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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by CommManagerABYZ: 6/27/2015 12:43:44 AM

Playing Destiny Under Age

Although this is an old, already discussed problem, I believe that we can still change. I feel that the majority of players that play Destiny are under the appropriate age for shooters. I think this age should be 18 and over. I'll give you a few reasons. 1)It causes traumatic situations. I for one do not want my child flinching and screaming away every time they see somebody holding a sword. 2) It causes anti-social instincts to grow. When you think about it, the average session a child will play in Destiny is three to four hours. That's three to four hours where the only communication the are getting is with people they have met over the Internet. I don't want children growing older and being scared of every person they see. 3) It teaches them bad words. Every lobby I go into, there is always that person (usually a child) screaming curse words for no good reason. Where did they find out these words? From older players. If there was a minimum age, you would not have this problem. Children are getting angrier because of this game. 4) My final reason is that it causes violence. No 10 year old should be able to make another creatures head explode, or shoot other players virtually. What happens when that transfers to the real world? That anger and frustration would lead to much property being desecrated including Mailbox Baseball Laser Tag TPing Houses Egging Cars Multiple holes in the wall from being punched. ANY PERSON who do not follow these rules should be arrested with a minimum 2 year sentence. Thank you all for the support you give me. I believe that a change to only 18 year olds and over would make the worlds youth safer and more intelligent than currently.

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  • My main problems with young kids playing online games is that it teaches them to be disrespectful and to have an unjustified ego. The other day I saw some kid around 12 wearing an Advanced warfare tshirt screaming profanity at his mother at the grocery store. That shit did not fly when I was a kid. These days the snotty little punks go online and run their mouths to people that could kill them in less than a second in real life, because the internet shields them from consequences. They then take this attitude of invincibility into their daily lives and act like contemptible little shits. Even worse is that if a parent dare smack their kid to teach them a lesson, CPS comes and puts them in jail. Nothing good comes of kids playing online games.

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    • Prison? Really? I think your right in the age. Maybe high school but no younger. I ran into a dude letting his 7 year old play!!! 7! Parents should get a lesson in parenting not prison or are you a hack for the prison industry?

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      • they learn those words from vanoss and gta

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        • Also, who made you queen of the moral police? Do you have statistics to back up your claims? I doubt it.

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          • Oh stop with your old world ideas. You cant fight it. You will die eventually and kids will play it all the same.

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            • I agree with everything you said except the age limit.

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              • [quote]Although this is an old, already discussed problem, I believe that we can still change. I feel that the majority of players that play Destiny are under the appropriate age for shooters. I think this age should be 18 and over. I'll give you a few reasons. 1)It causes traumatic situations. I for one do not want my child flinching and screaming away every time they see somebody holding a sword. 2) It causes anti-social instincts to grow. When you think about it, the average session a child will play in Destiny is three to four hours. That's three to four hours where the only communication the are getting is with people they have met over the Internet. I don't want children growing older and being scared of every person they see. 3) It teaches them bad words. Every lobby I go into, there is always that person (usually a child) screaming curse words for no good reason. Where did they find out these words? From older players. If there was a minimum age, you would not have this problem. Children are getting angrier because of this game. 4) My final reason is that it causes violence. No 10 year old should be able to make another creatures head explode, or shoot other players virtually. What happens when that transfers to the real world? That anger and frustration would lead to much property being desecrated including Mailbox Baseball Laser Tag TPing Houses Egging Cars Multiple holes in the wall from being punched. ANY PERSON who do not follow these rules should be arrested with a minimum 2 year sentence. Thank you all for the support you give me. I believe that a change to only 18 year olds and over would make the worlds youth safer and more intelligent than currently.[/quote] The only trouble with the younger generation, is that, like all previous generations at that age they think they know everything and anybody over 20 is old and decrepit and what do they know Lol I went through this in 50's and 60's thinking I knew it all but growing up is a part of life we all have to accept and when we reach a stage where we understand (to some extent ) life skills we begin to adapt and groe

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              • Edited by TheFancyFurcoat: 7/1/2015 5:57:37 AM
                Sadly I'd rather have a fire team full prepubescent kids than deal with the average 14-15 year old teen drama. Little kids are easier to reason with than some butthurt young teen that got butthurt over some small reason just because of all the hormones going through their body are telling them to be the macho man.

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              • Edited by IAmJoshman: 6/28/2015 2:05:05 AM
                Im 13 years old and I've been playing this game non-stop since day one. Beaten all the raids, every nightfall since launch, I own every other exotic except for Gjallarhorn (cries internally), and I can go on killing sprees with the God Gun that is No Land Beyond. Ive put in several hundred, maybe even thousands of hours into this game, and maybe at least a week reading the Grimoire ALONE. I spend at LEAST 5-6+ hours a day playing Destiny during summer vacation, and all of this BS about kids learning bad words from a GAME?!?! Your kids will learn about [b]PROCREATION FROM KIDS YOUNGER THAN THEM AT SCHOOL. [/b]Adding to that, you're saying that this game will cause PTSD? What kind of a retarded parent are you? By that logic, anytime they see something a sword or gun in [b][i][u]CARTOONS AND TV[/u][/i][/b], they should be having mental breakdowns. And BTW, anti-social? Games like this can open up ways to make new friends, finding people who share interests in a game in particular, in this case [i]Destiny.[/i] I have met at least 5 people IRL just because we both play Destiny. Conclusion? I LAUGH at your post and you should rethink your choices in life.

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                73 Replies
                • Video games do not cause kids to be violent, it's there surroundings as a child.

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                • I did a lot worse things than play violent video games as a teen and I was pretty straight laced.

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                • Well okay. We won't let them game then. Outside with them. Where they can get molested. Seriously though, that crap is on the news all the time. It takes a proper parent to teach the child the difference between right and wrong. Robbing a bank in a videogame is what prevents me from robbing a real bank

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                  2 Replies
                  • All these squeakers trying to prove themselves is ridiculous

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                  • Laser tag is a problem?

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                    3 Replies
                    • I've made about 6-7 friends at my school because of this game. If anything it trains me to be a more open person because I laugh so much with the friends I meet online it becomes second nature in real life. And since if made that connection with those 6-7 people they've introduced me to more people. I honestly believe that this game isn't extremely violent compared to things like Assassins Creed or Call of Duty campaign. Since these are "aliens" they don't set in the idea of killing others. And since the PvP has helmets and out of this world features it also doesn't set in as killing people. I'm 14 btw

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                    • Edited by drobot49: 7/1/2015 3:45:28 AM
                      Is this post satire? I'm 12 and love the game when I have the opportunity to play (parents are divorced and console is at my dads house). I know my characters and equipment aren't that impressive but I like to think I've put some time into this game (8 exotics). Let me list some reasons why your statements are invalid. • Video games do not make you unsocial. It is quite the opposite actually. I have met [u]4[/u] new friends at school just because they saw my destiny lanyard and shirt and shared the same love for the game that I do ( not to mention all the friends I've made in-game. The entire game is online. You can't go a second in the game without being with other players for crying out loud!). Games like these teach you teamwork and social skills! • The game is rated T for a reason (although technically I don't meet those requirements), you literally can't say everyone should be 18+ for a game rate T for teen. Also those ratings are a [i]suggestion[/i]. I think I'm definitely mature enough to play a game with no cussing or sexual content. Be reasonable, all 12-year old boys are fascinated with guns. That doesn't mean we are gonna randomly go on a murdering spree (also, what's wrong with laser tag?). • Traumatic situations? You can't really turn on the tv, read a book, or watch a movie without seeing/reading about a traumatic situation. That's what makes it interesting. I'm not gonna be permanently scarred because of some simple gun fights. I mean even [i][u]Nemo[/u][/i] (a freakin Disney movie!) has traumatic situations! (almost being eaten by a shark, getting disabled as a baby by a barracuda, having your children killed, getting kidnapped etc.) • Destiny doesn't have proximity chat. You can't even [i]talk[/i] to anyone unless you have a headset. There's even an option to turn off team chat if you're playing crucible. It's your decision as a parent whether to trust your child with a headset. Destiny is a game meant to be enjoyed by all ages. And trust me, I'm not gonna go egg some houses after playing it.

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                      5 Replies
                      • Uh oh we have a special snowflake here

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                      • It kind of offends me that I hear all these kids swearing up and down in game, and that if my kids played it they would learn swearing from others (kids AND adults) that don't act like their in civilized society when playing with strangers, but that's about all I can really agree with here. I'm working on figuring out how someday I will ease my kids into these kinds of games (going to happen one way or another) and still provide the necessary supervision.

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                      • dude the game is T and if it were M it would still have little kids i hate annoying little kids but no 12 year old will have the competence to complete most endgame content and most kids over 16 play only endgame content so it usually ends up not being a problem

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                      • Great stress relief, There isn't even blood in destiny. I believe that parents should limit their kids play time for sure, but thats on the parents.

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                      • I am "underrage", have none of these problems, and have played halo 1 up thru 4 and now destiny since i was 9..

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                        • My brain hurts.

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                        • I never understand why people say games promote violence my therapist recommended shooters to me so i wouldn't be violent in real life and the people who do shit like shoot people in real life are a small amount and probably have a preexisting problem not just because they pick up a controller and thought gta in real life would be fun ( this should of been worded better but I'm too tired to make this free of grammer mistakes )

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                        • Edited by HOMERTHEDONOR: 7/1/2015 2:43:21 AM
                          It's rated teen so at least 13 and up 18 up for a game with no nudity or cussing is dumb

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                        • ....and then they learn how to be an imbecile from people who post stuff like this :)

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                        • I'm sorry but if this post is serious, you're an idiot.

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