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Edited by CommManagerABYZ: 6/27/2015 12:43:44 AM

Playing Destiny Under Age

Although this is an old, already discussed problem, I believe that we can still change. I feel that the majority of players that play Destiny are under the appropriate age for shooters. I think this age should be 18 and over. I'll give you a few reasons. 1)It causes traumatic situations. I for one do not want my child flinching and screaming away every time they see somebody holding a sword. 2) It causes anti-social instincts to grow. When you think about it, the average session a child will play in Destiny is three to four hours. That's three to four hours where the only communication the are getting is with people they have met over the Internet. I don't want children growing older and being scared of every person they see. 3) It teaches them bad words. Every lobby I go into, there is always that person (usually a child) screaming curse words for no good reason. Where did they find out these words? From older players. If there was a minimum age, you would not have this problem. Children are getting angrier because of this game. 4) My final reason is that it causes violence. No 10 year old should be able to make another creatures head explode, or shoot other players virtually. What happens when that transfers to the real world? That anger and frustration would lead to much property being desecrated including Mailbox Baseball Laser Tag TPing Houses Egging Cars Multiple holes in the wall from being punched. ANY PERSON who do not follow these rules should be arrested with a minimum 2 year sentence. Thank you all for the support you give me. I believe that a change to only 18 year olds and over would make the worlds youth safer and more intelligent than currently.

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  • This makes sense... If your kid is 5 years old

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  • I disagree, the way your child interprets his/her experiences is down to you as a parent, if the game is gory then yes turn the gore off etc but alot of the problems you list are based on the mentality of the child. If your child wants to punch holes/egg cars etc after gaming then the problem itself lies within the child & is not due to gaming. This is like trying to blame music/movies for society,s behaviour & its all bullshit, stop trying to lay the blame at someone elses feet simply because ppl arent good parents. People with your thinking should get a mandatory life sentence.

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  • 9/10. Great troll

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    • You're a special kind of stupid, aren't ya...

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      • I was hoping this had satire on it but it didn't. So I am going to go jump a cliff bye.

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      • What's so bad about laser tag???

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        • #satire?

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          • You must be retarded.

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          • Please tell me you are joking because you can't be that stupid can you?

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            • I disproved all this in a high school thesis. Do more research. Vast majority is false correlation due to parents not setting limits on play time to get kids to interact in other aspects of life not the video games fault.

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              • Please be satire

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              • OP is in an exclusive group called anyone who thinks they can change something.

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              • This has to be the dumbest and the most pathetic post on Bungie Forums I've ever seen... Forget the Thorn complains this is worse... 2 Year Jail Sentence it's not like it's stealing or hurting someone is it? Plus whats wrong with Kids playing Video Games it helps Spelling, Improves Brain IQ and what do you mean it decreases their communication skills - Ever heard of a Party or as you said in the post a Lobby? People like you are the reason why the forums was never as good as it was in "Halo" days Thanks for ruining it by posting these irrelevant and pathetic posts.

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                2 Replies
                • Lol

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                • Laser tag?

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                  • Whats wrong with laser tag? Thats perfectly legal.

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                  • Edited by Myst Vessace: 6/28/2015 2:05:42 AM
                    1) Bull 2) Some arent made for being social with others, and you still get social time online if you are 3) Mute them. Easy as that. Curse words are everywhere as is. 4) This was disproven wrong long ago, only applying if they have a severe disorder that alters their perception if reality. You are overreacting, and this game is more than safe enough for teens. There is no mature content, unless you honestly believe Sci-Fi shooters to be scarring. Your punishment is bullshit and you are either a troll or an idiot.

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                  • You actually made me laugh.

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                  • I used the "at least I'm not doing drugs or burning the town down" excuse on my parents when they bitched about my gaming. It always worked. Now I use it on my wife... It still works. Lololololololol

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                  • Free country Murica fk yea

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                  • Edited by Indian Jezus: 6/27/2015 6:17:12 PM
                    So im 17. If me and my buddies are bored af we play destiny. According to you i need to be arrested for 2 years. Ok. Would u rater me and my friends when we are bored snatch your doormatt and your mailbox?

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                    4 Replies
                    • We should have our hands in chains so we can't kill or hurt anyone We have to be 21+ to play LEGOS. Legos cause kids to cry.

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                      2 Replies
                      • I agree, yet, I'm 14 years old, so I disagree. I love playing this game and it makes me relaxed when I am stressed. Please don't try and ruin this experience for me and my brother. Thanks, and have a nice day.

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                      • Edited by Vizla: 6/28/2015 12:25:55 AM
                        I see what you mean but see... -2 Years is a lot just for not following an Age Limit for a Virtual game. (It makes me think of a 2 year old start playing monopoly and the police just bust in and arrest him) -In my eyes I don't see how they could see shooting an alien being = go into the real world and shoot people. I mean, if they were REALLY impressionable or they are like >5 I could see, but if they can understand most things and are actually taught that crime is a bad thing, there shouldn't be a problem. -There's really no difference between watching and playing (besides your physically doing it). A lot of TV shows today are like all about sex and crime and murder, I don't even really watch TV anymore. Blaming VGames, you should blame TV as well. Also, if they didn't have the game/couldn't play it, they would most likely YouTube it (when I don't have a game, I usually watch it here) -The cursing and knowledge about things someone my age shouldn't really know about wasn't from Video Games, Television, or my Parents. I was from others in the real world. People out at places like stores or food places mention this stuff all the time. Now, I learned some other stuff from 3rd grade when some kids were telling everybody about these things. I assume that hey had gotten it from TV, but I can't make that assumption. TL;DR: [spoiler]There are many reasons to restrict the age limit. Even though the idea is understandable, the punishment does not fit the crime and there are many reasons against it.[/spoiler] And also, I may be slightly biased as I am only 13, but by the looks of the Internet, I'm one of the 'rare' ones. --- Edit for making the TL;DR a spoiler instead. 2nd Edit for adding another point. --- Thanks for looking at it my way, and in no way did I mean to disrespect your side of the idea.

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                        4 Replies
                        • Me as i read the post "Please be satire, please be satire, please be satire... nope, just another games=violence complainer"

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                        • Are you trolling, or are you dead serious? From what you have written it is clear you want to start an argument but don't have the slightest idea on what to add as substance. Let's go down your list : 1. Swords has been used on TV and movies for decades, I have never seen any kids run in terror when they see one. If anything, they want a closer look. 2. How does playing games where they communicate make them scared seeing other people? That doesn't even translate into whatever you tried there as an argument. Hell, my eldest kids have a tight social schedule in school, as well as online games. They know the difference, and they keep it separate. 3. Again, bad words are on TV, facebook and wherever you look. It is up to the parent to make the child see the distinction whether it is appropriate or not. My kids will not utter any offensive word to me other others. Bad words are more commonly learned by friends in school than what they see on TV or games by themselves. 4. Again, TV violence has been there for years. Video game violence, not matter how you try to swing it, can NOT translate into the real world. For one, handling a weapon in the real world is not like in a game. It has weight and kickback. Most of these players will not even be able to load one, nor raise it to aim. Also, when you get wounded in real life, you can't just hide behind a rock and heal quickly. On the contrary, in most cases games allows people to vent frustration. As for them acting out, that is purely social. TP houses and egging cars they see as fun, not an outing of frustration or anger. It is a challenge, and I know it from my younger years where the most violent game was pacman chasing ghosts (or getting chased). And seriously, you think laser tagging is bad? It is non physical and quite frankly boring. The real danger is with idiots who don't look after their own kids and blame social factors for their inability to communicate with them. it is always easier to blame others than admitting you failed nor tried. Do you think kids will not learn about all this outside the gaming world? Ever been on a school playground?

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