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7/9/2015 12:34:04 AM

Happy Bungie Day!

Hello Guardians! I know I know, your probably wondering what the hell I'm saying Happy Bungie Day the day after Bungie Day. Well I was away from my PS4 yesterday and had no internet at the place I was staying at. So I had no idea what was going on and missed what Deej and some of my favorite Youtubers had to say MoreConsole, Datto, is Byf, Goth, Planet Destiny, and other I'm not going to mention because I don't want to bore you all to death. But I'm really glad to be back now and see what's going on in my favorite community! I really love that 30 minute long vide Deej or Bungie or whoever put together for us. And I'm pretty stoked that I don't haft to do anything for the special emblem. Looks like I'm a automatic Legend HELL YEAH! Just to let you all know that I will not be on Destiny for roughly two weeks. The reason why is I'm going on a business trip... Well I'm acutely on it right now. I did not bring my PS4 obviously so that's why I won't be on playing my most beloved game Destiny. But while I'm gone I will definitely be here on a lot. One of my goals while I'm gone is to recruit for my Clan Arcom and have its numbers bots even further! If your lucky enough to come across one of my spammed recruitment posts be sure to check it out...or ya know...avoid it. Before I go I just want to say thank you Bungie and thank you the community, the Seventh Column. You guys make Destiny so great and I can't wait to get back and play it with you guys. Happy Late Bungie Day! [b]Be sure to criticize any bad grammar and miss spelt word. This post would fit into my others if not. 7hanks for the read and I'll see you all on frontier real soon![/b]

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