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originally posted in: this will blow your mind part 2!
7/4/2015 1:35:12 PM
I really don't understand why this is awesome. My mind is definitely not blown. All you're doing is jumping around. That's it. Why is that important in this game? In no way does this help anyone through this game. At all. So glad to see this community is run by kids who have so much time on their hands that they just jump around in this game. No wonder nobody likes coming on the forums.

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  • Do it.

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  • I suspect the reason why the OP made the video was to shown people what else can be done ingame. Bungie are (in)famous for making maps that can be used in a plethora of ways and not just bottleneck players into following a specific path. The Halo games (up to Reach) are a perfect example of this. They actively encouraged players to explore their maps to see what they could find and have out rewards for those intrepid enough to find them. Many companies do allow for exploration but few go to the lengths Bungie does. Whilst I agree with you that this video isn't necessarily going to reinvent our gaming, it gives other players ideas on how to utilise the environment more creatively. After all, if strikes can be washed, rinsed, shaken up a bit, and then rereleased, why couldn't some of the areas explored in this video? How about congratulating the OP for being creative; or if you can't bring yourself to do that, not comment at all?

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  • First of all, let me say thank you for not turning into a dick while you were defending the video. A lot of people seem to have trouble with that around here. Now, going back to the video, considering half of the locations are in the tower, there really isn't a point to go back to these places for "further exploration." We all know the trick with the fan. I've seen plenty of people up on that flag pole, or whatever it is. It's been done. The other places, the ones in the actual world of Destiny, aren't in strikes (except for the Black Garden, which that area he jumped to was completely useless anyway) and really don't need further exploration. Uses for tactical advantages? These areas are ghost towns anymore because they're part of the main story. Who does those anymore besides players who just started? Or, ones that create new characters? While I can say that some of the jumps were kinda creative (the last one on Venus, specifically), it wasn't so awe inspiring to claim video of the week. Plus, excuse my saltiness. I just had two teeth pulled the other day, and not being able to do some of the things you're used to doing is just irritating as hell. So, yeah, whatever. It's kind of creative, but not mind blowing.

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  • No worries about the lack of idiocy in my post. It doesn't help so I try not to. I can't disagree entirely with your point about the tower. It doesn't exactly provide a thrilling experience, at least initially. However, if you are of the exploring ilk it can provide ideas on how to get somewhere you may know of. Given you play the PS, I don't know if you played the Halo games that Bungie made, but the maps really were fantastic and often allowed for workarounds ingame, often to the players advantage. Couple that with those often tricky to find skulls and you now have a reason to find these areas and work out how to get to them. I had a complete bastard of a time trying to find a skull in one PvP map for Halo 3. It was right at the back of a shaft that I had to grenade jump to get to and took hours. That sense of achievement and relief when I finally got it was, to say the least, huge. I don't see these guys as being anything different. They are showing others how to reach areas that may (in the future if not now) contain ghosts for example. My point about strikes being reused was that if they could do this with strikes, why not levels? Hang on, they have so why not some of those featured in the video in the future? Ultimately, I think you're wrong to discount what the OP is doing. However, I would still defend your right to express your opinion. I hope the dental work isn't too bad. It isn't nice and my prevailing memory of my wisdom tooth extraction (nearly twenty years back) is of them fishing around in the wound trying to find and remove the piece of root they left behind... Makes your balls shrink to the size of raisins!

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  • Thanks for your concern about the teeth! It wasn't too extensive, but, I had two pulled. And, when you have teeth pulled you can't do specific things like eat certain foods, or drink out of a straw, or smoke weed. So, I have been on edge the last couple of days. But, back to the matter at hand. I actually did own an Xbox at one time and have played the Halo games up to 4 I think (I know it's not technically called that, just can't remember the name). I do know all about the hidden skulls, some of the tricky things you had to do to get to a lot of them. Plenty of hours spent trying to find them all. I even owned an Xbox 360 Elite, remember those? They were grey and the only ones to come out with a 120 GB hard drive at the time. I am a gamer at heart, so, I do know some history. Not quite as extensive as some other people claim around here, but, I have my knowledge. Anyways, I know about secrets in Bungie's games. But, I don't think this is the same Bungie crew from back in those days. I mean, obviously, one of the main writers for Destiny left, we all know that. And, I'm sure there were others that followed. While there maybe more secrets in this game that we don't know about, I don't think they're quite as extensive as what was in Halo. Perhaps I'm wrong, only time will tell. What this all comes down to, really, is that I wholeheartedly disagree that it's a mind blowing video and that I should be so amazed at what they're doing. Was I salty about it in my first post? Absolutely. But, lack of conveniences can do things to you. Plus, I had read some other posts that were already pissing me off. So, some of that was tied in with negativity from people on here. And, I didn't make it any better with my response. I still stand by my opinion of the video. My mind was not blown I don't think it should get video of the week.

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  • Pulled teeth - never fun. I had four pulled when I was a teenager "to make room". Fortunately, our dentist was a nice guy and arranged it in two sittings so it wasn't too extreme. If course that meant I went in knowing what was going on from the first time... The wisdom tooth was just off the head. The second injection scraped against the root of the tooth. Then he couldn't get it out so they went "invasive" as the nurse later put it - cutting into the gum and drilling. 90 minutes later I was out. As I said, you're entitled to your opinion and I respect that. Have fun out there.

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  • i'm sorry it didn't blow your mind but don't take this personally... your opinion on how a game should be played is completely irrelevant to me.

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  • None taken. Just know that everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be able to voice it.

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  • very true, thanks for the feedback man but know that we're not gonna stop making videos like these haha

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  • Shut up Meg!

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  • Good one. So original.

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  • Shut up Meg!

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  • You're my first mute ever. Thank you!

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  • you might need to consider opening up your mind to new things, sir

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  • There will always be haters on the forums. They are just jealous that your video is a success.

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  • Like I give a shit if their video gets one view or a million views. I'm not jealous at all of that. I'm not even jealous of them in general.

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  • I wouldn't say it's a success, but thanks anyway haha

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  • And what, exactly, do I need to open my mind up to? That comment makes absolutely no sense. You guys are jumping. Jumping! You want to know what blows my mind? The fact that other people's minds are blown after watching this video. Seriously? C'mon meow.

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  • this video isn't meant to show a purpose. it's meant to show a little bit of creativity. but it's people like you who motivate us to make an even crazier video. thanks for your opinion

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  • What exactly are you trying to create? Some sort of jumping maze? OH, wait. That already exists somewhere else in this game. Hmm...or maybe a clan of only jumping guardians, where you're only allowed to have guns with the "Icarus" perk and are only allowed to shoot while in mid-air. Now, if that's the case, that would be quite creative. But, I seriously doubt that's what is happening.

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  • that's not very creative... you'd just look like a kangaroo with a gun lol. & I mean if you dislike this video that much, keep critiquing it!

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  • It's not the video that bothers me. It's the fact that you claim that it is so mind blowing that it should be in the weekly update. You remember that video where the guardians all met up in the library of the Ishtar Academy and performed a sweet dance number? THAT, for Destiny, was mind blowing. Being able to coordinate such an elaborate routine was way more creative than what you're showing. That deserved video of the week. This video?...meh. Not impressed and mind not blown.

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  • you act as if everything deserves a purpose. Art for an example, it's intellectual. your own creativity and thought that is put on to a blank canvas. jumping is the same, it's an art.

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  • ... I mean I guess. lol

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