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Edited by Simiks: 7/25/2015 2:59:21 PM

Complaints to date: A veteran player.

Let me vent. Destiny has become so disappointing, unenjoyable and boring now. Let me start with weapons, same old complaints; ya know RNG molesting players with over a month of in-game playtime and grimoire damn near maxed for G-horn and other exotics we want so bad, Xur selling the same old items we already have and withholding the ones we want (there are too many weapons to be randomly supplying them), Terrible balance problems with weapons and having to wait months for a fix when Bungie finally identifies the problem and finally the fact that the HoW weapons are all terrible and not worth my vault space. Such a disappointment. To keep this short I will list the other problems i find: - Not enough Vault Space - Repetitive strikes - Nerfs that hinder weapons useless. - Exotics being Shit when legendaries dominate most of them - RNG; Being rewarded at random; Hard work dedication and even playtime has no effects on your loot or benefits. - Bungie giving the impression that they are lazy when Destiny is their biggest game atm. And whoever the hell is in charge of addressing the community and applying fixes are FAILING. YOU ARE FAILING MOFO. Please get somebody who can do their damn job and have timely responses and will LISTEN to what we want and not what they want to hear. YOU HAVE ONE JOB! As a final note I do love destiny and want to enjoy it. But the game has just become the same routine every week. Pray for RNG to bless me: Run both raids 3 times. Do nightfall. Pray Xur is worthy. Get dissapointed. I do not want to stop playing destiny but I am being forced to play less and less. [ Edit: Ridiculous how they promise so many new weapons, yet we already don't have enough vault space. Where the heck are we to put them? ]

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  • I am sooooo disappointed in Bungie right now. I have been with Bungie since Halo. Starting with Halo 2 I have bought every Bungie Halo Game one step above the basic disk. Why? Because you developed a loyal consumer that was forged with Halo. My loyalty has been to Bungie. Since your split I have not spent a dime on 343. Why? Because they took away who was Master Chief. They could not tell the story of Halo in the fashion that Bungie has or ever will. On their best day they could not make the game feel like Bungie. I even supported you when you courted Sony PS and basically turned your back to the Xbox Community during your courtship. Why? It was business, you needed to present Bungie to the PS community, the PS community who heard the wonders of Bungie and Halo. I have ignored the changes that Bungie has gone through after their association with Activision. But after your public comments, gaffe’s, and the recent crap in the past few months I can see your culture changing from your focus on the game and its community to the game and profit. Example; Year 1 players being pissed on by you in TTK. Sparrow, Shaders and Emblem for an extra cost??? It should be more like a new Ghost Shell, Ship, armor and Weapon (Legendary or Exotic) exclusive to Year 1 players only (FREE). Each year should have something in that four item order, how’s that for a 10 year plan (would help create a loyal fan base)??? I worked my a$$ off to get Thorn and now to find out that it’s going to be nerfed. My Icebreaker? WTF? I don’t have Gjallarhorn, and to find out that once the patch comes out it too will be nerfed because of the bitching from noobs who cry because they don’t have Gjallarhorn. Noobs who get their panties in a bunch when players don’t want to play with them because they don’t have Gjallarhorn (#Jon Weisnewski comments one of the reasons why Gjallarhorn is being nerfed)?!? Here is an easy fix, submit a review of the person(s) who shunned you, then go finder another game (after reviewing my comments before posting I believe I know where this noob catering and nerfing is coming from. It’s the PS players; Bungie is catering to the PS players. Look at the complaints from the players on the forums and check what platform the majority of the complaints are coming form, 70% of the time its a PS player. They never had a real game in all their platforms and all of a sudden they are thrown into the fire; a real game. They don’t know how to handle it. The Xbox community and players cut their teeth with all the Halo Games and became seasoned players. It’s like giving a Maserati to a 10 year old. Because of their bitching Bungie is yanking the engine and replacing it with the engine of a Pinto, looks like a Maserati but drives like a Pinto). Gjallarhorn the most epic go to weapon (and back story) in the game and is going to be worthless like the Dragons Breath. Every guardian has a go to weapon in their inventory. Some worked hard to get their weapons others have not but were graced by RNG, but it’s still their weapon. Why BUNGIE are YOU listening to the minority noobs? Look at my stats, Im a noob compared to other seasoned players. I get my a$$ handed to me by the Thorn in PvP. What did I do? I did not Blam! complain to you. I went out got the bounty and worked hard (Im not a great PVP player) to complete the bounty so I can go toe to toe with other Guardians who have the Thorn. LOOK at my history, even with my novice skills I attained and completed some of the hardest the challenges in Bungie History for example the Hayabusa Armor and eventually achieved the highly coveted Recon Armor, 7 on 7 baby! I got Recon from Bungie, not 343 and Halo Way Point. When getting coveted items I have a sense of completion and comradery with other players who have trudged through the mud as I have. As a LONG time player I feel betrayed by Bungie. If I ever get Gjallarhorn because of your stupid Nerf I might as well have my Guardian kick it to the sand box and piss on it! Bungie leadership and employees, you are losing your way and your corporate culture. For the past few months after paying attention I see that Bungie is becoming more and more like Microsoft, more concerned on profits, catering to a bunch of minority players for the fear that it will cut your profit and consumer base, than making a great product, developing a culture base with your community, launching your legacy by fostering a loyal fan base who will stay with you and spend $$ on your products during your 10 year plan. Without Bungie and who you were in Halo, Xbox would not have a leg to stand on. You did that because you had a great formula (product, business, culture, loyal fans and consumer base). Sadly you are losing that formula, your 10 year plan will become a 2 year plan, and if you don’t find it and continue your ways you will become the next 343 to Activision and PS.

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