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Edited by Lost Sols: 12/15/2015 5:54:27 AM

An open letter to Jon Weisnewski, before you ruin Blink too.

[quote]I’m going to go back to putting the finishing touches on the new Subclasses and trying to figure out how I can make Blink less frustrating to fight against. People keep showing up at my desk asking me when I’m going to remove Blink from the game, and I don’t want to do that, so back to the drawing board! -From the desk of Jon Weisnewski[/quote] Dear Jon, You've made quite an impression on these forums the last couple of days and I'm not quite sure it was the splash you had intended. While I'm sure there are a lot of Guardians who'd like to have a word with you about that, today I'd like to talk to you about the comment above and problem solving not just in a sandbox, but in the real world as well. Without going too in depth (you or anyone else at Bungie can find my thoughts at any time under the tag #bumpfortruth) I have always posited that when you all decided to allow us to use our own weapons, armor and unique class abilities in PvP, you were creating an experience in which there may occasionally be items or abilities that give advantages in situations. Weapons like Vex and Thorn might be powerful, Arcblade may be destructive, but that the overall depth of the arsenals at our disposal means that we have a multitude of ways to counter anything thrown at us. I'm taking this from a reply I gave to a post in which the OP was upset with Blink users and insinuating they were all scrubs and Blink is broken. It's the kind of post I assume you are referring to in your statement and honestly, by what I've seen so far, the solution you may come up with worries the hell out of me. Not because I use Blink, I don't. But because like Vex, Suros, Thorn, ARs, Black Hammer, etc, etc... I'm worried you're looking for a solution to a problem that may not lay completely in the weapon or ability. So here is something to think about when contemplating problem solving in a sandbox. One of the basic tenets of competition is that, in order to asses the strengths and advantages of an opponent, we must first understand what we ourselves are capable of and where we fall short. Here is my reply to that post: [quote]I get you're frustrated dying to players using Blink, but coming onto the forums and talking shit to everyone who uses it kinda makes you look like a sore loser. If you're willing to take some advice, there's a pretty effective way to counter Blink but to counter it, you have to understand it. While Blink allows the user to teleport forward in place of a jump, it does come with some drawbacks. The biggest consequence and the most relevant to anyone facing it, is that for the distance of the Blink the Hunter/Warlock is essentially blind. The second drawback that is relevant to killing them is that they can't Blink more than twice in a row without hitting a cooldown. The last thing to understand is that 99% of the time someone is using Blink, they're going to be headed forward or up. So what people need to do is think about that and what it means and try to form a strategy to counter it. It's easy to just hop on a forum and say nerf Blink, but look where that thought process has gotten us. So we know that our opponents can Blink and that makes them a bitch to hit, but we also know that they are momentarily Blind, can only Blink twice and are generally headed one of two directions. So what can we do to use that to our advantage? The answer is as simple as one button press. JUMP. We've been doing it since Mario, so we know how it works. Press A and jump into the air. When our enemy Blinks, they do so with the assumption that they are going to teleport, but you are going to be in relatively your same position when they get to the other side. If in that instant they're blind, you jump... "Holy f**k, where'd they go??" You just bogarted their Blink. And by either using jump abilities that allow you to move in the air or by jumping consecutively, even if they Blink again you have the advantage and they're screwed after the second Blink. And by knowing what direction their Blink is taking them, it allows you to equip a close range weapon like a Fusion Rifle to melt them as they reappear or to drop on them with a shotgun. Is it perfect? No. Some maps work better than others. Shores? You'll kill Blinkers for days. Close quarters map like the Anomaly, advantage them. The point is that if people were willing to accept a little personal accountability and ask themselves if they're dying because of a weapon or because they could be better or know a map better or know their class and abilities better, people might find that there are a lot more great weapons and abilities and ways to succeed in this game than they thought. Just something to consider the next time you're in the Crucible.[/quote] I hope this is something you read and take to heart Mr. Weisnewski and I hope you never change Blink.

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  • It's not always the case, blink is good no doubt, but jumping into them isn't exactly a risk people should take. For instance, Patrick Casey form PlanetDestiny mentioned how he fought blink shotgunners in particular on several occasions. The tactic was that blink users would blink towards you, pull out a shotgun, and let gravity do the rest until they had to pull the trigger. The shotgun user would be right above you and all they simply do is fall on top of you, but by the time you realize they're above you, it's too late. Patrick would run forward should the shotgunner use blink, going under the shotgunner, and giving him enough distance to use his primary and a throwing knife, whilst the shotgunner has to compensate for the distance gained from his/her said target.

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  • Edited by HonoringBarry: 8/17/2015 11:40:47 AM
    In my limited PvP experience, I have had no problem with others that use Blink. I don't use it because I hate being temporarily blind when I jump. It's a little disorienting for my old eyes. Ha ha. Those that are effective using it have had lots of practice and this doesn't make Blink overpowered. It only means those players are improving their PvP skills. Same goes for learning to use any ability. One other "disadvantage" to using Blink is that it is loud. I can hear where players are coming from when they use Blink. The whoosh sound it makes seems louder than other jump types. That can help players better locate their targets in maps that are more maze like.

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  • I nominate Lost Sols as our new community manager. If not that, at least in charge of handling all the people who can't stop crying "nerf" I don't have the patience to articulate a reasonable and rational response like that when I see nerf. I can't help but think they must be some 12 year old sore loser a week in to this game and used to crying for what they want. Keep fighting the good fight

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  • If they nerf it in pve too (again) then FUK this game. I'm sick of pvp whiners ruining the pve experience.

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  • Another good example of them nerfing something that wasn't the actual problem; fusions. Fusion fest complaints Then fusion nerf Shotgun complaints Special ammo nerf Shotgun complaints Fusions weren't the issue. Special weapons was. Yet fusions still lay in the dirt. And shotguns run rampant with no real counter. Worse than before

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  • aw little noob crying cause his kd is gonna plummet without his op blink and shotgun

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    7 Replies
    • The truth is here. Most who don't like this know its true. Be a better player, please don't make the game worse.

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    • Please destroy blink john

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    • Double bump

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    • Edited by CollinOliver: 8/24/2015 8:32:10 AM

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      • Bump

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        • lets make an open letter to the fans. i think Bungie has had enough feedback to last decades. the fans are the ones in the Dark. lets shine some light their way! :D

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        • Bump

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        • Bump

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        • Welcome back. I missed the reading

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          • bump!

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          • Best solution for every cqb map in rotation there has to be one extreme long ranged and 1 medium range. Meet the quota and shotguns won't b god tier blink won't be an issue and you'll have fixed the cod issue as a FYI for any Bungie dev reading this all your maps are extreme cqb scale them up 7x and they'd be a medium sized map.

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          • #blinkisnotbroke

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            • I FINALLY FOUND SOMEONE WHO UNDERSTANDS. People you come so far with relying on an easy fix instead of looking into counter measures for this subject. I found this out when I first started using blink and when I stopped I could down a blink shotgun with little effort. Like the man said you've got to understand it to be able to counter it. It's a jump for ****. Sake. A jump... You've been asking them to nerf it for so long and if they do that's just on less thing to use in the game when it was never broke in the first place. Yall not trying to GIT GUD and put up a fight is all that is. Blink has more disadvantage imo that advantage.

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            • you can now triple blink

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            • make this soley for pvp. cause if u dont bungie this will turn into the weapon whining crap weve heard since day one. aka whining over autos and now the whining over thorn. bet its gonna be whining over shoulder charge, firebolts, lightning gernades, flame shield, resurrecting in trials, and so on to the point where u guys nerf that too. Dont open up the possibility of nerfing other abilities by nerfing blink for both pve and pvp. Cause from what i see this is the path this is leading too.

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            • Bump

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            • Another bump

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            • I don't think a post in this forum is the reason things get adjusted. It's adjusted because of the data collected. Players tend to use the best things in a competitive environment. If you play Crucible these days you will see that everybody is more or less running the same setup (same weapons with the same perks). I love Blink but it is superior to all other jumps that is why it needs an adjustment. Solely for PvP.

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            • Edited by nerf police: 8/17/2015 12:39:37 PM
              When I first came to this game I hated pvp, I hated halo pvp. I was one of those players who came onto the forums moaning about the Thorn bounty, then a good guardian gave me some tips and advice, which to my credit I already knew deep down. So I set to work trying to improve my game and I believe I have. Now before people go running off to check my stats they are still bad but for me I have improved a lot. I have no problems with anything that is so say OP in pvp, like sols said its how the game is supposed to be. Every nerf in pvp takes away from the pve game and for me being a guardian is all about being OP. Bungie please please consider your pve community, My experience of a hardcore pvp player is if it can kill you its OP, here's a list of OP things from some top destiny pvp streamers/players that I've heard or read: The ram Hand cannons Lightning grenades Shotguns Fire bolt grenade Sniper rifles Arch bolt Titan bubble Bladedancer Titan orbs Fusion rifles Warlock melee Shoulder charge Blink The list goes on. Things that I want nerfd: Skiff turret The architects A lot of people don't seem to no how to lose with dignity.

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