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7/30/2015 8:19:50 PM

An Open Letter to the Dames of Destiny: I Am Sorry.

Dear Dames of Destiny, While I do not normally watch the Destiny Bungie Bounty streams, it recently came to my attention through the My name is Byf video (which I have included in this post for anyone who happens to be curious), that your part in the Bungie Bounty was met with almost constant sexist and discriminatory remarks. Normally, I don't make threads of my own, only reserving that sort of thing for what I consider important, and this is the third thread I've made on the Bungie forums, period. As such, I feel a few things need to be said. First, to the Destiny Community: It comes as no surprise to me that there is still a hateful attitude towards women in gaming, but what [i]did[/i] come as a shock was the fact that people were willing to show that hate and discrimination so publicly, without any apparent shame for it. I realize that the Internet and Online Gaming, in and of themselves, promote anonymity, and in turn that gives people the power to say whatever it is they wish. That power is often coupled with complete irresponsibility and total unaccountability. That is no excuse, and is unacceptable. The fact that I have to type this in the first place disappoints and sickens me, but I suppose it has to be reiterated: In a video game, the gender of the player [u]does not matter.[/u] It should [u]never[/u] matter. Neither should race or place of birth. Discrimination as a whole is wrong, and should never be promoted. As such, anyone who sees what happened to the Dames of Destiny, and approves? You are not a part of [i]my[/i] Destiny Community, and I want nothing to do with you. If I seem like I'm parroting Byf's video and the points he happens to be making, it's simply because the point deserves to be hammered home. Second, to the Dames of Destiny themselves: For those of you who read this, and I sincerely hope you do, I want to say on behalf of my part of the Destiny Community that I am truly sorry that you had to see, experience, and have to endure that kind of utter bullshit. And I am sorry that over the past decade, it hasn't seemed to have gotten noticeably better. I hope that from this point forward, you have to deal with less and less discriminating assholes while you play online, regardless of whether or not it happens to be Destiny. And I hope that, despite everything that happened during the Bungie Bounty stream, it does not deter you from staying strong as a part of this community. [i]Sincerely, Texas Joker 52, esq.[/i]

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  • Edited by Redlinesi10: 7/31/2015 5:32:53 AM
    First off Stop using words you don't understand,primarily sexist,sexism. You sound like republicans using the word socialist. Telling someone to suck your balls isn't discrimination, it's being an asshole. Don't ask to not be discriminated against when you create discriminatory clans. Being threatened is an entirely different conversation though.[spoiler]Wtf was bungie thinking,how did they expect this to go in a sea of virgins [/spoiler]

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    4 Replies
    • This thread is pathetic.

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      • This

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        2 Replies
        • Seriously... You're -blam!-ing apologizing for something you probably didn't even do that honestly doesn't -blam!-ing matter at all. God damn you're thirsty. Let me guess you're a femistatist and have never had sex before? You also probably think you're a rare breed of civilized people who can appreciate women for their personality instead of their bodies too. I bet you even think the -blam!-ing pay gap exists. Seriously just stop. No one likes white knights and you'll only be useful to a girl if you're a good beta slave since I'll bet my ass off you're not an Alpha or Zeta that all the women chase after.

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        • Edited by DameWhoGames: 7/31/2015 5:24:46 AM
          If you want to make an exclusive female segregated clan such as Dames of Destiny, which basically screams "FEMALE GAMERS", then it should not be of any shock that they would garner this kind of attention. I am not condoning sexist behavior, but I just cannot sympathize with this. How is discriminating males in the gaming community from their clan not the same thing? If you want to be treated equally then promote this kind of equality. They can start by changing their clan name and allowing gamers of both genders with the same respect and mannerisms towards another to join.

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        • I think girls need a reality check. This happens to everyone and you can't claim discrimination because people criticize. Everyone recieves criticism and men more than girls. What you're experiencing is a group of people who realize you're girls and will make comments specifically targeted at you to get a rise. So please, grow a thicker skin. Basic reasoning will let you come to that conclusion and anyone who says girls have it worse than guys on the internet are full of shit. They give out just as much crap as they get. At least when guys get crap, they don't claim misandry.

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        • Op = thirsty

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        • Fact of the matter is they're gamers just like you and me and the reality of the situation is that they lost every single match they played in. That's the real reason why they got those messages the other day.

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          18 Replies
          • Well written. It's a forum where all sorts of threads are made. At least this thread is positive. Trips me out when people crap on people for doing something that is positive. In my opinion if you wouldn't say those things with that person in the same room then you shouldn't say it online. Be honest with yourself if you really think you would be saying those things in person.

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          • Don't apologize for other douche bags. It just makes you one as well...

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            1 Reply
            • Dear OP, Shut up meg. Sincerely, Everyone, Esq.

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              5 Replies
              • You forgot [spoiler]*[i]tips fedora[/i]*[/spoiler]

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                • Edited by Tenacious_B: 7/31/2015 3:56:38 AM
                  You wont lose your virginity to them no matter how hard you try

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                  3 Replies
                  • OP is still forever alone.

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                  • I dont support sexism but there will always be ignorant egotistical fvckboys *cough Wish You Luck* that will do it cause need to have something to support their insecurities.

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                    5 Replies
                    • Edited by bilbo t baginzz: 7/31/2015 2:39:08 AM
                      Starting a new clan [b]WHITE PEOPLE ONLY[/b]. i will need to see photo proof that you're not black and of any skin colour other then white, if you turn out to be a black or coloured person you will be removed and blocked. ^see what i did there.. thats racist. Excluding people from joining in something based on the skin colour, sex, religious beliefs or age is discrimination. Now before you say " but its their clan and they can do what they want" well then its ok for me to make a [b]"WHITE PEOPLE ONLY"[/b] clan isnt it If i was to make a [b]"WHITE PERSON ONLY"[/b] clan do you all think it would sit well with the destiny community? P.s: im not racist i just used ti as an example. Id also like to add that i dont agree with what was said as threats and harassment is completely unacceptable in todays society.

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                      9 Replies
                      • I haven't seen any of the stream or videos, I've just read a few posts about it. I'm sure that they expected some form of immaturity and ignorance but from what I've read, it was pretty bad. The requirements the Dames set was sure to cause some uproar but IMO, it's "their choice" because it's "their clan." People bring up the DoD clan saying they'll accept anyone, even if you're not a Dad or even if you're not a male but once again, that's how they chose to setup "their clan." It's happened more times that I can count, a female joins an event and automatically some guy starts hitting on them or talking sh!t to them. One of the people I play with the most is a girl and she was the one who taught me a lot about the game. We crack jokes with her all the time and she dishes it right back but I would never be vulgar or derogatory to her. They spent money just like we did and if they want to play with only females, that's their choice. They want to play in peace and have fun, they don't deserve to be harassed every time they join a game. Just my two cents... Edit: Somehow I think this posted twice

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                      • So if a group of feminazis complain and cry that people were being mean to them on [b]THE INTERNET[/b] then the whole world loses their shit and does the same mistreatment to everyone else.. [b]HEY DEEJ OR COZMO OR WHOEVER DOES THEIR JOB!!! I WAS PLAYING A RAID THE OTHER DAY AND SOME 7 YEAR OLD CALLS ME FAT AN WORTHLESS AND I SHOULD GO KILLMYSELF AND IF I DONT HELL DO IT FOR ME!!! AVENGE ME AND DEFEND ME FOR I CANNOT DEFEND MYSELF NOR UNDERSTAND THAT THE INTERNET WILL ALWAYS BE THE INTERNET[/b]

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                        10 Replies
                        • Well said

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                        • Also, did you know that women have a marginally worse reaction timing than men? So, the best female gamer can't be as good as the best male gamer. It doesn't mean females can't game, though. I was just throwing that out there to feed the fires.

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                          8 Replies
                          • I haven't seen any of the stream or videos, I've just read a few posts about it. I'm sure that they expected some form of immaturity and ignorance but from what I've read, it was pretty bad. The requirements the Dames set was sure to cause some uproar but IMO, it's "their choice" because it's "their clan." People bring up the DoD clan saying they'll accept anyone, even if you're not a Dad or even if you're not a male but once again, that's how they chose to setup "their clan." It's happened more times that I can count, a female joins an event and automatically some guy starts hitting on them or talking sh!t to them. One of the people I play with the most is a girl and she was the one who taught me a lot about the game. We crack jokes with her all the time and she dishes it right back but I would never be vulgar or derogatory to her. They spent money just like we did and if they want to play with only females, that's their choice. They want to play in peace and have fun, they don't deserve to be harassed every time they join a game. Just my two cents...

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                          • What happened? I didn't see the stream?

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                          • Uhhh are you serious? So lemme get this straight if a bunch of girl gamers went against the bungie bounty people and ended up getting harassed worse than that it would be okay because they were girls. But since its a guy harassing 2 whipped community managers and 4 egotistical women that play a console game we should all feel horrible and take the people responsible to the stake via witch hunt... Get a life

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                          • Apologizing over randoms you don't even know? There will always be good people and there will always be as$holes. Unless we are all replaced by robots over night don't expect a big change. Good luck with your soap opera though.

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                          • Yea you should be sorry. Sorry that you are wasting our time writing this shit. Look harrasment happens everywhere. Internet white knights aint gunna fix it....

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                          • Shut up, Meg

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