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originally posted in: Playing Destiny Under Age
Edited by drobot49: 7/1/2015 3:45:28 AM
Is this post satire? I'm 12 and love the game when I have the opportunity to play (parents are divorced and console is at my dads house). I know my characters and equipment aren't that impressive but I like to think I've put some time into this game (8 exotics). Let me list some reasons why your statements are invalid. • Video games do not make you unsocial. It is quite the opposite actually. I have met [u]4[/u] new friends at school just because they saw my destiny lanyard and shirt and shared the same love for the game that I do ( not to mention all the friends I've made in-game. The entire game is online. You can't go a second in the game without being with other players for crying out loud!). Games like these teach you teamwork and social skills! • The game is rated T for a reason (although technically I don't meet those requirements), you literally can't say everyone should be 18+ for a game rate T for teen. Also those ratings are a [i]suggestion[/i]. I think I'm definitely mature enough to play a game with no cussing or sexual content. Be reasonable, all 12-year old boys are fascinated with guns. That doesn't mean we are gonna randomly go on a murdering spree (also, what's wrong with laser tag?). • Traumatic situations? You can't really turn on the tv, read a book, or watch a movie without seeing/reading about a traumatic situation. That's what makes it interesting. I'm not gonna be permanently scarred because of some simple gun fights. I mean even [i][u]Nemo[/u][/i] (a freakin Disney movie!) has traumatic situations! (almost being eaten by a shark, getting disabled as a baby by a barracuda, having your children killed, getting kidnapped etc.) • Destiny doesn't have proximity chat. You can't even [i]talk[/i] to anyone unless you have a headset. There's even an option to turn off team chat if you're playing crucible. It's your decision as a parent whether to trust your child with a headset. Destiny is a game meant to be enjoyed by all ages. And trust me, I'm not gonna go egg some houses after playing it.

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