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originally posted in: Etheric Light
7/8/2015 3:01:27 PM
You can get [b]6[/b] from the prison 3 from the nightfall And if iron banner is on 3 from that possibly. That seems pretty reasonable to me

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  • Those numbers are by assuming you have a dedicated player base always willing to join you on the game every time you're ready to turn your console on and sit down for three hours grinding like hell. Also, Nightfalls NEVER guarantee an effing thing. I stopped doing Nightfalls altogether. Two other friends get exotics while I get Ascendant Shards after an entire hour of battling? I don't effing think so. And Iron Banner does allow purchase of them, but not everyone is a huge fan of Destiny's PVP. Plus, there are many requirements in Prison for the achievement of etheric light to fall into place. Not to get kicked from Destiny servers at the time when you're not allowed back into the game. Everyone must stay together through the entire thing (nobody quit). Obviously maxed out weapons help a lot. Everyone has a mic for proper communication. And it's pretty damn frustrating being unexpectedly teleported during a boss battle (basically forces you to a death when the team can ill afford you to die)

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  • And if you use The forums or or whatever you can find a group in less than a minute

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  • Seems many, and I mean MANY people purposefully overlook the fact that finding a group is greatly different than getting along with them, not having server issues, everyone being on a mic for communication....etc etc. I don't know about other players but this whole 'forums and lfg' shit is similar to the "get good" argument. ****ing really? There ARE other game developers out there who've thoroughly thought their game through and released a game most players have nothing to complain about and point out some pretty damn gaping holes. Alright I'm done ha...

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  • So people who play the game less should earn the same rewards? Seems a little bit casual

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  • I fail to see how my comment communicated a point like that. My personal perspective is there should be more alternatives to earning etheric light, as opposed to requiring players to play with other players to obtain it.

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  • Bump

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  • As a solo player, that makes 0 out of Nightfall, 0 from ToO, 0 from IronBanner cuz I'm a PvEer and 0 from the Nightfall. Bungie doesn't support solo players, lets face facts. To get to those higher lvl things, you need etheric lights. Basically you need etheric lights to get etheric lights, only available through multiplayer stuff. Those are facts.

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  • Most Nightfalls are pretty easy to solo. If not, then use LFG for Nightfalls and PoE. Regardless of whether you like PvP or not you have the option to get Etheric Light their too, you choosing not to is not Bungie's fault. There is also a chance of getting Etheric Light as rewards from Queen's Wrath and House of Judgement. Destiny is predominantly a co-op/group experience, as a 'solo player' you are either going to have to rely on matchmaking or LFG sites. If you are not interested in playing with others then you have no need for Etheric Light to get to level 34, as all of the end game activities are group activities. Either find some reliable friends to play with, or go play a single player game.

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  • Bump

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  • I'm in a different boat, too. I didn't buy any of the DLCs, so I'm locked out of Nightfalls like half the time. I've gotten 1 to drop in Nightfalls and I bought 1 in Iron Banana. My Iron Banner experience was truly awful. Not even because of the gamelpay, I just truly despise PvP. I'm pretty mediocre, always somewhere in the middle. I just hate it and this most recent Iron Banner was my first experience with it. I got to level 3, bought my 1 Etheric Light, and never played it again. I didn't care how good the buffs got towards the end of the IB period. It was that unenjoyable for me.

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  • I know exactly how you feel about IB. I tried it to get etheric lights because its the only way I could get some as a solo player, but being the only lvl 32 in a full lobby of lvl 34 in a gamemode where lvl advantage is on is harsh. I've had good games here and there, but nothing to truly enjoy the Thorn/Blink-shotty/rockets filled crucible that is IB.

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  • I do not believe in nerfing anything ever...but those God damned Bladedancers need to be kicked in the nuts. And how -blam!-ing lame is Iron Banner, that it's just Crucible with level advantage and different rewards? Why haven't I seen more people bitch about that? It's basically exactly the -blam!-ing same.

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  • You're assuming best case scenario. Nobody on Earth assumes best case scenario. My best case scenario for my idea is 6 a month. That assuming you grind like a mother-blam!-er on 3 characters. Realistically, the number is probably closer to 2-4. I'd take your numbers and cut them in half, that's probably more realistic on the average.

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  • Takes me an hour to run through 34 and 35 Prison and that gives you 2 etheric light

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  • That's great for you, no sarcasm. But that doesn't represent every player in this game. Just because you have no problem knocking out the end game content and stacking Etheric Light doesn't mean that all players have that same capability. My idea gives those players a way to access Etheric Light without making it abundant or making end game content obsolete.

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  • The endgame content won't be obsolete because house of wolves gear is bad

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  • Okay, so give it to me hate my idea? Love my idea? You think unicorns are real? What?

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  • Your idea is good but etheric light is fine. It's just another way to ascend gear as it's actually easier and faster than the dark below. It's probably just the race to upgrade everything that makes it seem so much bigger but it's really not.

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  • I actually have minimal gear I want to ascend. But I know I'm not the normal case. I ascended a VoG helmet on my titan and my Vision of Confluence. The HoW gears doesn't seem worthwhile. I'm also trying to only ascend gear that is content exclusive, like raid gear. HoW gear will be obsolete the moment TTK drops. I'm also hoping the talk of our Year 1 gear being un-ascendable is total bullshit.

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  • I hope not too

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  • Thank you for disagreeing and not being an asshole about it. It seems so few can express their disagreement without turning into a total prick.

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