Play it more! Do something impressive! No one will clap if they look at your accpunt and see a 2.0 kd, but, if you play an amazing piece of music, you may get praise.
I don't do it for the praise. I used to be a bit of an introvert and found solace in music. I do a bit of writing too, poems and short stories and the like. I just don't like the attention that comes with those things, I'd rather have someone see my K/D than my writing or music abilities. (Unless ofcourse it's for a job, trying to impress someone or just for a good cause.)
Yeah. You know what I mean. I just find a much greater feeling of accomplishment when I do something that actually matters. Not that gaming is to be frowned upon. I love games, but Destiny just isn't worth it. I'm done chasing cakes in games that are pointless. "The cake is a lie". But, I digress.