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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by CommManagerABYZ: 6/27/2015 12:43:44 AM

Playing Destiny Under Age

Although this is an old, already discussed problem, I believe that we can still change. I feel that the majority of players that play Destiny are under the appropriate age for shooters. I think this age should be 18 and over. I'll give you a few reasons. 1)It causes traumatic situations. I for one do not want my child flinching and screaming away every time they see somebody holding a sword. 2) It causes anti-social instincts to grow. When you think about it, the average session a child will play in Destiny is three to four hours. That's three to four hours where the only communication the are getting is with people they have met over the Internet. I don't want children growing older and being scared of every person they see. 3) It teaches them bad words. Every lobby I go into, there is always that person (usually a child) screaming curse words for no good reason. Where did they find out these words? From older players. If there was a minimum age, you would not have this problem. Children are getting angrier because of this game. 4) My final reason is that it causes violence. No 10 year old should be able to make another creatures head explode, or shoot other players virtually. What happens when that transfers to the real world? That anger and frustration would lead to much property being desecrated including Mailbox Baseball Laser Tag TPing Houses Egging Cars Multiple holes in the wall from being punched. ANY PERSON who do not follow these rules should be arrested with a minimum 2 year sentence. Thank you all for the support you give me. I believe that a change to only 18 year olds and over would make the worlds youth safer and more intelligent than currently.

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  • if this is just a general concern, then you know nothing about how impresionable young kids are, and if this is something you have specifically seen (your kid) then did it ever occur to you that your kid is simply violent and swears? It may just be YOUR fault, don't blame an outside source.

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  • im 15

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    2 Replies
    • The PEGI rating is 16+ but destiny is harmless really.

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    • Well the thing is, only with tearing up properties and stuff is I used to do that with my friends when we were bored and no video games, this was like 10 years ago when video games were only good enough to keep us entertained for like 10 minutes. Also a virtual reality is a better place for people to do stuff then reality if they are going to do anything wrong. Idk just my 2 cents

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    • I see what you are saying but I do t see how laser tag is a bad thing. And also have your kid playing with their friends online

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    • I played GTA when I was 13, didn't do me any harm, do yourself a favour and go worry about legit problems!

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    • Before continuing, know that I'm 14. Destiny should not even be 16's. There are no bad language, no horror scenes, actually the only reason it is, is because of the blood. I mean Bungie is so convinced not to add graphic content, when you get a headshot, their head just disappears. That was disappointing. But I wish it did deserve the rating 16+. However, I agree with parts of what you are saying. Some kids playing this obviously should not be. I despise getting into a lobby only to hear some 8 year old cursing at the top of his squeaky voice into his mic for no apparent reason. Some of your points are generally unrealistic. You would have to be very traumatised or incredibly unable to handle fiction to be scared of anything in the game. Destiny of all games. Most of the underaged part of the destiny community are not mature or intelligent enough to play this. Some are though. What we should be listing is the incompetence of some parents. If your kid is not mature, don't buy the game. Simple at that. In the very least, do not bunch up people in age groups. Do not associate me with those whiny turds.

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      4 Replies
      • Looked for #satire. Nothing found. I'm worried about your mental health

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        • Jack Thompson?!?!? Is that you?

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          • Who wouldn't flinch if they saw someone holding a sword.

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          • I thought to myself after reading this: ''Huh? Either he plays on Xbox, or finds groups through destiny LFG''... The first thought was confirmed...but the second? Seriously, I don't notice that at all on PS4. There's a few random kids that show up, but the majority of the people I stumble across (especially on the are at least 30. Hell, there was one group where I ran into a 57 year old dude. I was quite surprised.

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          • Well if someone is holding a sword then it's reasonable that they would be flinching....

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            3 Replies
            • Wanker! :)

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            • what the heck is wrong with laser tag?!?!?!?

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              • Edited by Kage Goomba: 6/27/2015 9:31:16 AM
                This post would be considered intelligent if it weren't for the fact you're a total idiot for failing to take into account one obvious fact - Under the law - If parents give consent - its done. End of Discussion. You want to help out? Make the parents responsible. Stop pushing crap logic into something that's been the case for a long time.

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              • Is this satire?

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              • Cool story bro, no.

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              • The ESRB is a joke anyway I played M rated games when I was 4 and understood what it was why it was happening and not to do it I say if they can handle the content let them play on

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              • Facedesk* Video games are proven good for people I e played games since I was 8, perfectly fine, and those where Mortal Kombat, Elder Scrolls, and many games like it Unless your child has Autism or some other syndrome like it, they should be fine

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              • Now u want to nerf team chat? Or Destiny age rating? What's with whiners on this forums... If u don't want your kid to play Destiny, forbid him! Easy as that... Hate this new generation of kids and their parents... Buuhuu, grow a pair!

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              • Where do they learn curses from? School everyone does it I don't like to curse Yea I'm 14 so what?? I like destiny it keeps me away from games like mortal combat and other brutal games

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                1 Reply
                • [quote]ANY PERSON who do not follow these rules should be arrested with a minimum 2 year sentence.[/quote] You didn't list any rules

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                • Edited by r o b b i e: 6/27/2015 8:02:45 AM
                  Ummm, don't go into team chat then... Destiny is rated T.... It's not violent.. Edit- 4) if a child thinks that when they are mad they can go around destroying things, a) they should be disciplined, and b) should go seek treatment

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                • Edited by jet_turbine: 6/27/2015 8:16:58 AM
                  Umm i played teen games when i was 3 years and havnt stopped in the 16 years of my life... Right now... People know me as the most gentlemenly, respectfull, clean spirited, most nicely dressed teenager they have ever met. They also say i am the #1 person they would ever trust in any situation with their daughter (when they have one) which is big when you consider how anti masculin they are. Even making a point to stop me on the street for my well behavior... Even taking my picture for it... So clearly violence is not a problem of any sort in video games... In fact... It is proven to be theriputic for male teens and a sorce of social education for teen women. If violence occurse in these children... It is a fault of the parrenting... If a parrent does not like these actions. They must make that clear to their child. But even still, i raised myself alone in the very environment you are scared of emersing children in... And the outcome has shown only positive... That goes with all my friends Who have played A rated games at 3 years and havnt stopped... One of them is 15 with 7 recognitions of outstanding work this year alone. And a full ride to any of 4 colleges they choose. She is going for a phd in translation and interpretation for at least 7 langueges. Drops mic* A note here: all information given was used with approval of any persons mentioned. I hate to retaliate in this manor Sir/Madam. Unfortunatly, it seems as if the statements on this post are inacurate to the data provided. And it also seems as if some others will simply not do justice due to their current irritable dispisition. I apologize on their behalf, however I must stand firm with my reasoning here, as this subject is more pesonal to me what with the media picking the juicyest side rather than the correct side. To end this, i will state that your limitations and penalties for these actions are harsh in mild terms, as two years in prison (be it the parrents or dare i say it, the children.) will guarentee that the child in question would be scarred and dangerous. Thank you for your time, jet_turbine Have a nice day.

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                • Suck an ass -blam!-

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                • Wow OK where to start, maybe it should have an age restriction, but 18? I'm sorry but that's a bit over doing it. I have a daughter and I think if I saw a game that was to much for her I as the parent would tell her she can't play it till she's a bit older, everyone ( expecially some parents) are always looking for outside influence to justify the fact that they them selfs have neglected to teach there child how to behave properly and handle situations the right way.

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