I reluctantly agree. I feel that while not everyone is great at PvE, bad kids with Gally could still do their part in terms of damage output, even if they sucked at everything else. Now, if it's as bad as a nerf as we assume, I'm going to be even MORE selective than before. Those same kids are going up get kicked once their actual skill is revealed, leading to more whining. I see this as a negative. Sorry, but I don't have all day to fail Skolas with bad randoms with a needed Gally.
Yup. Luckily the vets of Destiny have their own friends. So scrubs won't find anyone capable of doing the mechanics of a raid, so more whining, so more nerfing. VoG should be a requirement before any other End game content.
Agreed. I feel bad for them. I didn't get my Gally until July 4th, but I had the game skill and mechanics to make up for it. But I've been in groups where kids are very bad but can Gally a boss to make up for it.
Unfortunately, that's reality nowadays. I had my Gjally since week three (Nightfall). It makes things very easy, but I sometimes don't equip just to play with other guns. I've carried my friends numerous times through a clutch moment with the Gjally. Now I can't help them finish endgame content...