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Edited by Lost Sols: 12/15/2015 5:54:27 AM

An open letter to Jon Weisnewski, before you ruin Blink too.

[quote]I’m going to go back to putting the finishing touches on the new Subclasses and trying to figure out how I can make Blink less frustrating to fight against. People keep showing up at my desk asking me when I’m going to remove Blink from the game, and I don’t want to do that, so back to the drawing board! -From the desk of Jon Weisnewski[/quote] Dear Jon, You've made quite an impression on these forums the last couple of days and I'm not quite sure it was the splash you had intended. While I'm sure there are a lot of Guardians who'd like to have a word with you about that, today I'd like to talk to you about the comment above and problem solving not just in a sandbox, but in the real world as well. Without going too in depth (you or anyone else at Bungie can find my thoughts at any time under the tag #bumpfortruth) I have always posited that when you all decided to allow us to use our own weapons, armor and unique class abilities in PvP, you were creating an experience in which there may occasionally be items or abilities that give advantages in situations. Weapons like Vex and Thorn might be powerful, Arcblade may be destructive, but that the overall depth of the arsenals at our disposal means that we have a multitude of ways to counter anything thrown at us. I'm taking this from a reply I gave to a post in which the OP was upset with Blink users and insinuating they were all scrubs and Blink is broken. It's the kind of post I assume you are referring to in your statement and honestly, by what I've seen so far, the solution you may come up with worries the hell out of me. Not because I use Blink, I don't. But because like Vex, Suros, Thorn, ARs, Black Hammer, etc, etc... I'm worried you're looking for a solution to a problem that may not lay completely in the weapon or ability. So here is something to think about when contemplating problem solving in a sandbox. One of the basic tenets of competition is that, in order to asses the strengths and advantages of an opponent, we must first understand what we ourselves are capable of and where we fall short. Here is my reply to that post: [quote]I get you're frustrated dying to players using Blink, but coming onto the forums and talking shit to everyone who uses it kinda makes you look like a sore loser. If you're willing to take some advice, there's a pretty effective way to counter Blink but to counter it, you have to understand it. While Blink allows the user to teleport forward in place of a jump, it does come with some drawbacks. The biggest consequence and the most relevant to anyone facing it, is that for the distance of the Blink the Hunter/Warlock is essentially blind. The second drawback that is relevant to killing them is that they can't Blink more than twice in a row without hitting a cooldown. The last thing to understand is that 99% of the time someone is using Blink, they're going to be headed forward or up. So what people need to do is think about that and what it means and try to form a strategy to counter it. It's easy to just hop on a forum and say nerf Blink, but look where that thought process has gotten us. So we know that our opponents can Blink and that makes them a bitch to hit, but we also know that they are momentarily Blind, can only Blink twice and are generally headed one of two directions. So what can we do to use that to our advantage? The answer is as simple as one button press. JUMP. We've been doing it since Mario, so we know how it works. Press A and jump into the air. When our enemy Blinks, they do so with the assumption that they are going to teleport, but you are going to be in relatively your same position when they get to the other side. If in that instant they're blind, you jump... "Holy f**k, where'd they go??" You just bogarted their Blink. And by either using jump abilities that allow you to move in the air or by jumping consecutively, even if they Blink again you have the advantage and they're screwed after the second Blink. And by knowing what direction their Blink is taking them, it allows you to equip a close range weapon like a Fusion Rifle to melt them as they reappear or to drop on them with a shotgun. Is it perfect? No. Some maps work better than others. Shores? You'll kill Blinkers for days. Close quarters map like the Anomaly, advantage them. The point is that if people were willing to accept a little personal accountability and ask themselves if they're dying because of a weapon or because they could be better or know a map better or know their class and abilities better, people might find that there are a lot more great weapons and abilities and ways to succeed in this game than they thought. Just something to consider the next time you're in the Crucible.[/quote] I hope this is something you read and take to heart Mr. Weisnewski and I hope you never change Blink.

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  • Bump

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  • Edited by Synge_X: 8/6/2015 8:43:19 PM
    Someone told me once after I stated that I was tired of blink, that half the time it is a hindrance to the player... Considering that I have used every class, as well as all of their abilities, I can say for sure that blink is just as much of a hindrance as it is helpful... Which begs the question, why is it so prevalent in the crucible right now? Because in certain situations, it provides a free and easy kill and people would hinder their own game play experience just to have that option. After calming down, I did some more thinking... It was never blink that was a problem, and historically throughout the game people really didn't start to utilize it in mass until the ranged shotguns appeared. This gave people who would otherwise have made a serious mistake by blinking, a chance to pull off a completely random, BS kill with a ranged shotgun. whether you agree with it or not, Bungie has proven that they will Nerf weapons and strategies based on overuse. I think that you will see less blink after the incoming shotgun range nerf. Consequently, when over use ceases, The metrics will produce a more desirable number when it comes to variety of strategy in the crucible. Personally, I can't wait. Yes, there will be some other strategy that people abuse but at least there will be a grace period for a while where different strategies and weapons will be used, giving me the player an opportunity to use a variety of weapons and strategies myself.

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  • How dare you post a logical and well thought through response! That's not allowed in these forums! ;)

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    • Bump

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    • Great post. There's a very simple way to make Blink fair, which is to remove the invincibility frames. As for the unpredictability, the easiest way to fix that is make it so that as soon as the blink is activated, there is some sort of telltale that will show where the blinker is going. That's. It. Nothing more is needed. Don't make a fun and unique jump ability useless.

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    • Wow this is awesome. I agree 100% constantly nerfing weapons in favor of weaker players constantly complaining is ruining the game. People cry about blink, thorn, matador, feltwinters, the former glory that was the suros, and anything else that knocks them out in crucible. Regardless of what nerfs get added the skill players are still going to beat them and they're still going to complain. Most people who complain about the thorn don't have it because they're aren't good enough to get the void kills required. As for blinking they could use it as well, but guess what they prob are not good enough to use it. Update the game to the og autorifles, keep the hand cannons as is, rebuff the vex, and let everybody go toe to toe and see the bad kids still complain.

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      • Bump

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      • I made a warlock because of Nova bomb and blink. If they nerf my blink I'm gonna be so upset. It's the only way to play against thorn

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        • Bump!!!

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        • Nah. Break it. IDGAF.

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        • Bump. I wish more ppl would see this! I made a post yesterday stating that if ppl spend more time on the game instead of the forums they would probably b better. My k/d isn't crazy good but I come up with solutions not whine my butt off on here lol

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          • I never use blink, it's just a justified lag switch. Another great thread guardian. Bump

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            • You see it used differently at higher levels of play that most people simply won't see often or at all. The disparity of gameplay at different skill levels gives most people a very skewed vision of the effectiveness of various weapons and abilities. There is little to no reason not to take blink over any other jump in pvp barring user error or class access.

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            • Edited by Halcyon: 7/30/2015 1:47:28 AM
              My -blam!-ing god bruh! Do NOT touch our abilities! You're already decimating our guns. Would you ruin our abilities as well? Just because children complain about everything in these forums, does not mean you should heed their every request. What the hell is wrong with Bungie bruh!...BUMP man I pray that i'll find a way to get my money back for this shitty ass game man.

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            • I just want Titans to have blink in the name of Balance.

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              • Screw blink it's a garbage jump!

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              • Bump Great post. Balanced doesn't have to reduce everything to equal, we just need a counter strategy to balance the advantage.

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              • I disliked blink before I read this. Another awesome and well written post. You should seriously consider writing professionally.

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              • It shouldn't allow players to spam it as quickly, or allow them to survive a proximity detonated rocket.

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                • Honestly, this is the most straightforward (and correct) counter I've ever read about blink. Glad someone has figured it out and vocalized it to the community and Bungie. Hopefully they read this, but sadly, my take on it is that Bungie will read it and disregard it or use it to interpret this in their own manner to make "fixes" and changes we never intended. Great post. Bump.

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                • If Destiny’s 2.0 announcement was a 1960’s Ad [b] BUNGIE:[/b] “Say there guardian!” *Guardian points at himself* [b] BUNGIE:[/b] “Yes you!” [b] BUNGIE:[/b] “Does RNG keep leaving you feeling like less and less of a Guardian, and more like a filthy common Dreg?? *Guardian looks sad as he shakes his head* [b]BUNGIE:[/b] “Do you wish you had a bigger more powerful gun? That you could finally be the go to guy for Raids, and Trails of Osiris”? *Guardians eyes sparkle up* [b] BUNGIE:[/b] “Or do you just simply wish you could finally beat that rascal, Skolas?” *Guardian shakes his head up and down, very excitedly* [b] BUNGIE:[/b] “Well do we ever have the product for you! and no, it’s not a free Gjallarhorn silly! It’s update 2.0!” *Guardians face looks mad* [b] BUNGIE[/b]: “With this all encompassing update, we’ve taken peoples favorite guns, and recklessly ruined them with Nerfs ! This way you won’t feel so bad about your sissy underpowered guns, which you been squirreling away in that dusty old vault” *Guardian gives the finger as he starts walking away* [b]BUNGIE[/b]: “Hey come back here! You still owe us $40.00 for doing this for you!

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                    • test bump

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                      • Whoa, whoa, whoa there hoss, you are way too smart for these forums. Some dipstick could read that, you know. Their scrawny little brain would pop like a balloon. There'd be blood and brain bits and skull fragments everywhere! Is that what you want? Is it???

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                        • [quote]I’m going to go back to putting the finishing touches on the new Subclasses and trying to figure out how I can make Blink less frustrating to fight against. People keep showing up at my desk asking me when I’m going to remove Blink from the game, and I don’t want to do that, so back to the drawing board! -From the desk of Jon Weisnewski[/quote] I'm just gonna say it. This guy is SPINELESS Make your content, stand by it, don't change it because you hear the same people bitch again and again. It doesn't need to be changed. Grow a pair and believe in your content you asshat.

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