To you I say STFU you have over 700 hours logged in this is by far your favorite game in the world so they did something right.
Lol He just used your comment against you and owned you.
Sorry only people that have played the game for more than 2 months can reply.
That's fine. These forums suck anyway.
To you I say, suck it. If anyone were to know the faults of this game, its someone that has spent a significant time playing it. My time spent doesn't lessen my grievances, it only soldifies it more.
No here is why you're wrong. If this game is such a grievance then why play. Never go full retard.
Um, there is a difference between "having grievances" and a game that's a grievance. Lol. The DLC offerings have left a LOT to be desired. Again, my issues with this game are more relevant cause I know it well. So yeah, you're still wrong.... =P
Boom broback kills it