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7/27/2015 9:44:12 PM
First off they didn't chop up anything. Proof or GTFO. (a shitty chopped up YouTube trailer, and an e3 trailer from years ago do not quantify as proof btw as a trailer at e3is just that, a basic clip of what's to come, it could have easily contained the first 5 years of dlc clips) Secondly "normally I would make a big long thread" You have, so you've contradicted yourself. Finally. Don't like it? Then go, stop posting on here, no one gives a shit about you posting on here and no -blam!-s will be given if you leave. A poll even if you got 50k votes isn't even a drop in the ocean out of 5 or 5 million players. Bye bye

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  • You give a shit for his post cause you replied idiot but you are a bungie fanboy so you don't get it.Also if bungie showed you a piece of shit with the destiny logo on it you would throw money at the screen.

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  • How am I a fanboy? Because I require evidence before slagging a company off and accusing them of ripping us off? Does that mean I should blindly follow destiny haters that would jump at any opportunity to have a bitch? God get a life...

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  • The evidence is the game itself and he clearly has a life if he is alive.

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  • Obvious troll is obvious....

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  • -blam!-h, they have video from 20--blam!-ing-13 of a hunter walking around in THE REEF. That's two years ago. Data mining(aka FACTS) also showed evidence of CHOPPED UP(as in partially installed content) all thought the game. Inform yourself foo'.

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  • Datamining is hacked content on disc, plenty of game developers put dlc on disc to save huge multi gig downloads. E3 trailer is that, a showcase, they are most likely already working on destiny 3 dlc as we speak? Or did you think it only takes them a couple weeks?

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  • Not at all , people don't hack system to datamine. They use the API offered by Bungie to gather data. All the passed data through API is controlled by Bungie. So there is absolutely no hacking at all. I suggest you to investigate before putting things as facts out there . Otherwise your posts will only highlight you as a troll.

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  • So data mining is completely legal and approved by devs? You know like how the locked out megaman because he was doing it? All that proves is it was on the disc already, (still without enemies etc so incomplete) Yet that's a commonly used practise to save huge download times. Instead of 4-5gig for tdb or HoW it would have been 15-20 gig...people would have spent days downloading it and would have complained when psn/xbox live went down (as they always do with millions of huge downloads at once)

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  • They developed the API and let developers use that API. Of course it is Legal. Try researching about API ;)

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  • That's why bungie had to do a quick hotfix to lock out megaman / other dataminers. And that's why they banned anyone glitching/datamining into new areas? Right?

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  • Sorry but it sounds like you are a pretty young and unexperienced fellow. First of all glitching into a built in map has NO relevance with the so called datamining or what bungie patched. Bungie patched the API so that future content will not be revealed before it is published on websites like Reddit. They tried to keep the surprise and continue on their efforts on manipulating Xur inventory. They also tried to ban the players whom glitched into built in area's because those glitches clearly put out one of the important proof that Bungie cut and changed game content prior to release. Yet i can also clearly say that all my points are my and many other first day players opinions You can feel free to disagree but all you do is just showing yourself as a bad consumer. You are complaining to gamers whom feel cheated in many different ways by Bungie. You should first learn how to become a good consumer because without that , you'll be the perfect customer Luke Smith dreamed off : The one that throw money to TV when asked...

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  • Actually I haven't preordered ttk as the UK price is a joke and I have voiced my feelings about that. I disagree with cut content arguments though, there isn't any proof, nobody has any. Not in any single one of these threads. Oh wait a trailer! Oh wait I glitched into an area! Oh wait PLACEHOLDERS -blam!-s sake. Seriously, there's zero proof that the PLACEHOLDERS have been cut from the original game.

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  • Tells one other game that did that. Blatantly showed u as a ADVERTISEMENT content that PNLY comes out TWO YEARS LATER. None. It's -blam!-ing false advertising.

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  • No its not, you can't Base an entire game off an e3 trailer, do you have a statement from bungie or proof where they said the reef would be an accessible area in vanilla destiny? (even though we visit there)

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  • U sir are completely lost. Ur the kinda person were if someone gave u facts of a crime scene, ud say "well unless u take me back in time and have me watch the crime unfold live, it's not true". Pathetic.

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  • Lol where are the facts!?!? A TRAILER from a few years ago is NOT PROOF! Show me some proof ffs

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  • Yea...a trailer that showed a completely different game.... No other game has ever done that... I would be like buying fallout 4 on day one...getting all hype... And then realizing they changed it into a tea party simulation

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  • [quote]First off they didn't chop up anything.[/quote] Are you for real? This is common knowledge. They totally cut content. You come across as a delusional fanboy. You have my pity. Bungie today is sadly not the Bungie we remember of yesteryear. I believe we have Activision to thank for that.

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  • Oh sorry you have evidence of this yeah? You're not just quoting lots of other bitter people.using 3 year old E3 videos and "common knowledge"

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  • *sigh* here is just one article. Go ahead and Google "Destiny cut content" and you'll find more. Even without all you need to do is view footage of the game pre-release to see with your own eyes that content was cut. Not trying to piss on you, just helping you get your facts right.

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  • There's no facts, I've seen that crap article posted on here but that's simply someones opinion. I've seen plenty of people post that there's "proof of cut content " yet everybody refers to an e3 trailer and datamined/hacked info.

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  • there is a shitload of facts but as a bungie bitch you are to enthralled by their piss poor example of a game to see anything wrong with what they did. well since you cant look the shit up for your self and want it on a frikken silver platter just keep believing in you defiled god. Muted cause anymore responses from you will be dull aggravation.

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  • What proof? Post Some actual proof of cut content then ffs. Oh wait you can't...cause just like every other retard on here you have none.

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  • Oh wow... Really? Now I'm trying to figure out if you really are this delusional or just a troll. I present you with a link... That has proof. There's a Bungie employee AMA out there about cut content and countless other vids and docs and still you're so blind? If you're happy with half a game; good for you... But I pity you.

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  • Let me guess the reddit link? The one where some guy "claimed" to be a bungie employee and offered no proof, just his word? The one that bungie posted about and called a troll because he wasn't an employee? The one that even people on reddit didn't really believe because he couldn't offer any proof of being a bungie employee and ever single statement was just EXACTLY what people wanted to hear....... Again you offer nothing fresh to this argument. You probably argue there is a god and the Bible is proof. All you bitches seem to say "look at all the proof" yet out of the dozens of replies I've had, multiple threads on here no one has posted any proof. Just a link to an old E3 trailer and a post on reddit. That's not proof. If you took bungie to court that wouldn't be seen as evidence as none of it is verified.

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