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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by D-MacLP: 8/12/2015 10:57:26 AM

So Bungie just told us..

That the day The Taken King releases. All that gear your grinded for for hours on end and worked hard to get is becoming useless. All that ascending for nothing. Thanks Bungie. I'm cancelling my pre-order. This is just pathetic. [b]We're getting remodelled weapons with different names and colours. Devil You Know and Revelator have same base stats. Red Hand IX and Lone.Rebel have same base stats. Deadshot Luna SR1 and B-Line Trauma have same stats. I'm so happy to dismantle my favourites for identical overall base stats DUPLICATES. Everything will continue to be the same. Yes "move on" to "better weapons". All that changes are the name, colour and a slight adjustment to the models.. The attack value goes up. Yet THE BASE STATS WILL DUPLICATE.[/b] Edit: Yes this is my first MMO. Yes I love the weapons I am currently using. Yes I love playing Destiny, gameplay is incredible. Yes I will complain when things piss me off. Edit 2: This is an MMO. This isn't an MMO. I really couldn't care less about the genre. Edit 3: If you're happy spending money for your weapons, that you worked hard for, to become obsolete then good for you. I chase the weapons. You may chase armor, grimoire, experience or enjoy doing the same thing week in week out. Insults don't affect me, in fact it shows how low your intellect is. "They said wait" they shouldn't have to. They shouldn't let people jump to conclusions. They shouldn't let misinformation be released. Edit 4: unlike the majority. I rarely use my fatebringer. Final Edit: After reading many constructive replies and having checked in on Destiny today. I've decided I'm going to have to line up all my weapons and start cutting them out. Keeping all exotics and useful crucible weapons and those I consider to be useful.

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  • Destiny an MMO? Hell no. It would be considered the smallest MMO ever created by anyone ever. Bungie doesn't even consider it an MMO. Destiny is the polar opposite of an MMO actually.

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    1 Reply
    • I don't think you quite grasp the concept that Ascension ruined destiny. There is literally no point in using any new weapons from the expansions when you can just ascend TDYK or Fatebringer. Y'all need to move on. Destiny might not be an MMO, but in reality, it is. Don't be stuck using the same weapon forever. Expand your horizons.

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    • So you're upset that you won't get to use your favourite weapons you've acquired and you're complaining that the new ones are basically the same anyway? Come on...

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      • Bump

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      • I'm all for new shit, but I worked really hard for my messenger, I'd hate to not be able to use it in iron banner/trials. :(

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        6 Replies
        • Yeah cause Destiny wouldn't become boring if everyone kept using the same weapons. This s was supposed to happen to stop people using the same stuff over and over again it doesn't mean year one weapons will become irrelevant at all it just means that instead of using the same weapons you may have a better alternative. Also if this is the reason you're not going to buy the taken king I pity you

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          12 Replies
          • I'm ok with new stuff in tired of rocking the same 3 weapons for 90% of end game material

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          • It's all bullshit. Destiny was marketed as an fps first and [b]NOT[/b] an MMO. I wouldn't have bought the game if I had known how it would turn out.

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            2 Replies
            • my problem is i still love the game will keep playing and enjoying it. just seems lie they could solve this easily by giving us some type of upgrade to choose a weapon we like to bring with us. then those who want to, can keep using a legenday of their choice and everyone else can carry on with new stuff. is it just me or is this too hard of a conclusion to come to?

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            • Bungee jump

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              1 Reply
              • [quote] Edit: Yes this is my first MMO. [/quote] I found the problem people! We can all relax! Dear OP: name one MMO that didn't do this.

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                2 Replies
                • They want us to get rid of TDYK, shadow price, FB, VOC, because they are too good.

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                • So all you care is using your year 1 weapons? Or did you miss the part etheric light it is only for upgrading to year 1 damage? Use your old guns, But you'll be inferior, like the ones who can't or won't move on, nor realising the world keep evolving and changing, good or bad doesn't matter.

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                  3 Replies
                  • Op right now

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                    9 Replies
                    • yes they should change things up a bit but you got something wrong b-line trauma 52 rate of fire, 35 impact another nitc 37 rate of fire, 48 impact

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                      3 Replies
                      • See you in Sept!

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                      • 1
                        Don't let the door hit your ass byeeeeeeeeee

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                        5 Replies
                        • They screwed up with having light levels, and stats for weapins that effect damage beyond attack levels, and maybe some bonuses to passive stats, and then allowing ascension. In the beginning this worked great. Weapons had rate of fire, impact, mag size, etc. As well as perks. So you had a HC with 300 attack, and another one. Well, this one has higher ROF and impact than this one, so you knew which to use. Then DLC comes out, and guns could have similar stats, but then this one is 331, and this is 300. So it was hard, but we'd make a choice to set our old guns in the vault, and use new ones. Then HOW comes out, and we can use an easily obtained material to upgrade all our weapons to 365, so we are back to choosing g based on stats. Same thing happened with Armor, we used the armor that could get us to max level, then put Etheric light on it, and we can choose based on looks. This model seems fun, but how long can it last? A lot of people will say, "But if I want to use my Fatebringer for 10 years, I should be able to". Ok, I respect your choice to want that, but that same group will complain that the game is stale, and that they have no reason to play new content because the new guns aren't better. Why aren't they better? Stats, that's why. Once guns have the same attack values, the stats make the call. This was fine before ascension, because you had similar stats but better attack values. Now Bungie is beginning to realize this model of light levels, stats vs. Attack values, ascension etc. Is only a short term solution. It would easily make the game short lived. Why go after new armor, weapons, etc. If all you really need is etheric light, and you are a top dog again? Hey I love my old gear just as much as the next guy, if I could keep my supremacy for 10 years I would, but even I can see why that is a bad idea. Yes we grinded, and ascended, etc. But any MMO makes you do that. You grind out gear in one expansion, sit as the top dog for awhile. Then the new content comes out, and it begins again. That's the model, always trying to achieve the next level. I think Destiny is trying to make a push in that direction, but in order to do that, they have to scrap the old model, and move towards a new one. It's scary for many sure, but I think in the end it's going to be for the better. Sure base stats will always look similar, but now attack levels will truly matter. Defense levels on armor will mean something, not just have light levels. I'm interested to see the direction TTK goes. Just my thoughts on that.

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                          6 Replies
                          • Lol I'm just here to watch this Game burn and hear all the Desticle fanboys rip each other to peices! You morons asked for this, now get on with the show.

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                            5 Replies
                            • Tell me another ARPG that allows your old gear to stay relevant when the level cap increases.

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                            • You're upset that you have to move on from your old gear, but you're complaining that the new gear is the same as the old gear? When will people stop finding things to cry about?

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                            • I have a Ruger SR9 and a beretta 92f Same base stats.. Love them both... And I still want a new one

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                              5 Replies
                              • If you're quitting, everything you grinded won't ever matter anyway, stop complaining, you got to use the guns and you still can but new and cooler gear is coming.

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                                3 Replies
                                • Ak-47 has been around since 1947....

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                                  3 Replies
                                  • They dont want powercreep to happen is that hard to understand fate bringer shouldn't be the best gun the entire game

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                                    3 Replies
                                    • B-Line Trauma and Another Nail in the Coffin definitely do not have the same base stats.

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