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7/27/2015 7:25:47 PM
Really? That is your come back. Grow up kid and learn to have a conversation with the adults. Let's see, I am 35 and have never had or been diagnosed with ADD. So your comment was completely irrelevant to what I said. Try again?

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  • Edited by Ghost J34: 7/27/2015 8:15:41 PM
    [quote]People already whine about the cut scenes and now you whine about not having enough of them. [/quote] [quote]Grow up kid and learn to have a conversation with the adults.[/quote] Adults don't generalize in such a ridiculous way. I'd love for you to point out where [b]I[/b] have ever whined about the cutscenes. [quote]So your comment was completely irrelevant to what I said. [/quote] Oh lawd, the irony level in here is over 9000. Tell me again how your idiotic comment had [b]anything[/b] to do with Bungie's "rich cinematic storytelling" statement, which is what my comment was based on. Oh, that's right - it doesn't. Your personal preference has literally nothing to do with Bungie's storytelling claim. [quote]Try again?[/quote] Go ahead. For being 35, you have the reasoning skills of a 12 year old.

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  • 1. There is no way to speak about a group dynamic *without* generalizing. What distinguishes the grown up is that he realizes that he IS generalizing. That just because the HERD is moving in a particular direction, doesn't mean that EVERY COW in that herd is moving that eway. 2. No irony involved. The guy made a valid point about the "no win game" many people like to put Bungie in around here. One part of the forum complains that there arent' enough cut scence. The other part complains about having to sit through them....and instead of responding to the IDEA he's expression about Bungie being in a no-win situation, you respond with a personal insult. 3. The iron here is that YOUR opinion isn't any more valid than his. False advertising can only be levelled against claims that are OBJECTIVELY and DEMONSTRABLY false. If Bungie said that the game would have 15 story missions...and it only had 5...then you'd have a legitimate claim. Trying to file suit over somethign that comes down to a matter of opinion "Great Taste" or personal a waste of everyone's time. TLDR: If you don't like the game...then you don't like the game. Go play something else. But it gets tiresome listening to you kids go on and on like there is something WRONG with someone who likes something you don't. Its that "My Opinions Define What's Real" what marks you as a child. Or God Forbid, a PROFOUNDLY immature adult.

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  • Edited by Ghost J34: 7/27/2015 8:52:25 PM
    Why do you keep responding to me when I'm talking to the other guy? I don't know if you're a narcissist or what, but I wasn't talking to you. 1. Cool, except there was never any "herd" that hated the limited amount of cutscenes we have available. The "herd" just wanted the ability to skip the cutscenes we've already seen. Also, this does nothing to address the fact that his generalization had nothing to do with me or my comment, therefore it was irrelevant. 2. You're an idiot, do you even context? Put his comment in context, [b]it was completely irrelevant[/b] to my post he was responding to. Bungie's "rich cinematic storytelling" was advertised before anyone ever had the chance to see the cutscenes you claim they complained about in the first place. Reading comprehension, not even once. 3. Good lord. This isn't a matter of opinion. It's a simple fact that what we have currently [b]is not[/b] "rich cinematic storytelling. If you think otherwise, you're just wrong, period. There needs to be an IQ test before being able to post on these forums.

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  • 1. ....and I don't recally asking for your permission either on this PUBLIC forum. If my posting to you offends that much either ignore the posts or mute me. OTHERWISE, deal with them, because they are ON the topic being discussed. 2. There were individuals, however that didn't like the number of cutscences that were there....and players like me who didn't NEED them in order to tell the story. His generalization has EVERYTHING to do with your comment...and the tendency of kids like you to treat your personal opinions of things as if they were facts. 3. No. I 'm not...but you might be. That's just it. Bungie's "cinematic storytelling" is an ADVERTISING CLAIM...and whether or not they actually FULFILLED It.....IS A MATTER OF OPINION. 4. Okay, clearly you are stupid and stubborn enough to keep pressing a losing position. Riddle me this Batman. What is the PRECISE number of Cutscenes that are required for there to be "rich cinematic storytelling". Tell me PRECISELY what needs to be IN those cutscenes in order to reach that threshold. Because----if we were dealing with FACTS and OBJECTIVE reality-----you should be able to give me a clear, conscise, universally-agreed upon answer. 5. You do NOT want to go there. Because odds are my actual IQ is probably TWICE yours....and trying to argue against my intelligence will have you bringing a pocket knife to an artillery duel. So save yourself the public humiliation, and JUST don't go there...and quit while you're behind.

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  • Edited by Ghost J34: 7/27/2015 9:17:25 PM
    [quote]4. Okay, clearly you are stupid and stubborn enough to keep pressing a losing position. [/quote] lmfao. I admire your density. [quote]quit while you're behind.[/quote] Take your own advice. Arguing with a brick wall would be more intellectually stimulating than talking with you. Arguing whether or not this game actually fulfills "rich cinematic storytelling" is like arguing with a flat-earth believer. I'm not even going to bother. [quote]Okay, clearly you are stupid and stubborn enough to keep pressing a losing position[/quote] I guarantee 99% of the people on this forum agree with me. Bungie has straight up said that they need to improve the storytelling. Now, why would they need to do such a thing if the storytelling was already "rich" and "cinematic"? That's hardly losing, but I guess that's a matter of opinion too, amirite? Logic, not even once. [quote]You do NOT want to go there. Because odds are my actual IQ is probably TWICE yours....and trying to argue against my intelligence will have you bringing a pocket knife to an artillery duel. So save yourself the public humiliation, and JUST don't go there.[/quote] Thanks for the new copy pasta, rofl.

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  • Bluster and insults are no substitute for an effective argument. The Earth is a round as a matter of FACT....because you can objectively demonstrate that it is an oblate spheroid. I dont' care HOW many people don't think the game has "Cinematic storytelling". Its still a matter of opinion and a mater of personal taste....and what you are doing is a classic "Appeal to the Majority" logical fallacy. So no----you did manage to get that right. You're losing this argument is actually a matter of fact. Because you have yet to actually RAISE ONE in the defense of your position. Just lots of blustering and personal insults (Ad Hominem and Appeal to Ridicule") Only problem is that I'm neither immature or insecure enough to be dissuaded by them.

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  • Like I said, I'm not going to expend the time nor mental energy to bother with you. I'd have just as much success arguing with someone who believes something as ridiculous as a flat earth. The fact that you would even debate it shows how hopeless the situation is. You don't even realize how silly you sound. I majored in Philosophy. You sound like the typical reddit neckbeard who took an intro to philosophy course and thinks he's an expert on fallacies and argumentation. The fact that you think ad hominem = personal insults just shows how uneducated you are. Stop using terms you don't understand. But most of all, [b]stop trying so hard.[/b]

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