You're an idiot, KD doesn't mean anything in trials, you can have a 10 KD but if they get three kills on your team and 4 deaths, but you don't res, guess what the negative KD out skilled you. If you think KD means everything you're a scrub. Look at you outside PVP, you're one of the trashiest players going.
As long as people pull their weight they're doing fine, and it's you that needs to get good.
I agree my K.D is trash and it's because I like to have fun in the crucible and not just worry about shiny stats... I've been to lighthouse three times and trust me I carried my own...
I prefer having fun too.
Yea his gamer tag says it all... The last word is all he uses in the crucible... I use them all!!
I like hip firing last word whilst jumping, it's my new thing, just jump and spray. So many people find it hard shooting while jumping but I never had a problem. I like using a different variety of weapons but I will use the last word when I'm trying, I also use it for fun, I have turned to sniping too.
Same here!! I'm about to post my first Montage in a couple of days... It feels so great picking off headshots
Just a mid to long range kill while hip firing in mid air feels awesome.
What lmao
It's ok, I saw the post that shows you getting destroyed, and your response where you had six kills. We get it you think you're good because you can camp at the back of spawn and get a couple of lucky kills, we just find it funny that your skill doesn't resemble your stats. You're not good, get good before calling other players trash.
We weren't camping, in doubles I just went 27-11 and scored 3000 points