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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by CommManagerABYZ: 6/27/2015 12:43:44 AM

Playing Destiny Under Age

Although this is an old, already discussed problem, I believe that we can still change. I feel that the majority of players that play Destiny are under the appropriate age for shooters. I think this age should be 18 and over. I'll give you a few reasons. 1)It causes traumatic situations. I for one do not want my child flinching and screaming away every time they see somebody holding a sword. 2) It causes anti-social instincts to grow. When you think about it, the average session a child will play in Destiny is three to four hours. That's three to four hours where the only communication the are getting is with people they have met over the Internet. I don't want children growing older and being scared of every person they see. 3) It teaches them bad words. Every lobby I go into, there is always that person (usually a child) screaming curse words for no good reason. Where did they find out these words? From older players. If there was a minimum age, you would not have this problem. Children are getting angrier because of this game. 4) My final reason is that it causes violence. No 10 year old should be able to make another creatures head explode, or shoot other players virtually. What happens when that transfers to the real world? That anger and frustration would lead to much property being desecrated including Mailbox Baseball Laser Tag TPing Houses Egging Cars Multiple holes in the wall from being punched. ANY PERSON who do not follow these rules should be arrested with a minimum 2 year sentence. Thank you all for the support you give me. I believe that a change to only 18 year olds and over would make the worlds youth safer and more intelligent than currently.

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  • Please tell me this is a troll haha

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  • Funny post is funny. Nobody with brains and/or children* would actually think like this in real life. *(The inclusion of children doesn't require brains)

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  • How you raise your child is not my concern. How I raise mine, [b]is not your concern[/b]. I have been playing violent video games since the invention of violent video games. I don't get into fistfights. I've never shot a real gun. If seeing/hearing violence causes somebody to commit violence, they have something more wrong with them... The argument that violent video games [i]cause[/i] violence, is weak, at best. Game lobby's don't have more cursing than music downloads or movies, TV shows on cable... I make choices on what is appropriate for my children on a case by case, child by child basis. What one could handle isn't necessarily appropriate for another at the same age. Children aren't made from a cookie cutter mold. Be responsible. [b]Be a [i]parent[/i][/b]. You want to protect your children, that's your right and job as a parent. I, for one, don't need you or the government telling me what is appropriate for my children.

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    24 Replies
    • You see I wouldn't think this dude was such a dumbass if the game he was complaining was something actually worth making a fuss about. This destiny for flips sake. This game has practically no gore, from what I have heard no cursing, no sexual content and no extreme violence apart from the fire guns and the use of magical space powers. What do you think every marvel movie should be rated R because there punching, fighting and the actors look to beat up. If we where to listen to idiots like you life would bloody awful and boring. Go complain about a game that actually deserves these complaints like Hatred but destiny? Come on that's just pathetic.

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    • Spunds like you kid needs professional help

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    • Saying a person is violent because they played a violent video game is like saying a child became homosexual because they watched two guys kiss. Finding out some murderer coincidentally played gta or cod is no different then if you were to discover they were wearing socks when the crime was committed. I've been playing violent games since the age of 11 and I have committed no crimes. I have never been in a fight. I have never wished death or anything of the sort upon anyone. I am not amused or pleased by murder. In fact I'm a more pleasant, well mannered and loving member of society than the vast majority

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      1 Reply
      • Once played a raid with a kid and he was swordbearer and when he hit crota all you could hear in the mic was him making the sound effects, something like "huh uh" "hiiyaa" as of he was hitting crota himself :')

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      • OP needs to reevaluate his/her thought. 1: Game is rated T for TEENS 2: There are games far graphically worse than this! Trust me, I know. 3: the only people that should be blamed for underage gaming is the parents. OP is one heck of a -blam!-

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      • It's rated T for teen

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        1 Reply
        • I turned out ok, haven't killed anyone yet :) not do I plan to

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          • Mailbox Baseball Laser Tag TPing Houses Egging Cars Multiple holes in the wall from being punched. These things happened before first person shooters.

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            2 Replies
            • Lol you sound like fox news xDi grew up because of online shooters, these people helped me threw my most deepest of depressions, and lastly I heard every curse stupid known to man by the end of elementry school not from the internet but from other parents and other kids I had in class and violent...That's cute I don't think I have every punched a hole threw a wall, and yes I own plenty of guns now and non of them have or ever will be pointed at another person unless it's absolutely needed! Ever thought that these problems come from not the game but bad parents who don't talk about the differences of a video game compared to real life so no I think you need to re evaluate your points our even your motive behind this post

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            • >mfw video games cause violence

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            • No

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            • Ur grimoire is sad lol u don't even have a 34 I smell NOOOOOOOOB

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            • Now I'm a 14 year old playing this game here's my take on this, if you're under the age limit and playing that's fine, just don't be that kid that whines about everything. Now when you're drinking underage that should be a sentence in my book. But this game is not bad, I think some parents are worse in this game. And some people (like me for instance) [u]love[/u] no social life, but destiny makes you have to talk to people in order to get things to get better, I know I've met friends (and foes) in this community. But seriously making a hole in a wall, learn your games man CoD-8 year olds that have the reaction time of chuck Norris and have anger issues (even some of the adult players act like children) BF-20-30 year olds that love to Play and some teens (like myself but holy shit the shotguns in that game) Destiny-a diverse group of gamers from 8-70, mostly consists of things from other games (git gud for instance) and some things that the community has created for itself (dinklebot, rocketsmcdickface)

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            • What sort of parents let their kid play for 4 hours!? I'm 13 and I always get kicked off after 2 at the max. Also, it's rated "teen", not 18. I also have a life and friends, which you seem to assume I don't have because I own a teen rated game at the age of thir"teen". I do think it's ridiculous that some of the little kids on here are allowed to play though. I've come across an 8 year old once!

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              9 Replies
              • Great b8 m8

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              • Good b8 m8

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              • But wtf is wrong with laser tag?

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              • Lol has OP even responded to any posts or is he just enjoying watching the troll post work its magic

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              • All of your posts are so weird. Why would we remove sparrows(wtf?)? Anyway, every game has adults who say bad words. Just monitor your child or something if you really care that much. Games rated E for everyone have adults who cuss. Kids play T/M rated games all the time. So tell me, what is so god awful about destiny that makes it so that there is a 2 year sentence in prison for it? Don't tell me it's because of all the adults who cuss, you can't stop that.

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              • OP is a troll. But in refute of your argument, my buddy has 2 half brothers. They are 10 and 8 respectively. They are the nicest, most polite kids you could know. They also enjoy wing suiting into the sky, dropping down, and stabbing people in the neck on Far Cry 4. So -blam!- you, -blam!- your ignorant bullshit, and -blam!- everything your post stands for. [spoiler]P.S. I love -blam!-ing swearing, doesn't mean it makes me a bad person. So -blam!- yourself again.[/spoiler]

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                2 Replies
                • Doesn't matter what age you are, this game sucks.

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                • This post is now about bacon! What is your favorite type of bacon? I like the classic bacon.

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                  11 Replies
                  • That list of what will happen was my youth without video games

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