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7/23/2015 12:38:07 PM
simple fact is Xbox since it was first released was a redundancy when you could just play those games on a PC , Simple fact is Don Matrick pulled the xbox out of its grave and put Xbox on the map , and his own playerbase burned him at the stake. Simple fact is you can buy a PC for $499 today that willl run all Xbox games in better quality and you can use an Xbox controller on them. Simple fact is if you buy an Xbox, your part of the problem not the solution. Simple fact is my PS3 runs games in 720p and so do most Xbox1 games ; ) except for games like battlefield 4 which they brought down to 900p on the PS4 because they " Didn't want to show favoritism to any console " IE : xbox1 could not run it at 1080p so PS4 owner have to suffer

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  • I don't have time to explain how incredibly stupid that is and you are. Have a wonderful life, you tin foil nut!

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  • Simple fact is more people play on Xbox Live (between Xbox One and Xbox 360) than they do on the PlayStation Network (between PS3 and PS4). Why is this? Well, the Xbox 360 turned out to be a pretty great machine after the initial RRoD stuff. People [i]still[/i] aren't sure they want to make the leap to the Xbox One because they enjoy playing the games that developers still continue to make for it. Once developers officially kill last gen, and once backwards compatibility comes to more games, I'm sure more people will jump ship. TL;DR - While PS4 has been outselling the Xbox One, more people play on Xbox Live and Microsoft continues to dominate the market share for online console gaming.

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  • Okay since you did a little reseach I'll give you a bit of credit. But there are facts you seem to avoid. Xbox 360 started out very strong, but towards the middle to end of last gen consoles PS3 was out selling Xbox 360, and PS4 has been out selling XB1 since day 1. As of last time I checked the combined sales of both PS3 and PS4 were out selling Xbox360 and XB1 3:1. Now I will admit that was before the price drop so that could have changed by now. So how can more people people be on XB live then PSN if Microsoft is behind in sales?

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  • Well you're right in that PS3 started to outsell the Xbox 360 towards the end of its life cycle but one could argue that the reason for that is because everyone already had a 360. Did they ever surpass the 360 in total sales? I'm not sure they did. I've seen that 3:1 ratio also but I think that's solely between the Xbox One and PS4. Regardless, you asked how more people can be on Xbox Live than the PlayStation Network if this were the case. The answer is simple: online subscriptions =/= consoles sold. You don't have to get an online subscription in order to play the system. People say that competition is better on Xbox Live for PvP play (maybe not necessarily for Destiny) and maybe it is. However, IMO, that's only because the pool of players is much larger. It's always been that way and despite console sales, I don't see it changing anytime soon. Someone said earlier that people only get an Xbox because their friends have one but either that be proving the point that more people are on Xbox Live?

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  • Acording to the data i just read Sony sold 80 million PS3 consoles by Augest 2013, while Xbox 360 sold 78.2 million consoles by Augest 2013. This was from an article on geekwire, which was the first search result Google gave me. Another article from Jan 2013 say at that time PS3 sold 77 million while Xbox 360 sold 76 million Now I don'rt know how valid these articles and their numbers are but from where they get the information they report, they seem like a legitimate source.

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  • Ps3 and ps4 outsold xbox 360 and xbox 1 in both generations. Ps3 passed 360 sales a couple years ago. So if I were to guess theres currently more people on PSN than live. Also psn is free for ps3 so you have to take that into account to.

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  • Negative ghost rider. Let's look at console use around the globe.

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  • sir, i owe you a beer lol

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  • I just got cancer from your ignorance

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  • you must be an Ex-Box player with such a stunning vocabulary. and 0 points for originality, did you copy and paste that reply ? whats next a comment about my mother ?

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  • oh man, you nailed me right on the head. Goodness youre really great at that mr. I have all systems excluding handhelds (psp and things like that, def have nintendos) and a gaming rig. You see buddy, im a gamer. Not a close minded dickhead who thinks he knows more and is better than everyone but hey, its your life buddy. and life is a garden, dig it

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  • I never said I knew more than anyone ,, like to see where you drew that conclusion from :) I stated some Facts . i have plenty more of them if you would like, like Microsoft's closed door conference and a qoute from a lead developer from Microsoft stating that the general public will just buy xbox off the shelves and wont research it . ill find it if you want ; ) and the simple fact that most Xbox players buy the console for 2 reasons , 1 ) their friends play on it and 2 ) they are use to the controller . there have been dozens of Developer videos that surfaced about Microsofts extremely restrictive policies, their attitude toward developers, and all the hoops they had to jump through with them to try and get their games published on their console . etc etc ,, I research my Purchases , I personally will not get behind any Xbox product , for the above and many more reasons .. but i guess that makes me close minded , and i would rather be close minded than cattle ( and that's exactly what one developer at Microsoft implied with his comment of people buying xbox console )

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  • He finally hit home on the two facts that matter most! Yes most of my friends play on Xbox, 1 switched to ps4 (but he plays very very casually now), and 2 the Xbox controller is soooo much more comfortable (I actually have both). The differences in graphics and power of the machines won't make or break any true gamers experience anyway so stop shouting nonsense in a #destiny forum and get back to playing.

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  • id prefer that than the company that lost thousand of people credit card info and gets hacked into constantly and cant even protect their own personal information. Just saying. Have sony rob you of hundreds of dollars and see if youd be so trusting bud.

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  • That's all you have, that is it. I never had a fraudulent charge to my credit card. Besides this isn't 1999 my card company knows I'm not renting a car in the UK.

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  • wow really? just because you never had one, doesnt make it ok to the millions that had info stolen. I dont think you put any thought into this, i literally cant dumb it down enough

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  • Xbox did as well LOL.

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  • Dud your talking about Microsoft not Sony. The XB Live got hacked years ago and everyone lost their stuff. Try doing some research before believing rumos you heard from butt hurt fan boys.

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  • ROFLMAO youre kidding me right? Guy, it was def playstation, psn was down for weeks, i couldnt access my profile and sony jacked me of almost 500 bucks. Just wow

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  • Yes PSn was down for a few months that is true. But XB live has been hacked and peoples personal info stolen for years. Look it up, in 2007, 2008, 2011, 2012 and other years XB live has been hacked and people account info stolen. With PlayStation 3 since it was free you never had to give any credit card info at any time. So if something is free and does not require any credit card info how can your stuff be stolen?

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  • the links you posted were rumors and minor incidents. Please please please research things bud. 77 million psn customers had personal info taken, that is A PROVEN FACT, you gotta see the difference here.

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  • It is a proven fact that Microsoft never releases the truth to the public only the things that make them look good. You would rater stick with a company that is based on lies, then a company that comes out and tells the truth. it is a prove fact that millions of Xbox live users have had their personal info stolen, had money stolen from their accounts,. Just because you refuse to see the truth, does not mean Microsoft is better, your just being a fan boy being fed half truths and flat out lies, and believe them

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