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7/18/2015 7:01:32 AM
the thorn always gave me mixed feeling when it came to nerfing it because the only thing bungie knows is how to destroy a single gun or in the worst case scenario ruin a entire type of weapons i think a range nerf on thorn asswell on the hawk would have been inoff and a slight buff to other weapons and a good buff for auto. icebreaker makes no sense i only used them with a solar burn because of the time in between bullets i prefered my supremecys in no burn situations. i coud have understood the 8 sec cooldown if we got two bullets more or we would be able to pick up ammo like with the inective. cant comment on the blackhammer dont have one dont know inoff about them. the only thing that pisses me off about the ghorn nerf is the reason why. we basically all get punished because of the scum of the destiny scociety for excluding people for not having a weapon. that should never be a reason for a nerf i mean they could also have made a room where people could find teammembers where these kind of requirements are not allowed or add matchmaking. they could have activly tried different ways to fight the ghorn elitetism but bungie is to lazy for that. i have cancelled my preorder of tkk all the uncertainty and pore decisions bungie keeps making cant be overlooked anymore. not to mention i am from the rpg comunity and destiny just doesnt have inoff content and ttk will most likely be disaponting content wise. the only reason why i played destiny longer then three weeks is because i am chronically ill i tire very quickly which means a repetitive game like destiny works in my favor i can play through the vanilla strikes without paying atention and that still beats staring at a cealing. but not anymore.

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