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Edited by D-MacLP: 8/12/2015 10:57:26 AM

So Bungie just told us..

That the day The Taken King releases. All that gear your grinded for for hours on end and worked hard to get is becoming useless. All that ascending for nothing. Thanks Bungie. I'm cancelling my pre-order. This is just pathetic. [b]We're getting remodelled weapons with different names and colours. Devil You Know and Revelator have same base stats. Red Hand IX and Lone.Rebel have same base stats. Deadshot Luna SR1 and B-Line Trauma have same stats. I'm so happy to dismantle my favourites for identical overall base stats DUPLICATES. Everything will continue to be the same. Yes "move on" to "better weapons". All that changes are the name, colour and a slight adjustment to the models.. The attack value goes up. Yet THE BASE STATS WILL DUPLICATE.[/b] Edit: Yes this is my first MMO. Yes I love the weapons I am currently using. Yes I love playing Destiny, gameplay is incredible. Yes I will complain when things piss me off. Edit 2: This is an MMO. This isn't an MMO. I really couldn't care less about the genre. Edit 3: If you're happy spending money for your weapons, that you worked hard for, to become obsolete then good for you. I chase the weapons. You may chase armor, grimoire, experience or enjoy doing the same thing week in week out. Insults don't affect me, in fact it shows how low your intellect is. "They said wait" they shouldn't have to. They shouldn't let people jump to conclusions. They shouldn't let misinformation be released. Edit 4: unlike the majority. I rarely use my fatebringer. Final Edit: After reading many constructive replies and having checked in on Destiny today. I've decided I'm going to have to line up all my weapons and start cutting them out. Keeping all exotics and useful crucible weapons and those I consider to be useful.

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  • Makes the game that more challenging ur no destiny fan il grind everyday for 2-3 hours aftet work promise u il have everything i need by the second month

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    • Dude you did it in year 1 do it again. We are quite lucky Bungie didn't go the full MMO route and leave ALL weapons behind, we can still take our Exotics forward. If you are that pained by it just keep a couple of your favourites, I know I will, guns like Fatebringer, Vision, Black Hammer, Fang and Lord High Fixer will be kept in my vault as a year 1 memento, also for when I run VoG/CE again which I will because they are fun

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      3 Replies
      • Whaddaya mean Thunderfury: Blessed Blade of the Windseeker isn't the best sword in the game anymore?!

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        • The Taken King: Getting Rid Of Scrubs.

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          • it's going to be on Vanilla Destiny too, now there is now way out

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            • Don't cut out your weapons yet. In order to upgrade your new weapons, you'll have to sacrifice another weapon from the same slot. So all these old weapons that you may be holding on to just cause, you can use them to upgrade the new TTK weapons.

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              • Bro get over it that's how all mmos work

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                • Edited by Llama_Commander: 8/7/2015 8:15:52 PM
                  they're not useless.

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                  4 Replies
                  • Hold on to as many legendaries as you can, even if they aren't any good. Sounds like they will be useful to level new guns.

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                    • They'll still be just as good in normal crucible where levels don't matter

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                    • All of you fools are in a state of mind that thinks "we need new weapons to replace the old ones" The state you should be in is "we need [i]more[/i] weapons to add onto the current base" Why replace when you can just add on? Itl make more diversity, allow for more options and customization, and overall lead to a healthier game.

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                      6 Replies
                      • Would the game really be fun if you were using the same weapons you are using today in year ten? You used the guns while they were relevant, but it's time for new stuff.

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                      • Bump never preordered cuz of this shit

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                      • Look half the fun of the game was acquiring the weapons in the first place- running VoG to get the fatebringer and vex, running trials to get messenger and scholar, playing iron banner to get jolders and the spear... There will be another "fatebringer" and another "vision of confluence" or whatever in the taken king and there is enjoyment in hunting for those guns. Isn't the point of a game like destiny to discover good loot, not to use the same set of guns for "10 years"? I believe there decision is a good one even though it feels like a slap in the face now- the best times I ever had in destiny was running VoG to get the shit I wanted before the level cap was too simple to achieve (dlc 1 and 2). This will a be a grind I am looking forward to and hope to see you guys on the dreadnought with me!

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                      • The way I see things, your go to weapons for regular crucible will still rock since attack doesn't really matter. But for Trials and Iron Banana that's where you're gonna need some of the newer weapons. Still, could you see yourself use any other scout rifle besides the Vision of Confluence/Fang of Ir Yût or the beloved Fatebringer? No, because the perks on these guns are awesome! Field scout alone makes these guns amazing, but who's to say the next raid weapons won't be equally as awesome as the ones we have now? Have some faith that this expansion will make Destiny extremely fun once again?

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                        • I'm a day 2 player. I've never enjoyed a game as much as destiny which is why I will purchase TTK. I'm not fussed about stuff I grinded for or my best weapons like my fatebringer or ghorn not being usable but I can't wait to use new guns and get the new armour. If you enjoy the game why stop playing lol.

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                        • Taken king first mission footage [b]Spoilers ahead![/b] Confirms light level [b]and[/b] experience level Confirms StormCaller exotic gauntlets [b][u]Probably taken with a small recording device, not the best quality but good enough[/u][/b]

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                        • I'm sorry but this is how a gear reset works. You should be happy that your gear got brought up to max level for year one. Had they not done that we would've had to ditch our fatebringers long before. But this is how a gear reset works. As long as you level up (or in our case we got new expansions) you need to get better gear. This keeps loot fresh and allows for the game to reset itself.

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                        • This is the only way they can think of to make us try the new weapons somce VoG weapons are the only ones with any actual thought in them. They have had to resort to making our old stuff useless so the new stuff will seem good by comparison. Just shows they don't care about all the time we have put into the game

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                        • Here, this is a really good explanation why Ascension of old gear can become a big problem:

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                        • Good luck watching from the sidelines friend. I'm sure you'll see how fun it is, and come back to the tower someday. Until then, farewell guardian.

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                          • I don't have much faith in their future gun design. The guns have been getting worse each dlc. That's why everyone still clings to older gear. If they got better we wouldn't even be seeing this as a problem. All progressive games get better gear as time goes on, but destiny moves in the opposite direction. I'll need to see what's offered before even thinking about buying.

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                            11 Replies
                            • No new vault space yet. Says Luke Smith to GI: “We’re still bumping into a technical limitation for vault space. We are exploring options for getting stuff out of players’ inventories via these kiosks that we’ve placed around the tower, but we’re still working toward a solution that we’re excited about.”

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                              • Kinda Stinks. Why did I buy both DLCs? Just to pass time till this dlc comes out? I mean I understand I got to play them and have that experience, but now it seems all that time was wasted for the future of this game. That's kinda backwards.

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                              • I get what you mean and having chased after certain weapons it dies aggravate myself to a certain point that the creators of this game take you one direction and it makes you believe you are establishing your own foundation from day one then all of a sudden they do a 180 on you. It's a sign that while they did a "plan" for a ten year game the more money was spent in the actual ways to fuq up the way or the oath for which your grinding towards no matter whether it's weapons, guns or glory. Bottom line is the creators of this game sometimes I believe are bipolar, if they wanted something more catchy than final fantasy then don't make every new version of the destiny game totally different, build on one another. Instead it's following just like final fantasy, every full version of the game is totally different only exception is if you want to bring the old gear forward you can you just won't be fighting with the best weapons. I really thought when this game came out that the creators had really thought this our better instead they just spent more money on a game to toss you from one direction to another. Me, I would not have introduced all the enemies at the very beginning and then each new sequel of the game made it about one of the enemies, I would have tied new enemies in with each sequel, added some new gear and weapons as we went along but not made others obsolete along the way. Either way I'll play TTK but I'm still not going to be as big of a fan of Destiny as I could be because this game was not thought out very well.

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                              • You don't want to start over? I mean, Destiny did pretty well in its first year, but it lost a lot of people a long the way. Everything eventually got repetitive and there wasn't a lot to do. Honestly, I would like to be able to get that feeling back of getting an exotic or legendary I actually care about. This is what Destiny really needs, a culling of weapons, and I'm personally happy that it's happening, and it's not like the legendaries that you love right now won't still be useful in the Crucible. That will never change.

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