Bungie nerfs Gjally, Gjally still reigns supreme.
Gjally does less DPS, so it'll become more relevant, since everyone in your fireteam will need one to output as much DPS as possible.
More and more posts with Gjally only will emerge on LFG.
JOB WELL DONE BUNGIE! Or am I missing something?
@Deej or @Cozmo : you're reading this? Elitism will prevail unfortunately. Go report that back to your game designers ;-)
Credits to Skyguy:
[quote]Let me make it easy for you, lets say we need 225k damage to kill a boss. Gjally does 9k while other rockets do 6k. Everyone has 5 rockets, so a gjally user would do 45k damage, while a non gjally user will do 30k damage. Right now we need 3 gjally users and 3 different rockets to kill him. Now if we make ghorn do 40k per 5 shots, we'll need 4 gjally users and 2 regular rocket launchers and some extra shots from primary to kill it. Most people would go for the easy way where they don't need to shoot extra shots with primaries, that would mean people would require 5 gjallys to do what could've been done with 3 gjallys in the past.[[/quote]
Important note: the patch hasn't come out yet, we're discussing different outcomes. Who knows what will happen next.
Credits to Draconalu for this Forbes article:
Less damage = more gallys wanted
And that will lead to more nerfs. Lol. Anyone still asking for gally is a child, sounds like something they do when you take something away from them.
Edited by Predators Raven: 7/25/2015 7:07:40 AMPeople who demand ghally and five of them at that are just 12 year old kids who cant play a game right thanks for reading
I think the real danger is that without black hammer and gally it will make boss fights longer and harder, just as bungie intended. This means that my fire team is now more critical than it was before, so people may well rank up their eliteism a notch to compensate, the opposite of what bungie want, and very unhealthy for the game!
You don't need ghally to complete ANY activity in the game
Except all Gally needs is a slight nerf to make Thunderlord the efficient DPCT in the game, meaning Gally would only be better for the burst effect. So imagine a scenario where you'd much rather have sustained damage over burst DPS, Skolas for example. In that scenario I'd kick anyone who's not good enough to use a Thunderlord and instead is using a Gally because they're terrible can't can't aim their machine gun. So yeah I guess elitism would still be alive, but it'd be elitism against the players who are terrible.
Au contraire mon frere. Gjallahorn right now does 8183 max per shot...Hezen Vengeance does 7396 max per shot. So, technically, the Gjallahorn nerf could make it do less damage than the Hezen. Yes, I know the Gjallahorn max damage is exactly what it is every single time, while the Hezen has some drop off because not all MIRV will hit the target.
You speak the truth. Bungie isn't actually looking at the root problem and that is their other launchers are inferior.
Make it so wolfpack wont hit the enemy you hit
Edited by BERSEKAEL: 7/19/2015 1:15:30 AMNerfing gjallarhorn is a big fail, instead Bungie was supposed to open matchmaking... LFGhorn on this forum is goin to be fun (I have 2)
It's a gamble what will happen. It's either the community will finally adapt to the play style of playing the game or become elite. If option 2 then bungie will continue to shove how they want us to play down our throats
More elitism will lead to repeated Gally nerfs. Until it has all the effectiveness of a grey rocket launcher.
[url=http://www.example.com] https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/139854073/0/0 [/url]
Yeah basically they tested gally in TTK raid. Wrecked in under 30 minutes... Oh we can't have this lets ruin it like the vex and the suros. Aren't rocket launchers supposed to be OP?
[quote]__________________ | Krusty | | Krab | | Unfair | |_________________| (\__/) || (• - •) || / う __________________ | Mr. Krabs | | Is in | | There | |_________________| (\__/) || (• - •) || / う __________________ | Standing | | At the | | Concession | |_________________| (\__/) || (• - •) || / う __________________ | Plotting | | His | | Oppression | |_________________| (\__/) || (• - •) || / う[/quote]
Dude there's a post under this that says calling all Ghorn elitist and I'm like da hèłł
No, just no. If that happens, it's not bungies fault. Put yourself in bungies shoes. You see the game. You realize that many things are wrong, many are right. You take action. Auto rifles were bad, bring them up. Gally was way too good and gave players the opportunity to completely skip the challenge of many things. So they nerfed it Now the players are mad, because you took away their one way to get something done in less than ten minutes. Bummer So what do you do? If you buff it again it will remain unbalanced and overused. There will be ZERO gun diversity, but the community will be happy... for a little bit. Until they get bored of gally, because they see it 24/7, right in their hands. They never swap it out. It's always their. As a game developer, seeing that outcome lets you know you've failed. The games become stale, because every good plan requires one gun. You've failed, because the players skill is measured by his guns as apposed to how he plays. Ok the flip side, keep it nerfed. FOR A WHILE the people will continue to use it. In fact, they will be sad that it got nerfed and now it is harder to complete things, so they get more. BUT slowly but surely, the daring ones will venture out. They will use other weapons. They will have fun. They will realize a certain weapon that fits their play style perfectly! And they will use it. They will still take down Crota without gally. They will start actually passing around the poison and such on skolas, they will start be more tactical on certain strikes. Overall this will be a long term improvement, and a short term chaos. Players WILL have a better game experience if they venture out from one weapon (same as black hammer, though I disagree with the [i]way[/i] that they nerfed it). TL;DR Everyone will get bored of gally if they don't nerf it. If they [i]do[/i] nerf it, players will slowly venture out to different weapons and overall have a better experience
Better the devil you know
Only if you make it, they don't control your actions, dummy
Who cares about the nerfs? They never even said how much they would nerf the wolf pack rounds. It could be 1% for all we know and even if it is a heavy nerf, what is the bets everyone will still use it.
Just means other rockets can come somewhat close to how much gally does, meaning you can have other rockets do work instead of gally doing it all. This nerf is good believe it or not
ok i agree we should not nerf ghorn just cause some 8 year old that dont have it cant get it after playing since day one. an obvious solution would be to increase the drop rate of ghorn or to have xur sell it once more. nerfing it to deal reduced damage is only going to start an uproar from userd who do have it. like it already has in players who do and DONT have it. players who DONT have it dont want it nerfed because if it deals less damage it going to cause less damage and that means for them they may not have a spot on their normal raid/poe team and will have to find others to help and then those other wont want to help because they will be looking for others with a ghorn. So nerfing ghorn will cause uproar from both sides of this equation. i say increase drop rates of the ghorn or have xur sell it one more time. no matter what you do one side of the equation will be unballanced bungie. some solutions have more balance than others...... but leaving gjallarhorn as is will be the most balanced thing there is possible. increasing drop rate will also keep things more balanced. dont let some fanboys push ypu into something that will mess with the whole balance of the gameworld of destiny. it's not worth it just to make them happy
this is so true