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originally posted in: Etheric Light
6/30/2015 11:12:52 PM
No, it wouldn't because MATH. Shit, I went out of my way to keep the new DLC content relevant. Think about it. This would be a slow and tedious process. Not meant to be the primary way to gather Etheric Light. If you maxed out everything on three characters you'd get 12 a month at the max. Good lord, that's a lot of grinding. But, if a player wants to than the option is there. Your precious PoE and ToO are still extremely relevant. Math works. Think hard.

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  • Ok. That was rude. So what I'm saying is that the devs probably dont want people to be able to avoid paying for a dlc to get end game rewards that the rest of their consumer base is actually paying for. I'm happy to discuss things as a respectful and tactful person. Please reciprocate.

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  • I will show reciprocity when you use your critical thinking skills. If you used your critical thinking skills you would see that your evaluation of this idea is flatly incorrect. Until then, toodle loo.

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  • OK man. I reconsidered everything you said and now I agree with you! Will that make you less of a jerk? [spoiler]nope.[/spoiler]

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  • Once again, you aren't thinking critically. You see me asking for another avenue to get Etheric Light and then you shut down your brain to any words after that. I can't help you. Good day.

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  • The brain shutting down is yours. I'm all for other methods of etheric light. The current is way too restrictive. But to be legit, these new avenues can't bypass DLC. For any game with DLC, the devs design it to be painful to play without purchasing. In this case, getting max-level gear and guns is supposed to be next to impossible without HoW. By allowing you to purchase them with marks, you make it easier to get max-level gear (I'd much rather hunt for 200 vanguard or crucible marks than any current method for etheric light). In short, any new reliably replicable method for etheric light will never be available outside of the DLC. Occasional RNG blessings: sure. If you want to brainstorm new etheric light paths: please do. It's in short supply. But these paths have to be something Bungie is willing to do (that makes financial sense for them as well).

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  • Dude, bugger off. Your inability to think critically is showing. You lost all credibility the moment you thought this bypasses the new DLC content. I went out of my way to keep the new DLC relevant while providing another avenue for players. I swear. Do some math and then get back to me.

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  • At this point, Im positive you don't know what "think critically" means. What I'm doing, thinking beyond what I want, is actually thinking critically. What you're doing, "this is what I want and I'll say what I can to justify it," that's the opposite of critical thinking. For Bungie to implement something the community has to benefit and they have to benefit/not be hurt by it. Your idea is good for the community, bad for Bungie. One of the biggest reasons people buy new content isn't for the content itself, but to keep their level up. New weapons and new gear. In no world would Bungie implement anything that would allow players to easily access top-level gear without buying the DLC. What you suggest does exactly that. What you suggest actually makes it easier than how it plays out in HoW. I could give two fuxx about how precious ToO or PoE is. I'm a realist who knows no company will do anything against its financial interests. And even one person not buying HoW because they realize they can easily hit level 34 without te DLC is against their financial interests. So let's have a discussion once you determine why "critical thinking" actually means.

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  • Yep, didn't read your wall of text. I'll just assume you agreed with me and admitted you're a schmuck. Thanks for the bump

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  • I'm all for that general idea man. I just don't think it makes sense for anyone to be able to turn in marks for the light when specific activities rely on that as a loot incentive , as well as dlc incentive. I'm making counter points and you're dismissing them without a word. Whatevs babe.

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  • I'm dismissing them because you still aren't thinking critically. I can't help you with that. I've already spelled it out for you. I'm sorry that you think a player grinding their ass off for a month on three (3) characters would have the chance at 12 Etheric Lights is too detrimental to the new end game content. Even though this would encourage players to grinder their asses off to make this happen. This game is all about grinding and keeping players on the servers for as long as possible. This is where critical thinking is important. That is a shit load of grinding. I'm guessing most players won't put in the time across three (3) characters to make this happen. So, it's probably a safe assumption that the max of 12 Etheric Light in a month will probably be much smaller on the average. If you're just mad because you think any other avenue other than what is currently available will "ruin" PoE and ToO. Well, I don't know what to tell you other than to try thinking it through again.

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  • My Jimmys remain unrustled sir. Regardless, the point I'm pushing is one about player focus. Yes, people would grind for such a reward if it meant they could skip buying how, and it would also mean less people being funneled into other activities. New players would have a quicker route to 34, and the devs know they don't have enough content to sustain that kind of bubble economy. I suspect it would burst within weeks.

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  • I think you're being overly restrictive and not paying enough attention to the fact that there are already tons of players who have maxed out all their gear but they continue to play PoE and ToO. There are also tons of players being excluded because they lack the gear that is being required by certain groups of players. I see this routinely on most LFG sites. These are players also being excluded from raids and nightfalls. So, my idea gets these excluded players into more games of PoE and ToO, as well as raids and nightfalls. I'm failing to see your logic here. I think you're just flat out wrong.

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  • Edited by Lots of Dogs: 7/1/2015 3:09:07 AM
    So you love calling people out for not thinking critically, yet have no problem ignoring facts, ignoring relevant trains of thought or counter-thought, and generally being the only voice in a conversation. Yup. Definitely positive you have no idea what "critical thinking" actually means. FireBroncaEagle is completely right, btw. Same type of thing I was saying, although he was far nicer than he needed to be.

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  • Didn't read. Thanks for the bump.

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  • Edited by FireBroncaEagle: 7/1/2015 2:59:45 AM
    The way I see it is that the devs are aware of the trap grind, and how that is essential to keeping the game going forward with a sizable player base. It isn't really about making the journey faster, rather slower so as to make as much money for as little work as possible.... I'm not fanatical about my ideology man. It just seems apparent. Edit for typo

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  • I fail to see how maximizing the grind, increasing player counts in end game content, providing another currency exchange, and giving players who haven't been as fortunate with Etheric Light some relief is a bad plan. But hey man, keep up your contrarian ways.

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  • Im not against the notion of making things easier from my perspective as a gamer who just wants to have fun. I don't think that bungivision is prioritizing that though. Your proposed solution would not only mess with their clustered activity system/ economy, but would give the players more control over how to corrupt those forced avenues. They're pigeon holing us for a reason. It's because the game is too shallow to support more liberty for the player. I believe that's the same reason they won't let us trade.

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  • Clearly, we are at an impasse. Good day.

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  • That sucks man. There's no worse way to learn from one another than to shut off communication. I'm more than happy to talk about it. Hell, I could be totally wrong. That's not the issue now though. Really, from the start of this whole thing you've been looking for a fight. I'm not antagonized or antagonizing. If that's it, then sure, good day brodango.

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  • We've been talking about it. We aren't agreeing or even working towards a middle. At some point, you just gotta throw your hands up in the air and call it quits. I think you're wrong, you think I'm wrong. I'm pretty firm in my belief that my system would work. I pretty firm in my belief that this would provide relief to player struggling. I'm pretty firm in my belief that this would go quite a ways to bridging the divide between the HAVES and the HAVE NOTS. I'm pretty firm in my belief that this would have a negligible impact on the new DLC content, if even that. I'm not going to keep repeating what I've been saying hoping you finally agree, or vice versa. So, good day.

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  • Edited by FireBroncaEagle: 7/1/2015 4:07:15 AM
    So that's the issue man. You're firm in you're belief. Stop that dude. Seriously I could totally be wrong. We haven't been sharing ideas either. You state your point, I make a rebuttal. You restate your vitriol and don't respond to my criticism ( I'm using that word without any negative connotation mind you) I'm all for having a strong opinion dude, but if you think that after a couple short text messages you've exhausted every resource in dissuading* edit for autocorrect* a person, then you are selling us all [i]very[/i] short. Please, and I say this in earnest, reconsider your decision to build walls. Share yourself and welcome the gift of communication. I will gladly share in kind.

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