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Edited by UniqueGamer: 9/3/2015 11:51:00 AM

If you see Red bar.....

Do you report them for lagging? What if they use dial up and can't afford good internet? Dial up users stand up for your rights! We have over 1k replies. Wow so many dial up users and mega speed users with red bar regardless. I feel honored to see multiple threads very similar to mine. Originality seems to be lagging as well now! Holy guacamole!! We passed 1.2k replies. I think we have a dial up problem here! That's it I'm done.... 1.3k replies. My internet is dying over here. Too much bandwidth being hogged by this app. Please stop replying and no bumps! Red bar out⇒ Damn it someone necro-bumped this..🏁

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  • I probably report more than I should but yolo

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  • It's not so much about reporting red bar... Like CarpentryHero said below, I report people if they're red bar and dealing damage but not taking it... And it has to be sustained gameplay. As we know it can be the servers or other factors, so I give people a chance. I know for a fact that I shouldn't get red bar, I've got an ok connection by Australian standards, but as soon as you get onto certain servers, things go to s#it...

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  • No one uses that any's won't hold up to today's Internet

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  • Hey, I take pride in my kdr when I'm punching cards! [spoiler]If you don't get it, ask your parents.[/spoiler]

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  • Dial up? For real?

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  • Titan don't blink! I'm reporting every time I see there bar go from yellow when not in conflict, to red when in a fire fight.

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  • I report them for bad connection and cheating. every time. don't have to see them do anything. I report red bars regardless. check them all.

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  • There was one guy earlier where we rekt the fireteam, the next round he lagged out, then he was almost impossible to hit the rest of the time. Cheating or no?

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    2 Replies
    • I hate paying for cox cable Internet. They always raise rates. I go w/ century link, because it's affordable and they never raise my rate. You get what u pay for tho, I'm usually red bar mid match

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      • I don't know about psn... but I know you can't have dile up and be on xbox live

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      • I still report them.... They are still lagging the game, and causing grief for other players.

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      • If you're still using dial up, you're fired. It's not 1999. Time to get in the fast lane.

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        • I don't report, unless it's obvious that they are manipulating the servers.

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        • Reporting is pointless. I mean, what the hell is Bungie gonna do to someone if I report them for lag or being unhelpful?

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          • I'm in a third world country and we don't have the best source of Internet connection here. I do my best to keep up and maintain atleast a decent connection whenever I play in Crucible. I stop all downloads, make sure all other people who connects to our WiFi is asleep and I always ask my friends who are in England to keep an eye on me and see if I teleport everywhere or any signs of me having a terrible connection so I can make adjustments. But sometimes I still get a red bar no matter what I do and I can't help that. I'm sorry in advance to whoever I'll be playing with and I happen to have a really bad connection. Most of the time, it's fine so please don't hate me lol. :)

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            • If they're lagging and I can't damage them and they walk into a wall and lag out, whatever I go on. If they're lagging all over and I can't damage them and they can damage me?? Hell no, reported.

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              • What's dial up?

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              • I report everyone who lags at all that I come across now. Oddly enough I can play regular crucible and I never run into lag issues. ToO or IB? Seemingly every third match someone is lagging all over the place. Hits not registering, running into walls, teleporting, getting hit by nova bomb that there was no animation shown for.

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                • Only report if you find that they are not receiving damage or have a unfair advantage due to lag. Otherwise it's just network errors.

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                • I just report for bad connection if it lasts for a long time, if they're obviously lag switching then I'll report for cheating and bad connection

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                  • I sometimes get red bars which is weird because I have a great connection. I say weird because I don't lag as a red bar and nor do the opposing team.

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                    • No one uses dial up anymore

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                    • Played VoG hard with a group last night and it was going well, get into the final area and next thing we know the Vex are almost impervious. We all die. All but one of us was Red so they set the guy with the Yellow connection and we finished it of smoothly! :)

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                    • Edited by NateOrb: 8/1/2015 3:46:59 PM
                      I report them if theyre lagging around and taking no damage but if they arent obviously cheating its not worth reporting them(and as long as bungie has exclusive pvp rewards and timed pvp events people will continue playing pvp while their connection is bad + lets be honest american internet is pretty pathetic overall which is where the majority of players probably are) Has bungie released info on what the bars mean? Some red bar players play the same as a green bar so either its just a completely broken system or a red bar can be as low as like 100 ping(but then there are yellow bars who lag more than red bars so..)

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                      • If I see someone who's being a bullet sponge and teleporting all over the map, and then see that they have a red bar then yes, I do.

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                        • This happened about a week ago but it just shows how bad the lag can be. Or maybe he was lag switching. Idk

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