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Edited by ReforgeTV: 6/26/2015 8:43:56 PM

Luke Smith apology [HIDDEN MESSAGE PART 2]

No hidden message this time, just letting people know this is part 2. A lot of people asked me to respond to the apology after the overwhelming support for my first video. As always, if you'd like to talk with my live or enjoy discussions about stuff like this I have a daily twitch stream. Follow me and we can chat live when I'm on. Again, I'm not partnered so I'm not asking for subs.

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  • Edited by Warpath73: 6/26/2015 10:37:11 PM
    This is all an uncomfortable, extreme example of customer manipulation...but that's what we have to accept to remain a (mostly) free market economy. The most successful companies intentionally set an uncomfortably high overprice that is just a tick below the figure that the majority of customers will refuse to pay. I've used coffee franchises (Starbucks, Dunkin' Donuts, etc.) as an example - is that flavored water absurdly overpriced at $3? Holy Moses yes! Is it less painful than most people can stand? Juuuuuust barely. Total revenue maximization, it's a bitch. :-/

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    • I really don't have to comment on this because I 100% agree with you. Everybody who is defending by saying it's only $20 isn't getting the principle of the matter. I've made a lot of long posts explaining why and I'm not gonna do it again here but I agree and I am disgusted with how bungie handled this and now they're on my shit list. I will never purchase anything that has bungies name on it ever again. They lost a day one player who has put up with their shit for far too long.

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      • Edited by Krobolus: 6/26/2015 11:14:03 PM
        $20 worth 3 Emotes ,a few weapons ,and shader ? No Why not ? Seriously , one of the Many excuses used about Destiny's lack of content was " our main goal with getting Destiny out was to have a visual representation of the artwork come to life ,and if you look at the render drawings you actually see everything in them in the game and second was to nail down the chraracter design/mechanics , once we got that down for the base game everything else could be filled in after " .....the above is not word for word but along those lines. ^^ none of the above has changed from day one, sure some small balance tweaks (mostly for the negative,nerfs, and underpower/ovrpowered items ignored (Super Good Advice = Super BAD recoil) 1) Emotes , we have 3 ( I don't consider sitting an Emote-tion ) point,wave,dance,,, other mmo and mmo type games have Pages with 20 Emotes to a page and multiple dances For race,class,gender,species etc,etc, with no other way to communicate in this "group focused game" for Months but 3 Emotes and people asking for more since release and they put them In a collector's "DLC" ...I mean come on,,,if people can't smell the stink coming from the flaming brown bag in front of them ( it's §H^T people ) that it was 100% purposely done knowing full well it was going to piss people off. 2) same goes for exotics of course, people in the game love exotics,the ask all the time on forums to be allowed to equip exotics in ALL wweapon and Armor slots ( why do you think Cur is only there a few days a weeek = like any drug dealer you know you gotta let the addictsget their Jones on for the product... And nobody can miss peoples need for Gjallahorn , was even brought up on Sony stage at E3 ( yes Destiny's plan of with holding Product is working on those who don't have the lucky loaded dice. 3) why are they withholding information. Why are they metering it out ? See above. You don't just give drugs away ,you train people how to crave more by not giving it to them when they want it ( people had heart palpatations on the forums today when they found out Red Deathis for sale at Xur) 4) look to see in just this thread with 3 posts in it someone has alreadyy said " we would give bungie every penny they asked for " and you are gonna have this miniscule minority with the same tired excuses they have been using since 2005 in WOW and other MMO' that cash shops and RMT is fine, and every time without fail it's been a slippery slope that has ruined MMO's and turned them into "how much money can we make from selling a digital candy cane " 5) the new Taken King is using all Reskinned mobs and calling them new enemies, A Cabal with wings, an Ogre with a leather fetish, the Taken King capture s fallen,vex,cabal,give and infuses them with the"Darknesses" (Rick James Biatches) So we have reskinned atrmor,reskinned weapons,reskinned cloaks,armband,dish towels,reused/rehashed zones and now we get reskinned enemmies. Bungie puts in the 9 to 5 , acts busy at work all day doing a whole lot of nuthin, Because that's what we have gotten since release , a whole lot of nothing, and now that they did a tiny little bit of something that players have been dying for They want to get paid more for it, it's like that lazy guy who pushes a broom around to look busy at work always saying he needs a raise. I'm enjoying all the Free DLC every week with the Witcher 3 , a hell of a lot more work went into that game, and the Passion shows ,it's a work of love, Destiny is a work of modern art, fartzy and for people who like to spend money on things that sthey should be trying to give awaay for free. ( couldn't force me to buy thhat fartzy artsy craps, but hey that painting sold for $50,000 so it must be art....NOT....) @ the end of the day many people are not pre-ordering taken king after all this DRAMA, and will pick up the DLC for $5 after new years (Destiny free trail atm on PS4,,you know cause ulltra popular games need free trails :),

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        • Very well said, I think I'll just show friends this video rather then argue with them myself from now on:)

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          • Thanks for the videos, really enjoy them. I completely agree with you on these points. Their vague bs advertisement is so wrong. Did you see any of the interviews of Deej at E3? Any time there was a question about specifics on content he would say some crap like "yeah, imagine you're a warlock, you call the storm down into you! Three new subclasses!" It was pure crap. I don't usually get too irritated about this stuff, and I expect it from any company selling itself so blatantly. But, after seeing the interviews at E3, then reading Luke Smith's interview, then all the bs in the weekly update, (I'll get back to that), it seems like they need to loose a substantial amount of fan base. Although, they might a bit too pig headed for any of it to sink in. Like you said- they are clearly focused on the wrong things. In terms of the weekly update, that was just as insulting as anything yet. Starting out by saying "you're all pissed off, and we completely agree! Now lets do something about it!" If they completely agree, why the hell are they doing any of this in the first place?! It's like they're saying "well it's not our fault, let's blame someone else." Then to say we have info about what you get as year one players, everyone is going to be like "damn son! Where's you get those kicks?!" And it turns out to be the same crap they already teased. So no, nothing new here. Then immediately after apologizing start pushing the content again, with price tags included. How utterly disgusting. It just makes them even more sleazy douche bag-ish. I also wanted to add, Deej hints they will not be upgrading the vault, nor will etheric light be relevant anymore. Which, at this point, means each DLC so far has offered a new material one must grind to get, and pay for access to. So is TTK going to offer yet another one of these types of materials that requires a weekly commitment to acquire, continuing the grind that is destiny? I've never been more turned off of a game I loved to play just a few days before so quickly.

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            • Thanks for all the support and those who have come by the stream! I truly appreciate it.

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            • Liked and subscribed. Great channel Lono. Looking back I do realize now how they artificially create a hype train. Before HoW came out I was following all the twitch streams and was sincerely hyped about the content. Enough to buy HoW. At that moment though this community was so starved for content literally just going to the reef hyped me up. I'd like to get into further discussions with you and will be joining your next twitch stream.

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              • Pretty spot on. I'm holding out hope that Activi$ion has Bungie's balls in a vice and that's why things are going down the way they are. Outside of that though... =\ Bungie really has fallen so far. And it's sad.

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                • I dont know if you remember the video they showed at E3 before the game came out, that was what got me hooked on the hype the weapon tree for thunderlord was amazing some of the scenes didn't make it too launch but they made it to the dlc, looking back do you think the game was worth the hype and the 60$. Hell the new gun types the sidearms suck, the usefulness of these guns are at shotgun range why even put them in

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                  • Lono is a beast. Taking bungie head on haha

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                    • Weekend bump!

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                    • Hey I found an interesting interview :) Idk if you've read this one already, it is with Luke Smith, but it's actually a very good/insightful article! :) I'll def stop by the stream and hang out!

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                    • Thanks guys for the comments and interaction! Even some good disagreement!

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                      • I know what it is. Luke and smith have 9 letters together. This here says luke smiths apology. 3 words. 3 3s are in 9. How many sides are on a triangle. What is 3 add 3. What is nine minus 3. Six. There are 3 words in luke smiths apology. 3 sixs are 666. 3 sides on a triangle. Illuminati confirmed

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                        • My thoughts on it

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                          • Edited by Nemothy: 6/26/2015 10:13:25 PM
                            I hear your points, I really do. But, Taken King is still quite a few months away. Bungie is known to be super secretive about their content. As HoW's showed, by doing the twitch reveals one by one. It's true that they do love to build hype for the game, but it's most likely due to the fact that Destiny has stumbled so much from it's early incarnations. Bungie at this moment, can only try to hype it's already established fan base. Well at this point, what's left of it. Don't get me wrong, I am one who has invested TONS of hours into this game, and I love it! I love the Grimoire, and I love the Art, and the gameplay is solid. But, they can't simply say during the initial reveal everything that The Taken King is going to have, because 1.) It's still almost three months away, 2.) That nulls their Hype train, and 3.) Still a work in Progress. So there's a lot of reasons why Bungie isn't going to flat out reveal everything at E3, and I am sure that Luke would like to say more about what it contains, but again it's way too early. That being said, I really enjoy your videos, and analysis dude :) glad you aren't just spewing hatred and negativity like some other youtubers out there. Edit: OH! I completely forgot about this, since Activision is the publisher I'm certain thery are the ones who set the prices for these kinds of things ya know? So if we look back at the CoD games, and their customization packs, they are about $1.99 each. If we take the $20 upgrade and break it down, at $1.99 for EACH shader, emote, and class item, you're looking at around $17? So naturally Activision is gonna round that up to around $20. It's like a bundled microtransaction.

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                            • One of the tags should have been #asshat

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                              • I feel like you and I are pretty much on the same page here. I feel like more people would be more compelled to spend every penny Bungie is asking for if they'd just give us some solid answers instead of trying to sell us smoked-up hype. The viDoc showed us lots of content, but if our previous experiences serve as any basis of judgement, there's a very good chance that we've already seen everything The Taken King has to offer, or that what we thought we were going to get will simply be removed and re-sold to us later on in the Season Pass. Put simply, nobody wants to feel as though we're being taken advantage of. Especially in such an obvious manner. Would you mind if I linked to this thread in a Thread of my own? [url=]What's the REAL Value?[/url]

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                                • Edited by ReforgeTV: 6/26/2015 9:32:08 PM
                                  disregard this comment, laggy comment wasn't showing up

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                                • Wow, all the tags got removed? Added them back.

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                                • BUMP

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