This a Scottish only clan and it is called The Scottish Bunnies cause why no.
Add ggmu Lewis on Xbox one
Wish you lot would have gone independent and joined Ireland on the Euro dole queue.
Didn't the English kick your ass into submission? Oh also don't forget to throw more money at the screen
Any guys from glasgow on ps4 add me jordanlcc
- family is Scottish. But sadly I can't join the clan because I'm American, accent and all.
shriiimp on da bobby might
Don't qualify to join but would love some more xbox one friends. Gt acreepycoworker
There can be only one
You'd think the scotties would be honored to have a right Irishman in their group. Everything about their culture they stole from us to present a pale comparison to irish perfection: whiskey, dancing, do it better
I married one at the wedding I didn't have a f@cking clue what her family were saying to me lol just smiled and hoped they didn't notice. Turns out they knew, Nice lot though.
Every Scottish player I have ever played with has had me cracking up the entire time. I don't know if it's the accent, the lingo, or just a laid-back don't give a shit attitude, but it makes me want to move to Scotland.
More like the Scottish Bonnies.
Howdy der partners, I arrr of scotish decent ye haaarr. I am one of de wildest western scottish der b. Potato potato.
What about Irish?
It would likely make communication easier. Ya'll are pretty incomprehensible.
Goanie no dae that
You guys taking time off to watch the open?
I read this in a Scottish accent...forgive me :( im a racist fool