Just curious :P Mines probably the new monarchy shader, Praetorian Foil, the conduit the original fwc pulse rifle, the beta and founder emblems, the GameStop sparrow, and finally the focused light from the red bull codes :P
EDIT: Let's bring the forum back to life :) Taking King has been out for a little over a month now so what is some new loot you guys have got?? Let me know down below! For me it's probably a fusion rifle with 2x knee pads (didn't know that was possible), the debt unpaid from the cryptarch, and the raid handcannon and sniper with firefly :)
Praetorians foil
Probs my bittersteel that I got at rank 5
The rosegold shader when Queens Wrath was around.
Edited by TrickshoT GDLD: 8/11/2015 11:50:36 PMPretorian Foil
Frontier shell, blacksmith armor shader (since launch) all the dead orbit armor shaders Necrochasm and the Vex mythoclast.
Revenant x2, and an Iron Banner ship that won't drop anymore, (The Dirigible Incorrigible)
They limited edition stuff. Such as the frontier shell for the ghost
Revenant, blacksmith, necrochasm! Ephideets spear final round
Hopscotch Pilgrim Nefrititi
Khvostov 7G-02
Shadow Price
05x night mask or my red ghost
Vanquisher I guess!!
Husk of the pit lol that is until the patch goes live
The elder wand!
The Fermi Solution, Praetorian Foil, Revenant, Bittersteel, Artic Proxy, all the rare emblems Eva Levante sells(took me a while to complete my collection) and the Sign of Duality emblem I have equipped on my characters right now.
Final round LDR
Russian mail order bride
2 foils and 2 necro's..... I guess.
Praetorian foil?
I have the original red hand and 2 bitter steels I have a lot of focused light from red bull codes I know there not rate I just don't hear of anyone getting them like I ask my friends if they get them and they say no
A supremacy
Probably the hopscotch pilgrim