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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Yak Strength: 7/12/2015 2:31:00 PM

Let's just be honest with each other

Despite its flaws, I -blam!-ing love Destiny. The shooting mechanics are crisp and the crucible gameplay is intense and fun when the servers are running smooth. Yeah there's a few things they could easily fix, but I think far too many of you look into the negative and don't appreciate Destiny for what it has. Yes, dlc content size in the pve aspect is questionable, but how many hours did you put into playing that expansions content? Yes, the weapons could use some serious rebalancing. Yes, the loot system needs to be a lot less troll and a bit more giving to some guardians, but when you finally get something useful or what you were looking for, its extremely gratifying. And once again, the shooting mechanics on this game are -blam!-ing [i]great[/i]. But the aspect of real fun is playing this game with friends, whether its in the crucible or in raids/PoE, and I think a lot of you are too quick to jump Bungie over matchmaking. There is a such thing as an LFG (looking for group) system, and there are many between the fourms and sites like Destinytracker and reddit. Find and make friends and be social if you're a loner, [i]that's what these fourms and Destiny LFG pages are for, and thats the core element to the fun in this game[/i]. Now since I love the shooting mechanics, and I enjoy the multiplayer aspect from competitive to the cooperative, [i]I'll continue to support a company and a game that I enjoy playing, that I can and will put many hours into, even on the smaller expansions[/i]. This is Bungie's first attempt at a hybrid FPSMMORPG, and they did a pretty good job for their first attempt just nearing its 2nd year of 10 in its development cycle. And come on guys, lay off Deej. Whether he's completed a raid/PoE on hard or not on his personal xbl/psn account, he's probably spent his fair share of time playing in the test labs with the dev team. He has to eat, breath, live, and shit Destiny to the public. He's their public face, and the aggressions are pretty misguided. We need to start detoxifying our community just a little bit. I think The Taken King is going to be yet another expansion I can sink hours into, making it worth the money. So far what they've shown at E3 onstage and at their booth..., The Taken King looks pretty awesome and that was a very small glimpse of what they still have up their sleeves to reveal. The new 'Rift' mode looks [i]fantastic[/i]. I threw my money at the screen, pre-ordered the CE before it sold out. I'm glad I did it and have 0 -blam!-s or regrets. My friends have as well. I'm even considering acquiring one of those sweet ass new PS4's they're releasing. (It looks great if you haven't seen it) Remember that its just a game, don't let what's supposed to entertain you start to frustrate you. If you don't like it, [i]then don't play, buy, support, or sit on the fourms bitching about it[/i], go play a different game. There's many other triple-a titles releasing very soon. I love Destiny, and whether you choose to admit it or not, you're still coming to the fourms ;) [spoiler]let the salt rain[/spoiler] [b]tl;dr[/b] - your reply is unworthy

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  • Well done, you worded everything perfectly with a positive outlook, just like we are all supposed to do. I love this post, great work Guardian!!

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  • My only real issue with this game is the lack of story that is *in-game*. They present the stranger, then you win and she says great job bye. Who was she? What is she? Teleporting around like she does? Why are we helping the Traveler? etc. It's so poorly done. However there's tons of lore in grimoire. There should be a codex like dragon age or witcher that contains all that info in the game. Why hide it in a website? If half the lore in the grimoire was in the main destiny story it would be amazing.

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    2 Replies
    • good, positive post. I admire you guardian.

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      2 Replies
      • I agree with you 100% destiny has its flaws but it's a game that I freaking love.

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        • Edited by TwitchyDroidLeg: 7/12/2015 5:55:00 PM
          I love Destiny. LOVE IT. I've never played a game so much, been so invested or thought about it when I'm not at the console. It has its flaws. Bungie have worked hard to fix things. Of course people complain. That's what people do, sadly. I have made friends, had epic moments and enjoyed (almost) everything the game has thrown at me. Still don't have a Fatebringer mind :( Bungie, and all the like minded players whose responses below have raised a genuine smile... I salute you.

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          • I agree 100%

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          • Edited by Folk: 7/12/2015 5:42:17 PM
            As someone who put their fair share of time into Destiny. I have a right to say whatever I feel about this game. They need more content! It's not a debate or anything. The game needs more content and TTK doesn't look like much more than any one of the previous [i]"expansions"[/i]. The trend of recycled content is really disappointing. I was expecting so much more from this game after 1 year. That said I'll probably buy TTK because that's what I do. I'll play it and most likely complain about it's lack of content and whatever new currency they add. If you don't want to see me complaining, might as well mute me now.

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            • I have alot of fun with the game. But there are some major holes in it that are starting to turn me away from it. Bungie relies too heavily on the "outside" community to fill their major holes. For a game that relies on fireteams, there is 100% no excuse for not having an in-game LFG. None whatsoever. To pull resources and such out of your vault, if you do it in-game, you have to take it all. You can't simply take 2 Helium filaments. The app allows you to do it, but now you need your phone or a computer nearby. To simply see what ghosts you have found and what ghosts you need, you can't do that from a Bungie product. Alot of your stats require going to an outside Bungie site to find. You can't even see a map of a planet from a Bungie site. And yet, Bungie would like you to throw money at the screen, yet rely on outside sources they do not pay to fill alot of the holes. As far as Deej goes, his job is community manager. If he interacted even the tiniest bit in the forums from day 1, he could have helped steer some of the toxicity away. Instead, he hides on Twitter, offers absolutely nothing in the way of information or guidance to even new players, does not post important news in a timely fashion, really appears he does not know much about the game, I do not expect him to be an expert, but I do expect him to know enough to provide correct feedback which people always says is his job. Instead, comes off arrogant, is bothered by any question asked, has about zero involvement with the community. And I definitely would not use him to showcase gameplay in public. He looked like a fool. And everybody's reply is worthy. I don't know if people are noticing, there are less and less people playing anymore. And guess what, without players, a game eventually dies.

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              • Despite the downfalls I too have a lot of fun with this game.

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              • Dude I feel you, preordered collectors edition too and one of those shiney new PS4 consoles to replace my trusty black one! NOT A SINGLE REGRET!!

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                3 Replies
                • Nice post, I feel the same way

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                • I like it too a lot The English is perfect

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                • <3

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                  • Edited by CivilSpeedShot: 7/12/2015 2:49:57 PM
                    I like this game a lot but i have a big problem feeling like a beta tester. Their last weapon rebalance didnt even feel play tested. Oh and on deej, hes a good guy who works hard i get that but for a community manager he should spend more time with us then in some test lab. Right now hes just a face to us when he needs to be involved with us to truly understand what is happening in this game

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                    • It was an awesome post but you kinda got salty at the end

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                      • I dunno about that wall of text, but if we are being honest, and we should, it's time I copped up to this one. In the 4th grade I peed in the pickle jar. No one saw me do it. 3 kids went home with sore tummies that day. It was a nightmare... Wow I feel better. Did you confess something similar?

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                        • I'm with you OP. I have a lot of criticisms of Destiny, but that's because it's a game I'm passionate about. The gameplay is phenomenal and I meet a bunch of new people each week while doing raids and PoE. I'm really looking forward to The Taken King.

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                          2 Replies
                          • Yes.

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                          • Tl;dr

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                          • I feel the same way as you, and agree with everything you said! Remember, the forums are a self-selected set; only some people write anything, and they tend to be the people who have a lot of negative things to say. I think the vast majority of people who truly enjoy this game never write a single word on these forums, so you won't run across them other than in the game itself. The statistics alone continue to show that this is a hugely popular game, even nearly a year after its release.

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                            • [quote]If you don't like it, [i]then don't play, buy, support, or sit on the fourms bitching about it[/i], go play a different game.[/quote] I wish I could like/bump this a thousand times. The forums would be so much better if the trolls and haters would just go the -blam!- away.

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                              3 Replies
                              • Well said. I love destiny!!!! The amount of play time and enjoyment I have got out of this game is staggering.

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                                2 Replies
                                • I love this game man. The gameplay is honestly THE BEST gameplay I've played in an FPS game. It's so smooth and I love the mechanic. They definitely nailed that. Also the artwork and design of three places, it's gorgeous. I am a graphic designer and I really like to do landscaping. Destiny gives me a ton of inspiration. Another thing that the nailed was the music. The music is flawless in this game, during the last array, the music while fighting those hives for the first time was crazy. It brought you into the moment and it felt super intense. The main reason why I still play today are because of friends. I honestly don't know if I would be playing this much if it weren't for the people I've met. This is my new PSN made when I got my ps4. Almost all of my friends are met through destiny. I've built myself this huge circle of friends and it makes the destiny experience unbelievable. I love how there's always something with these people, someone probably right now needs a person for a raid, I find myself hoping on sometimes and just going straight to my friends list seeing if someone needs to do a raid or PoE or even trials. Chances are there's atleast one person. And that's probably what I love most about destiny. The community once you filter out all of the trolls (half the people on the forums are trolls. Strange how I don't meet anyone like this in game. :)

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                                  • I'll be honest. I hate all of you.

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                                    • You can't put positivity on these forums. It's illegal

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                                      3 Replies
                                      • Yep

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