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Edited by Pro: 7/22/2015 2:41:08 PM

Other options than nerfs

For the most part I think I understand what bungie was going for, and respect it... Except for the fusion rifle change.. still don't under stand that. But! There are other ways to balance out a gun than by nerfing base stats! You could beef up enemies... For example, when the taken king drops you could have introduced enemies that have shields that are completely element resistant! Make an over shield that is impervious to all solar damage. That would 1) incentivize the use of kinetic weapons and 2) prevent the dependence on gjally and IB. Or have a boss fight that disables all exotic perks, making a legendary load out a better fit! This still allows players to "feel the power" of top tier weapons 99% of the time, but not allow boss fights to end with 6 weapons of light gjallys. The only weapon that truly needed a base stat nerf was Thorn. TLW just needed to function as it was designed too - without the hip fire glitch and obvious range extension. And a standard fel winters lie isn't that great - allowing players to reroll guns was the problem. That never should have been allowed. And RL launchers in PVP were just ridiculous. You should never be able to pick up 4 rounds of an instant kill. Change heavy ammo drops to 2 MAX 3 rockets and you'd see more balance. Those are just a few of my ideas. Most of them were PvE based. Destiny had correctly identified issues with the game, I just think the solutions were wrong. Instead of changing the tool (which everyone is so familiar with, and spent hours on) change the object, or the target

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