Somehow this turned into a console war.....
Nice to meet you too
Halo to you too, OP. I see you are Chinese. Here is a joke: What has two wings and a halo? [spoiler]A chinese phone. WING WING HALO?[/spoiler]
First let's wait and see if Halo 5 works for the first 3 months before we start spreading the gospel about it.
Console wars are stupid
I see your halo and I raise you The Last of Us
Lol I hope they don't screw it up like the master chief collection. Also, Bungie didn't make halo 5.
This made chuckle.
CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG? Why'd you have to start a flame war OP? WHY!?!?!?!?
let's do it Gangnam Style
Yep, you have an overrated fps. Congrats brodawg.
Yea.... too bad 343 just went and ruined it I have all the Halo games on 360 but Microsoft Studios should've stopped the series after Bungie finished Halo 4 ruined it I bought PS4 instead of XB one partly because a few friends I knew were going that way too but mainly what pushed me away was the Kinect..... Yes I do realize that you can buy it [i]without [/i] the stupid Kinect now but when I bought my PS4 there was no option PS4 is better now. The only true Halo games were the ones made by Bungie
Gee too bad 343 jacked it all up huh? I played 360. Those were the only good ones. Moved to PS4 after that. PlayStation wins. Sorry buddy.
Assuming I only have a Playstation.
It's people like you that are cancer to the gaming community. Remove yourself.
And... Your point is?
I play on playstation and xbox and Nintendo. Who says you can have the best of all worlds?
Last of Us God Of War Journey ICO Shadow of The Colossus Metal Gear Solid 4 Uncharted LittleBIGPlanet Infamous Demon Souls Bloodborne Heavy Rain/Jaaaasoooon!
Hi. I own both consoles because I'm not a ignorant fanboy.
Last of us, uncharted, little big planet, god of war, kill zone, infamous...
Mom said no to the PS4 again eh? #condolences #muted
Halo suxx
What is halo? I think the correct word is hola for hello
Maybe 5 years ago this post would have been relevant, Halo is garbage now. Coming from a guy who ADORED Halo 2.
I have both consoles I miss out on nothing!!! [spoiler]ps4 is better though in pretty much every way, sorry[/spoiler]