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6/25/2015 11:49:57 PM

Here is the thing Bungie, about the recent issues with your loyal fans

In advance, I would like to apologize for any grammar errors I might commit. English is not my native language. To the community, many of you will go TL;DR on this, but I ask you. if you can, take a time and read this. So here is the thing Bungie. I’ve been playing Destiny since it came out in September, I have 3 characters, all of them are already on light level 34. I love Destiny! When I was watching the Sony E3 press conference where you guys revealed The Taken King I was extremely excited for playing what looks like an awesome expansion to the Destiny universe. I was. When the details of the expansion were revealed, things like the price of the digital download, the CE, the Legendary edition, and more recently the “upgrade” you guys announced on the Weekly update released on 06/24, lacking a better word to describe my feeling, I was pissed at you, Bungie. For the sake of this argument, some information is needed. I live in Brazil, a country where taxes for electronic entertainment are ridiculously high. Here are a few numbers, Destinys price in the US when released is 60 American Dollars, and I bought on retail here for 250 reais (Brazil’s currency) which in a simple conversion was something around 100 Dollars at the time. This price is just for the Vanilla Game. A few months later I bought the expansion pack at the price of $35, which for me was something around 80 reais. Let’s do some math, shall we? So it was 250 reais for the game, more 80 for the expansion pack, counting there 330 reais. In my job, that’s half what get in a month. With that in mind I think some of you may understand one of the reasons why I am pissed with the prices of The Taken King. But my problem with this goes beyond the financial issues. Like I said I’m playing the game since it came out, and I feel like you couldn’t care less for your loyal guardians. You make us pay $40 for the expansion that new people, who never played the game before, can pay almost the same price, with a lot of things that people who play since the beginning can’t get, unless they pay an extra $20. For me Bungie, and I’m sorry, but it feels like you are spitting on you community’s face. You try to get us back giving a shader, a sparrow and the bragging over new players. Things that don’t reward us in any way on the game. The following quote came from the Weekly Update of 06/24: [u][b]“When you stride through the Tower, people are going to ask you where you got those wonderful toys. You’ll nod and let them know you earned them. It’s a Year One thing, and they just wouldn’t understand. And they won’t ever be able to get their hands on their own set.”[/b][/u] You guys are really telling us that the best we get from being with you guys since the beginning is bragging? Really? While you guys give all the new players some awesome stuff, we can only brag that we saw Swordbearers and Pack of Wolves all around the solar system? You know what it feels like? Imagine you are a kid. You have your toys and your friends to play with. Life is good. Then your parents have a new child. First you think: “Awesome! A little brother for me to play with!”, but then your parents just don’t care for you anymore; they give everything for your new brother, all the new toys and all, and they say to you that you can only mock your brother that you are older and have played with more toys in your life than him. You would still have your toys, but you would still be pretty sad wouldn’t you? That’s how we feel Bungie. You abandoned us. You are the parents that only care about the little brother, and forgot that you still have another child that still want to play. I’m not here to ask for a free upgrade or anything like that. I just ask that you guys think a little more about you more loyal fans. I’m also not telling you to forget the new players. But don’t give them thinks that we can’t get. I probably wrote this without a purpose. This text probably will mean nothing to anybody because I sounded just like a spoiled baby who can’t accept things the way they are. But know this Bungie. You guys just lost a huge fan. A person who stood by your side in every discussion where someone said that your game was shit. Trying to get more people to play your game, despite all its flaws. At this time I don’t know if I will buy the new expansion, or even play the game again. You disappointed me Bungie.

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  • English was great man. Bungie is done and they know it. They are trying to do a mad rush for as much money as they can before a complete failure. Multiplayer games require players. That's what I don't understand about people here sometimes. I'm sad because this was definitely a halo killer but, I never was a huge fan of halo. It was a gaming industry killer in a good way. It is just a gaming industry killer in a bad way now. There were much better multiplayer games before halo came out. They have their money and will not change a thing now. Super Mario 1 had more story and depth. Nothing that we say or do will make a difference at this point. Swim to another ship soon before this one bottoms out. I am actually seriously considering an Xbox 1 now because of bungie. 343 is riding this wave all the way to the bank. They f'd up and are making it right. Anyway, I may or not play again but, it's not so great that I'm going to continue tossing money at greed. Back to steam it is.

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