dlcs with a wide variety of content and new weapons that apply to those new contents...therefore the old weapons will be useful and considered heirlooms whereas the new weapons won't lose their usefulness. It will justify the efforts to acquire newer and better weapons without sacrificing older weapons for no reason.
But that [u]is[/u] exactly what they are doing.
Then there wouldn't be a need to force us to forfeit our weapons, unless they are forcing us to grind the same weapons again. Which was my original argument: Let us keep our old weapons so we don't have to grind for new ones. Make the new guns better and more applicable.
I think you are confusing yourself with semantics. I'll see you on 9/15. PS4?
No i know exactly what I am saying, you just probably can't comprehend. I will definitely see you on 9/15! =]
I knw I knw, mah ability ta procecss cognatious thunk is impaird. Sweet. Let's make a date of it. My place or yours? Pizza or Chinese?
Sushi lol