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originally posted in: Day one players still around?
7/20/2015 1:46:40 PM
Day one player here. I read your post, and I am basically the same. I still play daily, but that's more because I made some very good friends and they live overseas in the UK, and I like to good around and have fun. As far as Bungie doing anything special for me as a day one, I don't want anything other than better value for my time and money. The content has been a bad value for what they are asking money wise. I feel, as a consumer, that they have yet to deliver a polished product for the money. I also feel like they have figured out they can hold back content like emotes and the other cosmetic items and then exploit the customers who have stayed around. I also feel like they continue to find ways to stretch out hours played without adding anything into the game that would make me want to play more hours. Things like the Ice Breaker and Black Hammer nerf are blatant examples of this. Kind of falls into the Crotas End Hard Mode argument. Where Bungie didn't actually make it any harder outside of bumping the level up to where our damage output was less than the enemies. Which meant slower, longer runs. Literally nothing added, except more hours to show Activision and investors a ROI (return on investment). I just wish it wasn't all strictly about the money with them. It used to feel like it was about the experience with Bungie and their games. That being the best game was more important than making money. Because taking care of one (being great) easily takes care of the other (making moolah). Anyways. I personally, after over 1000 rather tedious, yet thankfully friend assisted, hours that it may be moving on time. My friends list is dying rapidly. The same bounties I've been doing daily for the last year were stale 6 months ago. I can't see myself running the same 6 Strikes much longer. And the fact that there IS content that could help break the monotony but its hidden behind Sonys paywall (I'm on Xbox) really grinds my gears.

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